The Masks: A collection of Faerie Creatures

(Potential spoilers for Mensa Magisterium)

The recent discussion in the Anno Magica 2024 thread about sharing scenario writeups inspired me to share some stuff I've been working on which might be fairly plug-and-play. These characters are meant to be archetypal, and are not intended to have any specific historical or cultural references (although it is somewhat reminiscent of Commedia dell'arte - Wikipedia). They are from a story I made up long before I heard of this game. Other SGs may wish to tweak or reskin certain parts to fit their saga.

Hero is equivalent to a companion, the others are equivalent to a magus (RoP:F pg. 45). The average age of magus PCs in my saga is somewhere around 32. Age just scales their Pretenses, so it should be relatively easy to adjust to your saga's age.


In the depths of Arcadia from which all stories spring, eight Faeries known as The Masks are caught in a never ending cycle. Each permutation of Hero, Comic, Mourner, Warrior, Monster, Prophet, Void, and Villain gives birth to a myriad of new stories. Some accept their role in this eternal story, while others desperately wish to escape. In some cycles the Masks may swap roles, but each role must always be inhabited. Each one wears a mask which is its face. There is no face beneath.

Each adventure the PCs must first enter Arcadia, naming one or two Masks whom they wish to visit and donning Hero's mask (giving the SG some heads up for prep time). Single Mask adventures feature a challenge posed by the Mask in order to earn their assistance. Two Mask adventures are either a previously visited Mask helping the PCs visit a new one, or moderating a conflict between two Masks. Once all eight have been visited the long-term goal is accomplished (ex. rescuing someone trapped in Arcadia, defeating Villain, quest for initiation script, etc.).

If any of the Masks are fully destroyed, Monster goes after them screaming in a dead language that they were supposed to kill him first. Warrior's duty becomes killing the murderers. Hero's guides its wearer to avenge the fallen. Prophet will help track them down wherever they go. Any research on The Masks will uncover stories of this happening. Eventually, any missing Masks will be replaced by new faeries.

The Masks


A mask, blank except for eyes, worn by one of the PCs each adventure. Donning the mask grants a Fable Point. All Faeries refer to the one wearing the mask as "Hero" and are unable to understand that the one wearing the mask might be a different person than last time.

Hero may be found anywhere in the mundane or faerie realms. I suggest using imagery from Plato's Allegory of the cave - Wikipedia combined with some mysterious foreshadowing from Prophet during the discovery of Hero.

Magi donning the Hero mask could relatively easily resist the Tabula Rasa effect, but if Hero notices it will refuse to use Spirit Away (unless convinced via Offer or other means).

Faerie Might: 10
Size: -5

  • Greater Power (3): Spirit Away (RoP:F pg. 23)
  • Lesser Power (1): Tabula Rasa 0 points Mentem: Changes the wearer's memory of who they are. They are The Hero. (base 10 +1 Touch, +2 Sun)
  • Improved Power (1, 5 intricacy points to bring Tabula Rasa to 0 points)
  • Greater Power (3):
    • Guide 1 point Mentem (30 levels, +2 intricacy points, RoP:F pg. 59)
    • Adhere 0 points Corpus (5 levels +1 intricacy point)
  • Improved Might (1)


  • Incognizant (1)
  • Sovereign Ward (3, can only affect wearer)
  • Freshly Sprung x5


Wants to make the PCs laugh, wants to laugh at the PCs. Suggests playing pranks on some goblins, and will happily whip out a bag of puffed grain snacks slathered in salt and butter (it's popcorn, the characters won't know what it is, who knows how he got it). He loves the eternal story of The Masks, and wants the hilarity (especially Villain's disappointment) to go on forever.

He knows a lot about the story, but will not willingly tell humans. He thinks it's much funnier for them to stumble through the story blind.

