The Pontifici
Carmen Perez of Flambeau (Pontifex Maxima,Blatant Gift)
Arachne Ex-Miscellanea (Pontifex Majore, Gifted)
The Masters
Vibria of Flambeau (Mistress, Gifted)
Roberto of Flambeau (Master, Gentle Gift)
Fleur de Bonisagus (Mistress, Gentle Gift)
Guiverna Ex-Miscellanea (Mistress, Blatant Gift)
The Journeymen
The Woad of Flambeau (Journeyman, Gifted)
Marcellus of Verditius (Journeyman, Gifted)
IIkelos of Criamon (Journeyman, Gifted)
Edith Andorra of Flambeau (Journeywoman, Gifted)
Vera filius Fleur