The Civilized Bjornaer

So, I'm trying to write a new Template - the Civilized Bjornaer. A magus that is more Hermetic, more scholarly, than the stereotypical Bjornaer wild-man. So, I've come up with the following, but I'm not really pleased with it - it is too restrictive, too off-the-scale. So, I'm looking for ideas on how to make this template more generic, or present a more generally appealing Civilized Bjornaer.

I didn't do it all - just the virtues and characteristics.So here goes:

Civilized Bjornaer
This template represents a modern Bjornaer magus, fully engaged in the Order's scholarly culture while still connected to his House's ancient mysteries.

Characteristics: Int +1, Per 0, Com +3, Str 0, Sta +1, Dex -1, Qik 0

Free Virtues: The Gift, Hermetic Magus, Heartbeast (dog)
Major Virtues: Major Magical Focus (domesticated animals)
Minor Virtues: Affinity with Animal, Book Learner, Inoffensive to Animals, Quiet Magic (x2), Puissant Animal, Subtle Magic
Major Flaws: Difficult Longevity Ritual
Minor Flaws: Afflicted Tongue, Animal Companion, Covenant Upbringing, Deficient Form (Ignem), Hedge Wizard, Missing Ear, Oversensitive (maltreatment of animals)

Personality Traits: Ancestor worshiper +3, Oversensitive to maltreatment of animals +3, Protective +1

Customization Notes: This Civilized Bjornaer has channeled his Heartbeast mystery into an extreme affinity with Animal and animals. Virtues and flaws related to Hermetic magic and animals are the core of this build, but others may be changed without unduly affecting the character.

We have chosen the unorthodox Characteristics allocation of +3 to Communication and +1 to Intelligence. Intelligence is not as important in ArM5 as it was in previous editions, so +1 Intelligence would serve the character fine. We preferred to invest in Communication to allow the character to produce works of fine Quality, to emphasize his scholarly nature.

We have chosen the dog heartbeast and a magical focus in domesticated animals to emphasize the character's cultured nature, but this can be easily changed to a wild animal, which is more usual for (and, in canon, respected in) the House. A good heartbeast may be a guardian or leader, like a stag or mountain lion, and a corresponding magical focus (like mountain animals, or grazing animals).

The Major Flaw (Difficult Longevity Ritual) represents the fact that the character's dominant animal nature interferes with this Corpus magic. It can be replaced with any other Major Flaw.

The character's two Personality Flaws can likewise be easily replaced. As written, the character's deep bond with animals also causes him to be oversensitive to their maltreatment. His deep indoctrination into the Bjornaer cult is represented as "Covenant Upbringing", as it provides him with unusual religious beliefs in ancestor worship and isolated him from mundane society.

The flaw Missing Ear was chosen to provide a characterizing feature for his heartbeast shape. The missing ear is part of his Essential Nature, and should thus transfer through to whatever shape he takes. It can be easily replaced with another Flaw, however.

Likewise, Afflicted Tongue represents a trace of his animal features in human shape - perhaps large canines, or a slobbering tongue. Again, it can be easily replaced with some other Flaw.

The Animal Companion virtue seems suitable, but can be easily replaced with a Magical Animal Companion if desired. Either way, the animal companion may become the character's familiar in-play.

An affinity and puissance with Animal marks him as an expert in Animal-magic, and Inoffensive to Animals allows him to interact with them well. Quiet and subtle magic allow him to cast his spells in heartbeast shape, which is vital. Book Learner emphasizes his Hermetic, scholarly nature.

Is a dog considered a noble animal? I thought only wild animals were allowed?
Might be better to have him as a wild stallion - those are leaders and merge well with civilized society.

Hey, sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie,
But I'd never know 'cause I wouldn't eat the filthy motherfuckers.
Pigs sleep and root in shit, that's a filthy animal.
I don't eat nothin' that ain't got sense enough to disregard its own feces.
How about a dog? A dog eats its own feces
I don't eat dog either
Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal?
I wouldn't go so far as to call a dog filthy, but it's definately dirty.
But, dogs got personality, personality goes a long way.
So by that rationale, if a pig had a better personality, he would cease to be a filty animal. Is that true?
We' have to be talkin' 'bout one charmin' motherfuckin' pig.