Faerie Might: 10

  • Improved Might (1)
  • Humanoid Faerie (1)
  • Faerie Speech (1)
  • Puissant Charm (1)
  • Highly Cognizant (1)
  • Personal Power (1)
    • Shift Human-ish Shapes: 0 points Corpus. Can transform into any human or land animal. Always still wears the mask. This includes cartoonish manipulations of the human figure, such as droopy biceps or eyes popping out (base 10 +1 Diam +2 Intricacy)
  • Lesser Power (1)
    • Target Acquisition: 3 points Mentem 20 levels (as Posing the Silent Question, but he always uses it to find material for jokes) +1 Intricacy

Free: Passes for Human, Observant

  • Carefree (1)
  • Optimistic (1)
  • Traditional Ward (1)

Size: 0
Personality traits:
Characteristics: Int +1 Per +1 Str -3 Sta 0 Prs +3 Com +2 Dex -1 Qik +2

Pretenses: (32-5)*15+120=525XP
Faerie Speech 5 (jokes) (75XP)
Brawl 5 (slaps) (75XP)
Charm 5 +2 (75XP)
Carouse 5 (75XP)
Penetration 5 (75XP)
Faerie Lore 5 (The Masks) (75XP)
Music 5 (75XP)


Has a power to cause sadness and bring up memories of loss. Wants to draw others into her pit of grief, to wallow in her own tears, and to feed the lake with fresh offerings to lost loved ones.

Her death immediately creates her weeping mother Mourner, who cries over her remains.

Faerie Might: 15

  • Improved Might (2)
  • Humanoid Faerie (1)
  • Faerie Speech (1)
  • Residual Power (Funeral Procession) (1)
  • Ritual Power(3)
    • Funeral Procession: 3 points Corpus. Creates a new Mourner, which the glamour inhabits. 25 levels (base 5 +3 Sight +1 Intricacy)
  • Greater Power (3)
    • Stream of Tears: 1 point Aquam. Water gushes forth from Mourner's eyes. 10 levels (base 3 +1 Touch +2 Sun)
    • Pit in your stomach: 1 point Mentem. Creates the feeling that something has already gone wrong, and there is nothing you can do about it. 10 levels (base 4 +1 Eye +1 Diam)
    • Remember Loss: 3 points Mentem. Brings memories of loss to the surface, imbuing all emotions with grief. 30 levels (base 10 +2 Voice +1 Diam +1 Group)

Free: Passes for Human

  • Traditional Ward (1)
  • Incognizant (1)
  • Depressed (1)
  • Pessimistic (1)
  • Aloof (1)

Size: 0
Personality traits: Sad +3 Grief +3 Consolable -3
Characteristics: Int +3 Per +3 Str -2 Sta -2 Prs +1 Com +3 Dex -2 Qik -2
Pretenses: (32-5)*10+120=390XP
Art of Memory 6 (loss) (105XP)
Etiquette 6 (funeral) (105XP)
Chirurgy 5 (binding wounds) (75XP)
Medicine 5 (treating poison) (75XP)
Faerie Lore 3 (things to avoid) (30XP)


A stoic knight in plate armor wearing a mask much like a visored helmet, except the visor does not open. As with all eight of the Masks, his helmet does not come off; it is his face. He firmly espouses that every man has a duty which cannot be changed, only fulfilled. His duty is to exterminate the nearby tribe of goblins. Challenges PCs to see who can kill the most. If the players just like rolling dice and killing things, this is fairly straightforward. If the PCs are pacifists, they may have difficulty dissuading Warrior of his duty.

Faerie Might: 20 (Corpus)

  • Improved Might (3)
  • Humanoid Faerie (1)
  • Faerie Speech (1)
  • Puissant Pretense (1, Single Weapon),
  • Ferocity (1, gives Confidence 1 specifically for fighting),
  • Tough (1),
  • Long-Winded (1),
  • Pretentious (1, pretense mult. 25),
  • Great Characteristic x3 (3 +2 Str, +1 Sta),
  • Enduring Constitution (1 decrease fatigue and wound penalties),
  • Lightning Reflexes (1),
  • Reserves of Strength (1)
  • Improved Characteristics x2 (2)
  • Greater Power (3)
    • Grant Puissance Single Weapon 2 points (slow)
    • Cause Fatigue 2 intricacy 1 point -1 init

Free: Narrowly Cognizant

  • Negative Reaction (1),
  • Proud (3),
  • Dutybound (1),
  • Bound to Warrior Role (1, cannot put down sword),
  • Lingering Injury (1, -1 to physical activity, on botch becomes -3),
  • Uncontrollable Strength (1, stress vs 6 to avoid damaging fragile things, add one botch die for Strength stress rolls),
  • Traditional Ward (1, cannot continue to aid after being thanked),
  • Slow Power (1)

