The Asylum Seeker (Summer 1235)

Fleur, not sensing at all that he undress might cause the man stress, sits down on his bed and cups his cheek in her hand. Given his condition she is not trying to be sexual, but boundries are something she has problems with. "Our leader is asleep, and I would not wake her now, our Marshal is at the gates speaking with the men who followed. She is not inclined to rash decisions, and if they become insistent we have many options before us. Rest for now, while I cannot say for certain what will happen a few things I can assure you. Lies will hold little sway here, and you are safe for now. You need not fear to look upon me, I assure you, you will not turn to stone."

[color=red]"As I said, this...'traitor' has sought sanctuary within our walls. He is grievously wounded, and may not live the night. We could not in good conscience do anything with him until we know whether he will live or die.

"And yet, these charges you lay against him are most serious indeed. I assume you have proof of your claims? I would be most happy to hear them, and examine whatever warrant you bring, tomorrow.

"Meanwhile, would you gentlemen like to rest here, or would you much prefer rooms in the village?"

The guy frowns and starts to look at Vibria as f she was a heathen moor that just slaughtered his family in front of him. he gets extremely serious now.

My lady, this guy belongs to our master and our master's court. We came here in good faith and we are sure that the Bishop, your neighbour, would appreciate your collaboration. As far as I can see this castle does not belong to a religious order, so you cannot grant asylum since that prerrogative belongs to the Church alone, a Holy Church that has my master as its main representative in this parish. We would appreciate if you, obvious holders of terrenal power in this area would give us what belongs to us again. Tonight. tomorrow we have to get this man back to our master's court for its trial.

Sergeant Carlos, along with two soldier grogs, step out with Vibria, taking a position near the gate from which they can protect her at need. They take no offensive action, nor do they do anything to interfere with Vibria's negotiations. They merely stand in a position where they could easily come to her defense should things get out of hand.

Vibria's eyes harden as she glares at the leader. [color=red]"If you do not know where you are, if you do not know who, and what, holds these lands, is that your fault or that of your master?

"I said that your prey will stay here until he is fit enough to travel and to stand trial, if indeed your accusations have merit.

"My Order has sworn to 'not interfere with the affairs of mundanes'. But neither will we allow ourselves to be played one against the other. If your master's claim is valid, then by all means show your proof. Until then, he is under our protection." So saying, she dons her helm and stands there, arms crossed and feet apart.

The leader sees that this can go downhill really fast, and decides to back off. Raising his hands in a peace attitude he gies a short nod and orders his men to go back.

Sorry my lady. I do not know who your master is, but I am certain that the ecclesiastical authority in these lands belong to the bishop of Urgell, my master and that of the man that claims your protection. This is a church crime, hence my claim. I have not been given proof of his crimes since my orders were to bring him to justice., not to attend the trial myself. I am sure my master will provide it in due time, though. I would prefer to bring him a positive report and the culprit of crimes against our Mother Church, but if this is not the case I will leave you for the night. Good night my mistress.

He leaves after his men and dogs. The dogs bark in frustration.

((I just want to comment on how awesome this all is :smiley: ))

After trying to comfort their guest and when Vibria was done with the men, Fleur approaches Vibria. "How do you think this will go in the morning?"

Vibria stands at the gate, all but motionless as she watches them through the eyeholes of her Draconian helm until they're well out of sight.

She turns to Sergeant Carlos. [color=red]"Double the guard for the rest of the night, in case they decide to come back, and make sure we have archers galore on the battlements. I don't want any surprises, and I definitely don't want them to sneak in and take our guest from under our noses."

She then addresses the rest of the men there. [color=red]"You've all done admirably. Thank you."

Vibria heads next to the...oh, wait, never mind. Fleur sought her out. How convenient. :laughing:

[color=red]"I'm hoping it will take a couple of days for them to get back to the Bishop, appraise him of the situation, get their orders, and come back. Or, they could be total frauds and renegades, in which case they'll either write our guest off as a lost cause or get reinforcements and come back. I've doubled the guard and put all the archers we can spare on the battlements in case they do come back tonight.

