Supposing one invented a version of Leap of Homecoming with Target: Circle, wouldn't it require Range: Touch rather then Personal?
Or is it enough with Personal, if the castrer himself is in the Circle?
It would be touch. All circle spells are designed like that The only personal option I can see is a Muto Corpus spell that first transfoerm the magus into a circle. THEN the magus can cast a circle spell affecting himself
Most questions like this have definitive answers in the Core book.
Reread the definition of Range:Personal at the beginning of the Spells Chapter, p111, under Ranges: "Only affects the casting magus...". Not "centered on the caster", not "... and stuff around the caster" - JUST him*. It then goes on to say "The target is thus never larger than 'Individual'" - and Circle is not Individual. (It is "larger", if not higher magnitude.)
(* "him"?! "magus"?! Must be a typo!) 8)
(I would believe that this also precludes any "Range:Personal, Target:Group" spell that is supposed to always include the Caster.)
There are a few rare exceptions, such as huge CrIg spells that radiate outward (Last Flight of the Phoenix, HoH:S), but those could be considered to be more unavoidable side effects than the effect itself.
Xavi not only has it right, but also paints an interesting picture