Size: 1
Personality traits: Dutiful +3 Brave +3 Pride +3
Characteristics: Int -2 Per -1 Str +5 Sta +4 Prs -2 Com -1 Dex +3 Qik +2

Weapon: Longsword & Heater Shield
Init: Qik 2 + Longsword 2 - Enc 0 + stress
Atk: Dex 3 + Single Weapon 13 + Longsword 4 + stress
Dfn: Qik 2 + Single Weapon 13 + Longsword 1 + Shield 3 + stress
Dmg: Str 5 + Longsword 6 + attack advantage
Soak: Sta 4 +3 (Tough) +12 (full plate) = +19

Pretenses: (32-5)*25+120=795XP
Single Weapon 11 +2 (330XP)
Bow 5 (75XP)
Awareness 3 (enemies) (30XP)
Concentration 3 (keeping watch) (30XP)
Brawl 5 (75XP)
Athletics 3 (feats of strength) (30XP)
Etiquette 3 (honor) (30XP)
Faerie Speech 5 (boasting) (75XP)
Hunt 2 (humans) (15XP)
Leadership 5 (soldiers) (75XP)
Ride 3 (horses) (30XP)


Wants someone to kill him, but he can’t die. He used to be more cognizant, but his mind broke after years of fearful reactions. Eventually, after hearing humans scream “monster” he started to believe them. For the purpose of the story he rebuilds his form extremely quickly.

Faerie Might: 20 (Animal)

  • External Vis (1)
  • Hybrid Form (1),
  • Improved Might (3),
  • Berserk (1)
    • Angry 3 + stress die vs 9 (involuntary) or 6 (voluntary and wounded)
    • While berserk, you get +2 to Attack and Soak scores, but suffer a –2 penalty to Defense. While berserk, you cannot retreat, hesitate to attack, or give quarter
  • Improved Soak (6) Immune to Fire (3, still feels pain) Great Sta (2) Tough (1 +3 Soak)
  • Greater Power (3)
    • Enthralling Sound 3 points init -3 Mentem A ragged scream creates hatred of Monster
    • Damaging effect 2 points init -2 Corpus adds +5 to weapon’s damage for Sun duration

Free: Observant

  • Role Requires Suffering (1)
  • Monstrous Appearance (3)
  • Incognizant (1),
  • Sovereign Ward (3, cannot harm anyone who would not kill him)
  • Hatred (1, self-directed),
  • Obsessed (1, with dying once and for all)

Size: 0
Personality traits: Angry +3 Fearful -2 Self-Hatred +3
Characteristics: Int -3 Per 1 Str +3 Sta +5 Prs -3 Com -3 Dex +3 Qik +3

Weapon: Large Claws Init 0 Atk +5 Dfn +3 Dmg +4
Init: Qik 3 + Claws 0 - Enc 0 + stress
Atk: Dex 3 + Brawl 7 + Claws 5 + stress
Dfn: Qik 3 + Brawl 7 + Claws 3 + stress
Dmg: Str 3 + Claws 4 + attack advantage
Soak: 14 = Sta 5 + Tough 3 + Improved Soak 6

Pretenses: (32-5)*15+120=525XP
Brawl 7 (140)
Hunt 6 (105)
Penetration 5 (75XP)
Athletics 6 (105)
Awareness 5 (75)
(Dead Language) 2 (25)


Wants the PCs to understand the story, but is incomprehensible. Inspired words spill from him in a constant babble. Has a power (in the heady smoke which surrounds him and is in fact part of his glamour) to cause undecipherable hallucinations foretelling future events. He sits at the peak of a mountain sending cryptic messages to whoever wears the Hero mask.

Note that he speaks a dead language other than Latin of your choosing. Any written messages left around by Prophet are also in this language. He regains Might Score spent for Ritual powers every time the players attempt to make sense of his message.

None of his illusions need to have penetration. If someone resists, they don't get his message. If they resist first then drop their parma he might punish them with disturbing images for a while. This one would be great with a Criamon. It's a shame my saga doesn't have one.