"How is he?"

Fleur smiles "well cared for. Between the doctor's ministrations and my magic he should be able to pull through just about anything. Of course long term I will need to recast my spell after the next full moon, but otherwise he should recover as soon as is possible without expending vis. He is talking now, and concerned that we might give him over to the men pursuing him. He believes they will tell lies to obtain him, and has not revealed the reason they actually pursue him, only telling me it is dangerous and must not be revealed, an opinion the men chasing him apparently share though they disagree on the means of obtaining that silence. He has been asking to meet with someone in authority about his appeal for sanctuary. I wasn't sure if that would be yourself, Carmen, or would require a council vote."

((any one of you has the right to have what guests you may. The council may make latter determinations if they are disruptive or unacceptable. I do suggest that one of you, if you sympathize with his plight, sponsor him and address the council about sanctuary.
I think we have a curch benefice and house a former Templar as a priest. An old buddy of Antonio. I was going to sweep him out with the renovation, but someone suggested we keep him around. I think that was Fixer. It may turn out to be a good idea to have hung onto him. Father Clemente I think he is.
Yes. Father Clemente Gonzoles. Found him on our wiki :smiley:

Sergeant Carlos nods to Vibria. "It will be as you say. Doubled guards; archers on the battlements; everyone on alert." He snaps off a quick salute and moves to start setting the Maga's orders in motion.

We also have Adan, though he is somewhat less official being all but excommunicated.
There is a thought- Fleur could take hi to her sanctuary and we can tell the Bishops men that he isn't here, to the best of our knowledge he left for Mallorca.

[color=red]"If he's still awake, I can meet with him now and take his case to the Council in the morning. Or we can meet with him tomorrow."

"He seems to be awake, mostly. I think he is tired as well as injured, but I also don't think he will get much rest until he speaks with someone in charge."

He's still awake. The night's activities have tired him, naturally - but the recent ordeal has left him with too much adrenaline pumping to sleep right now.

To Vibria, when she approaches: Gr... greetings, m... m... m... mistress. Wh.. wh.. what is to h... h... happen mmmmm.. me?

[color=red]"Good evening, stranger," Vibria says in Catalan[sup]1[/sup] as she sits on a chair next to the bed, setting her helm on the floor. She pulls the chair closer to the bed and leans forward as she speaks softly yet sternly to the visitor.

[color=red]"Nothing is going to happen to least for tonight. Beyond that, it will depend on the truth of the matter. We will have to ask you some questions...and hopefully you will answer truthfully without our having to magick the answers from you.[sup]2[/sup]

"Let's start off with an easy one. Who are you?"
[hr][/hr][sup]1[/sup]I'm assuming Catalan is the language he spoke, as it hasn't been specified and I can't see him speaking Latin.
[sup]2[/sup] Intimidation check: Pre 1 + Leadership 2 + die roll of 3 = 6. Pretty crappy, so she's going to burn a Confidence point to boost that to 9 if it makes a difference.

((Catalan is correct. I think Bernat is unlikely to be intimidated by a 9))

Mmmy nn... n... name is ... ... Ber... Bernat. Del C... C.. Cavvvvall. I ww... www... work ff.f... for Bi.. Bishop V... Vilamur, o... of... Ur.. Urgell. Wh.. who are .. y.. you, mm. m... may I a... ask? W... wh... what is y... your p... p... p... pos... position here?

[color=red]"My name is Vibria. I am the Marshall of the Covenant of Andorra. I command the men-at-arms here. Why were the Bishop's men after you?"

I ww.... w... work.. worked... ffff... fff... for th... th.. the B... B... Bishop. As. a... an... "I... Inte... Intelligence O... O... Operative". Llllast nnn... nigh... night, I fff... f... found oouuuu.... oouut sss... ssss... something, a... about th... the Bishop. Sss.. something of g... gr... great im... import, th.. that the Bbb. Bbishop sh... should nnn... not have... have done. I ww... was seen, and fff... fl.. fled here.