Sorry couldn't help - had to quote that (Pulp Fiction)

I don't understand his interest in Animal - wouldn't mentem, imagonem or vim be better suited for him - they are more civilized.

I like the high Com - it is definitely not what you'd expect in a Bjornaer.

Inoffensive to animals is not a must - maybe it was his being ousted by animal society that made him seek human company.

Afflicted Tongue and Missing Ear seem rather arbitrary. How about a cyclic magic flaw (to show how he struggles with his dual nature), or a limited Resistance to Animal, or a weakness/restriction (in the presence of Bjornaer magi).

Just a few quick thoughts.

You might look at some of the Virtues and Flaws in Realms of Power: Magic for usefulness.

Ways of the (Land) , choosing Town (page 50 , ArM05)
Your Heartbeast is always a Noble Animal , so if Dog was chosen , you probably wont be a chihuahua.
Mystery Cults lists lineages from an Animal of Virtue for one Mythic Blood (page 47) option.
A Noble Dove would fit but not sure if there is a Noble Rat , euromythically.

Susceptibility to Divine (or Infernal) Power (page 59).
Unbound Tongue (page 39 , HoH:MC). The power of the human in animal shape
Grant Puissance in (Ability) (page 38 , RoP:M). Would cost fatigue to use for a Hermetic Magus.
Choose something like Profession: Scribe or other civilized skill.
Voice of the (Land) (page 47 , RoP:M).
Voice of the Town , can speak with any creature whose natural habitat it is. Including animals and magic beings.

There are Magic Realm spirits associated with Civilization , lineages founded by "lost" Bjornaer Clans could have taken place.
The Capitoline Wolf and the founding of Rome for example.

Exactly, I had the same impression.

The bjornaer specialized in Animal magics is a throwback to earlier editions. AFAIK, no longer, and there's absolutely nothing which should make such a focus more commun in bjornaer than in, say, bonisaguses.

So if you want a bjornaer that feels just like any civilised member of the order, but with an heartbeast, don't hesitate at all to change is focus to something other than animal.

Bjornaer can't have familiars.

Except that generally Bjornaer interact with other animals a lot. Animal is useful for interacting with/helping/attacking animals. Similarly, Herbam specialisation would be quite common for Bjornaer who muck about in forests a lot.

However, if your Bjornaer has other interests than hanging around with his doggy friends, then Animal is not necessarially much use to him.

D'oh! Errg... waves hand everyone just ignore that momentary lapse of reason, mm-kay? :mrgreen:

The thing is I don't want a wizard that just happens to be able to shapeshift into an animal. I want a magus that's deeply connected to his Heartbeast and what it represents. I thought focusing on Animal was a good way to do that - a way to channel his deep connection to his animal nature in Hermetic directions.

Otherwise - what's the point of creating a Bjornaer?

Yeah, that's possible. However, it seems weird to me that a wizard focusing on Animal would not be able to interact well with animals. Especially since the Gift affects not only mundane animals, but also magical ones. Changing the virtue also requires extensive changes to his other aspects - there is not much sense in being overprotective of animals yet have them flee you, for example.

Yeah, I basically needed to pad the flaw lists. However, I fail to see how Cyclic Magic fits very well, unless the character chooses a particularly fitting heartbeast (perhaps a bear, with its winter hibernation, or an owl, with its night-time activity). I don't see how the natural cycles reflect his dual nature. Likewise, I fail to see the rationale behind a weakness/restriction in the presence of other Bjornaer/animals. Limited MR to Animal can make sense, I guess, but would put him in a disadvantage when dealing with all those magical animals that he'll presumably encounter - still, not necessarily a bad thing.