The end is the beginning is the end is the beginning is the...
One shall laugh and one shall cry.
One looms, one fights, one wants to die.
This one shall now prophesy,
that all are one in you and I.
The end is the beginning is the end is the beginning is the...

Faerie Might: 5

  • Humanoid Faerie (1)
  • Place of Power (1, mountain peak +10 Might Score)
  • Feast of the Fae (1)
  • Feast of the Dead (1)
  • Puissant Teaching (1)
  • Personal Power (1, 25 levels) Extended Glamour
  • Greater Power (12, 200 levels)
    • Prophetic Visions: 3 points Imaginem level 30 (base 5 +1 Concentration +2 Presence +2 Room)
    • Enthrallment: 4 points Mentem level 40 (as Enslave the Mortal Mind)
    • Illusionary Home: 4 points Im level 35 (not constant)
    • Sight Beyond Sight: Corpus level 30
    • Craft Magical Trinket: 10 points Herbam 50 levels written prophecy which grants Premonitions
    • Grant Puissance in Premonitions: 2 points Corpus 15 levels
  • Ritual Power (3, 50 levels)
    • Voice of Foreshadowing: 3 points Imaginem level 20 (base 1 +4 Symbol +1 Diam = 10, ritual makes it 20, 1 intrigue point)
    • Vision of the Prophet: 5 points Empathy/Dream 25 (base 20 +1 Eye, answer question about the target's likely future in the next season)

Free: Observant

  • Negative Reaction (1)
  • Sovereign Ward (3, covering ears)
  • Slow Might Recovery (3)
  • Incomprehensible (1)
  • Noncombatant (1)
  • Visions (1)

Characteristics: Int +3 Per +3 Str -3 Sta -3 Prs +3 Com +3 Dex +1 Qik -3
Presence Range: 50 paces
Pretenses: (32-5)*15+120=525XP
Dead Language, not Latin 5 (75XP)
Profession: Scribe 5 (75XP)
Teaching 7 +2 (140XP)
Artes Liberales 6 (105XP)
Faerie Lore 4 (50XP)
Concentration 4 (50XP)
Philosophiae 3 (30XP)


Incomprehensible silence. The absolute absence of anything. Wants humans to try to fill the emptiness, becoming more and more desperate as they are met only by an uncaring audience.

Rules: Only statements with negative subject or negative action are acknowledged.
Has Perdo-everything effects
Idea: Void has no narration. Storyguide still needs to talk to facilitate and such, but there is no spoken description of Void, only a printed sheet with the following:

The void has no mouth, and nothing screams.
No ears perk up to hear it.
The void's eyeless face does not swivel to watch what stirs in its shadowless, lightless domain.
No nose sniffs, nor tongue tastes the motionless air.
The void does not loom, unlike a loose puppet dangling by its strings, toes lightly brushing the floorless abyss.

Faerie Might: 30

  • Improved Might (5)
  • Faerie Sight (1)
  • Greater Powers (9)
    • Destroy Terram 1 point: level 15 (base 3 +2 metal +1 Touch +1 Part)
    • Damaging effect 2 points init -2 Corpus adds +10 to weapon’s damage level 20 (base 5 +1 part +1 diameter +1 for more damage)
    • Wind of Mundane Silence: 2 points Vim level 30 (base effect, +2 Voice, +2 Room +1 Intricacy)
    • Destroy plant-based product: 1 point Herbam level 10 (base 5 +1 touch)
    • Destroy light: 2 points Ignem level 20 (base 3 +1 touch +2 sun +2 room)
    • Negation: 3 points Mentem level 30 Diminishes the ability to make positive statements. See Rules above. (base 4, +2 voice, +2 sun, +2 room)
    • Destroy Liquid: 3 points Aquam level 25 (base 10 +1 Touch +2 room)
  • Ritual Power (6)
    • Revoke Virtue/Flaw: 10 points Vim Permanently removes a balanced set of Virtues and Flaws (up to 3 points of each). Similar to Grant (Flaw/Virtue), but reversed. 50 levels Special, No Hermetic equivalent (R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind, Ritual)


  • Monstrous Appearance (3)
  • Mute (3)
  • Incognizant (1),
  • Reclusive (1)
  • Aloof (1)
  • Traditional Ward (1, cannot touch anyone who is inspired or has Free Expression)

Characteristics: Int 0 Per 0 Str 0 Sta +2 Prs 0 Com 0 Dex +2 Qik +1
Pretenses: (32-5)*10+120=390XP
Brawl 9 (225XP)
Awareness 5 (75XP)
Concentration 5 (75XP)
Penetration 2 (15XP)

Question: How can the PCs reach a resolution in a solo Void adventure? Combined with other masks Void makes sense: Comic wants to see what funny things Void can destroy (and could have a fun crickets moment trying to get a laugh out of Void), Monster wants to see if Void can destroy him, Prophet could show how to locate the sand dune which has piled up over Void for centuries so that the PCs can dig it up, etc. But on its own Void wants nothing, and it is unclear how bargaining with Void would work. Creative players (and characters with artistic abilities) could probably make something work, but it seems like there's a lot of potential for unprepared adventurers to get stuck.


Highest might. Highly cognizant. Villain is tired of being the bad guy. He knows how to weave the story however he chooses, but learned a long time ago that a Villain's victory is a hollow reward. His goal is to manipulate the other Masks into the perfect story of his redemption, but he inevitably ends up disappointed.

If killed, his Residual Power activates. His mask attaches to whoever struck the killing blow, and they become the new Villain.

Faerie Might: 35

  • Improved Might (6)
  • Humanoid Faerie (1)
  • Faerie Speech (1)
  • Highly Cognizant (1)
  • Residual Power (Grant Villain) (1)
  • Ritual Power (6) Grant Major Flaw: Villain. The cursed individual is gradually overcome by Villain's glamour, and becomes the new Villain. This kills the previous Villain, and he wants to find a way to pass off the mask without dying.
  • Personal Power (2)
    • Sight Beyond Sight: 3 points Corpus level 30 can use senses at a distance anywhere in view of his fortress
    • Flight 2 point Corpus level 15
    • Shift Human Shapes 1 point Corpus level 5
  • Greater Power (3)
    • Steal Judgement 2 points Mentem level 15
    • Cause Fatigue 2 points Mentem level 20 (causes mental fatigue, sapping the will to fight)
    • Fearful Flaming Eyes Corpus level 15

Free: Observant

  • Negative Reaction (1)
  • Traditional Ward (1, Hero)
  • Envious (3)
  • Depressed (1)
  • Pessimistic (1)
  • Offensive to Animals (1)
  • Infamous (1)
  • Tainted With Evil (1)

Characteristics: Int 2 Per 0 Str 0 Sta +1 Prs -2 Com +2 Dex 0 Qik +2
Reputations: The bad guy 4. Everyone knows Hero must defeat Villain in order to finish the story.
Pretenses: (32-5)*15+120=525XP
Faerie Speech 5 (75XP, monologuing)
Great Weapon 6 (105XP)
Guile 5 (75XP, manipulative lies)
Folk Ken 5 (75XP, desires)
Faerie Lore 6 (105XP, Masks)
Athletics 4 (50XP, flying)
Awareness 3 (30XP, fortress)
Intrigue 1 (5XP)
Leadership 1 (5XP)


I like this a lot. I've been thinking about masks as faeries for a while and this seems a simple, effective application of the idea. I went another way in my Venetian thing (possessing faeries like Mormo) but I still really like this for a more generic use.


There are always times when you really want to get rid of something, or someone.
Maybe Void can "eat up" Curses?

Interesting. Void does have 6 more Virtue points to spend on powers right now. Can Wind of Mundane Silence remove a Curse?

My saga doesn't have any Curses active right now, but generalizing the idea, each character would need to surrender something personally meaningful (either good or bad) to Void, who obliterates it. Once all of the characters have given something up the story concludes and they all leave the Faerie Realm?

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I decided to give Void a custom Ritual Power called "Revoke Virtue/Flaw". This can be used to remove a balanced set of Virtues and Flaws (including Curses created by a Grant Flaw power). I think removing a balanced set makes sense. Surrendering yourself to Void doesn't make you better or worse, less bad or less good. It just makes you less.