Good thoughts - but I'm trying to keep to core. Adding in supplement materials is, however, the next section I haven't wrote...

Aren't things like Voice of the (Land) only available for Magical Characters?

I guess he's a particularly noble breed :smiley: Yeah, I should mention that at least.

Certainly a possibility to raise. I'm not sure I'll flip it to the main one, though... doesn't strike me as "civilized enough.

page 43 , RoP:M

As Hermetic Magi are associated with the Magic Realm , taking the Virtue (or Flaw) should be ok.
You don't need to be a Magical Character to do so.

Giant Blood is listed on page 44 for example.

Depends abit on what personallity you wish him to have - a dog, even the most noble of dogs, are servants of man.
The reason I mentioned stallions, is that that would be a leader type (leading his herd). Great stallions are also connected with man in the form of Warhorses (or similar).

Part of the problem lies in that a domesticated animal isn't available as a heart-beast...

Isn't there? He loves animals desperately, he is one himself, and yet they flee him. A Flambeau would now start roasting them, but like an abused woman, the Bjornaer might feel that it is all his fault and that he hasn't been trying hard enough.

Dont get me wrong - it is your concept, I amjust trying to add twists.

Looks good, I really like it. I think it's an excellent exercise. I particularly like the missing ear because of the distinctiveness it adds to the character. Although, if you've got it happening regularly, then perhaps the missing eye or something similar would be effective. I've found I like to suggest possible substitutions and alternatives for those lists.


If you want a heartbeast that is "urban" and slightly less human-inclined you might try a cat. But then he should be heading for aloof and independent, not pack leader. Even if cats are extremely social, so that might make them "pack" leaders as well. besides, a cat can easily hacve a bunch of humans doing his bidding. Seen that quite a lot in real life...


Just a detail, but the rules state (AM5 p.37, Virtues and Flaws Guidelines) : "You may not have more than 5 Minor Flaws". So you'll have to find yourself a second Major Flaw instead.

I don't see a problem with the heartbeast being a dog. Dogs, particularly hunting dogs, were considered noble animals by medieval nobles (at least in Christian Europe, I understand Islam says some bad things about them). And they are actually listed in the Example Heartbeast diagram in Mystery Cult (p. 21, the topmost animal in the diagram).

My feline master has empowered me to make it known that he is prepared to endorse this statement.

Oh, I like this idea. A cat seems much more... fitting. An aloof but meddlesome cat/magus...

What I'm looking to create is a fairly generic template - one that might appeal to many players, at least as a basis for a character or for a one-session pick-up character. Kind of like the core book's templates. The concept of loving yet being distant from animals strikes me as too specific and compliacted to have such broad appeal. I could mention it as a customization option, though.

Ah, yes. I keep forgetting that rule.
Now I have to think of an appropriate Major Flaw.... arg....

HoHMC mentions dogs? I should take a look at that. Regardless - yes, I agree with you. But in retrospect, a "noble" cat would be more intuitive and therefore make the concept more approachable for the community.

They aren't? I remembered only that they had to be "noble", and saw this in the core book too on a cursory glance.

If you choose a Cat Heartbeast , wont it be some form of wilderness cat?
Are there many cats kept as pets by the general populace? Not just by the wealthy.
Rome has a large population of feral cats , but i am unsure if they date back to antiquity.

In medieval Europe, a cat isnt "noble" a lot of the time. With the church placing them as creatures of the devil and all.

A lynx could be excellent.

Earlier, yes. Or at least co-habiting, many cats probably completely wild and just "tolerating" humans nearby because of how their activities gives easy food and shelter.
2 relatives of mine with farms, one has a couple of cats that while excellent rat catchers are still about as cuddly and friendly as can be, while the "barn-cats" of the other, you will barely ever even see them, much less be able to come near them.

Personally, i think a dog is perfectly fine, and i think some very minor "adjusting" should be plenty enough to let a cat be just as fine. Treat the RAW as proposals, not rules.