Creative players could potentially get around this using a Faerie Charm or other such temporary Virtue, which I think is fine.

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I started actually running this, so I think I'll try to post some session recaps here as an example of how these characters could be used.

The long-term goal of this arc in my saga is rescuing Henric of Flambeau from Arcadia. He was trapped there after killing a fairy knight. His brother Alexander of Merinita wants to rescue him.

The first session was a little strange since it was fairly impromptu. The players spent the session deciphering messages from Prophet (they don't know they're from Prophet yet). In the game world, we have a character who knows Classical Greek, so I decided the Dead Language in my saga is some variant of Linear A - Wikipedia. To make it actually solvable for the players though, I wrote the messages in Elian Script. I gave them Prophet's poem, as well as some additional loosely related cyphertext. Here's a particularly aesthetically pleasing example, which I included to tie in a loose grail quest theme.

The results of this puzzle were mixed... I enjoyed watching them struggle immensely, but at least one of the players found the fact that the same letter can be written multiple ways in Elian Script to be challenging. They were eventually able to reconstruct the key though, and I decided that the messages counted as a Qual 5 tractatus in either Linear A or Faerie Lore (specifically Masks lore).

The second session brought us the first real adventure. Alexander took a walk outside the covenant and found Hero partially covered by some undergrowth. He spent a bit of time investigating this strange mask, noting that it met resistance crossing the covenant's Aegis. Vivian the covenant's Verditius maga verified that the mask was not a magic item, and Leonithas the Mentem expert interrogated it using Posing the Silent Question and Perception of the Conflicting Motives. Hero gave very vague answers (he doesn't know much). The back and forth was quite fun.
Leo: Who are you?
Hero: I am the hero.
Leo: What is your name?
Hero: My name is Hero.
Leo: What do you want?
Hero: To defeat Villain.

Eventually, after determining that Hero's motivations were pure and straightforward, Alexander cautiously put on the mask and felt the Adhere power ping off his parma. He then temporarily lowered his parma and donned the mask, at which point Adhere activated, followed by Tabula Rasa. After using Guidance a few times to get a bit more vague information from Hero, Hero notified them that he was too tired to open the threshold to Arcadia today, but he could do it after a night's rest. After making Alexander promise to embark on the quest the next day, Hero deactivated the Adhere power, confirming that Alexander's loss of identity was temporary.

The next day Hero Spirited Away Alexander and a few companions to Arcadia. Upon their arrival, they found themselves in pitch blackness (likely to be eaten by a grue). After botching on a CrIg effect to create light, they blinked the stars out of their eyes to find themselves in a cave of red rock. Ascending through the cave they came to a chamber filled with flickering light. One of the players immediately noticed the Plato's Cave reference, for which I awarded a confidence point. They then watched as shadow puppets played out the endless cycle of the masks.

Upon noticing that the story was repeating, they went to leave the cave. Rounding the corner where the flickering light was coming from they found eight goblins holding shadow puppets on long poles. "The story isn't over yet, you won't understand it unless you watch the whole thing!" they goblins said, blocking the way. "Return to your seats!"

After a bit of arguing and magically convincing one of the goblins that they had in fact seen the end (which made the goblin very confused. How do you see the end of an endless story?) One of the goblins called out to the empty air "Lord Villain, they are not falling for the distraction! What do we do?" and another ordered "What's wrong? Isn't it just as good as the real thing? Are you not entertained? Return to your seats!" At this, Hero/Alexander attacked these servants of Villain, and the party routed the goblins (after suffering a couple medium wounds from their shadow puppet polearms). Taking one of the goblins who they had put to sleep, they bound themselves in fake restraints and magically convinced the goblin he had single handedly captured them and must bring them to Villain. "Oh boy! Villain will be so proud of me! I'll definitely get a promotion!"

Leaving the cave, they were met with a panorama of a vast arid desert. Suddenly, from above the entrance to the cave, Comic peeked his head down. Upside down his wide toothy grin appeared like a frown, and with a gleeful tone he exclaimed "Oh! Look who's awake!" As the world faded around them, Comic waved and said "I'll see you again soon Hero..."