Well, here is the updated template then:

Civilized Bjornaer
This template represents a modern Bjornaer magus, fully engaged in the Order's scholarly culture while still connected to his House's ancient mysteries.

Characteristics: Int +1, Per 0, Com +3, Str 0, Sta +1, Dex -1, Qik 0

Free Virtues: The Gift, Hermetic Magus, Heartbeast (cat)
Major Virtues: Major Magical Focus (domesticated animals)
Minor Virtues: Affinity with Animal, Book Learner, Inoffensive to Animals, Quiet Magic (x2), Puissant Animal, Subtle Magic
Major Flaws: Difficult Longevity Ritual, Meddler
Minor Flaws: Animal Companion, Deficient Form (Ignem), Missing Ear, Oversensitive (maltreatment of animals)

Personality Traits: Meddler +6, Oversensitive to maltreatment of animals +3, Aloof +1

Customization Notes: This Civilized Bjornaer has channeled his Heartbeast mystery into an extreme affinity with Animal and animals. Virtues and flaws related to Hermetic magic and animals are the core of this build, but others may be changed without unduly affecting the character.

We have chosen the unorthodox Characteristics allocation of +3 to Communication and +1 to Intelligence. Intelligence is not as important in ArM5 as it was in previous editions, so +1 Intelligence would serve the character fine. We preferred to invest in Communication to allow the character to produce works of fine Quality, to emphasize his scholarly nature.

We have chosen the cat heartbeast - aloof and meddlesome magical cat - and a magical focus in domesticated animals, to emphasize the character's cultured nature. This can be easily changed to a noble-breed dog, a stallion (both noble animals), or to a wild animal (which is more usual for and respected in the House). A good heartbeast may be a guardian or leader, like a stag or mountain lion, and a corresponding magical focus (like mountain animals, or grazing animals). A dove also fits the urban theme. You may also link the urban nature to a more wild animal; for example, claiming descent from the Capitoline Wolf of Rome (in which case, you may want to consider replacing a virtue with Mythic Blood).

The Major Flaw Difficult Longevity Ritual represents the fact that the character's dominant animal nature interferes with this Corpus magic. It can be replaced with any other Major Flaw.

The character's two Personality Flaws can likewise be easily replaced. As written, the character's deep bond with animals also causes him to be oversensitive to their maltreatment. His cat-personality manifests in an overriding compulsion to meddle in the lives of those in his "domain".

The flaw Missing Ear was chosen to provide a characterizing feature for his heartbeast shape. The missing ear is part of his Essential Nature, and should thus transfer through to whatever shape he takes. It can be easily replaced with another Flaw, however.

The Animal Companion virtue seems suitable, but can be easily replaced with a Magical Animal Companion if desired.

An affinity and puissance with Animal marks him as an expert in Animal-magic, and Inoffensive to Animals allows him to interact with them well. Dropping it would mean that the character is focused on animals, yet find they fear and despise him - an interesting roleplaying option you may wish to explore. Quiet and subtle magic allow him to cast his spells in heartbeast shape, which is vital. Book Learner emphasizes his Hermetic, scholarly nature.

Further Customization Notes
You may wish to consider adopting a Ways of the Land (Town) virtue, to better emphasize the character's potency in urban settings.

If you have access to the RoP:M supplement, consider taking Unbound Tongue instead of Quiet and Subtle Magic. Voice of the Town may serve as a more powerful version of Ways of the Town. Grant Puissance in (Ability) is also an option, in particular scholarly Abilities like Profession: Scribe.

I had a civilised Bjornaer at one point. Cat heartbeast. Went with Gentle Gift, had a decent presence and communication score, was also a meddler. Deft Form (mentem) meant the bulk of her mess-with-people spells didn't have any problems in heartbeast form. Spell mastery of things like Voice of the Bjornaer Magus can easily get around voice issues - and is more generally useful than silent casting since it means you can chat to people too.

Forests are fun to explore, but who'd want to live there? The out-of-doors is seriously lacking in soft cushions, warm fireplaces and easily manipulable minions.