The Roman tribunal

"We have mages at this tribunal who were not citizens at the last tribunal. Your question is disproven by counterexample. Honestly I get some young mage trying this line every tribunal at least once. If it were actually impossible to establish citizenship that might be raised, but it would have to be done at the grand tribunal, and you would need to get another tribunal to raise the issue, though what remedy they would recommend I can't say. Practically speaking any tribunal which makes it literally impossible would die out as membership declined. Our standards for establishing citizenship are far more liberal than the Alps, so you can begin by assuming that that would stand in your way. Now if you are done wasting my time, I have a case to prosecute. "

"I apologize for wasting your time." Archimedes parts ways, and heads to speak to the other Verditius.

He introduces himself. "I'm Archimedes ex Verditius. I'm also trying to get a covenant recognized, perhaps we can't add anything to each others' efforts, but I thought it would be worth talking with you about it. Ours is on Malta. Have you heard anything about African expeditions?"

"No, the only trade I follow is within the Order. I know there are covenants which do trade with Africa, though I'm not sure how that helps my covenant get recognized."

"It may not help. I just know that there are those in our tribunal who wish to expand to Africa, I wasn't sure if perhaps they'd approached you."

He shrugs, looking bewildered.

"Well, never mind that. Is there anything you think we can do to help each other get our covenants recognized?"

"Luctatio was a pretty big player and had a lot of chapter houses. If they lose their recognition I suspect it will make things easier for the rest of us. Aside from that I would say we are more likely rivals than allies."

Archimedes nods.

"True enough. Though I hope we both get recognized."

He will take his leave. He will ask around about Africa, just hoping to get overheard by someone.

He will also try to see about learning Verditius Inner Mysteries - I'm not sure how that translates between Player and Character knowledge, in terms of knowing what the mysteries are, etc. Elder Runes is the goal.

You get into a conversation with a well known mystagogue of Verditus, who is known to have secret of Verditus runes, who chats about your knowledge of the house lore, and decides that you are not quite ready for initiation yet, but agrees to establish a correspondence with you (topic of Verditus cult lore) to determine when you are ready.

Archimedes expresses his gratitude.

(He will have nothing more until the vote/meeting).

You arrive at the meeting and after a half dozen other potential covenants are presented for recognition, beginning with a procedural vote to hear all petitions before voting, the council requests a representative of your group stand before the tribunal and give a presentation, and answer what questions might be asked.

Taliha arrives just in time having been in Venice with her parens and sept for a few seasons.

Archimedes turns to Taliha. "Do you want to present us, or shall I?"

"Well, I can't speak to your research and how you think it can benefit the Order and the Tribunal."

"I don't...." Archimedes trails off, shaking his head, "Never mind."

Not wanting to create an embarrassing scene of frantic discussion before one of them stands before tribunal, he rises, and steps forward. "I am Archimedes ex Verditius, this is Taliha ex Bjornaer. We have found a site on Malta, well away from the city, that has many of the attributes that make a good place for magical studies in seclusion. We petition this body to recognize us as a new covenant, Felix Collis. We are aware of the reluctance to recognize new covenants in this illustrious tribunal, but we prefer to expand the territory of the home where we were schooled, rather than to pursue membership in any of your, and our, lesser and stranger neighbors."

A maga in the back asks "I assume you have checked that this location does not violate the accords against establishing a covenant in Africa, would you then be looking to establish chapter houses in Africa before that compact expires, in order to advance the expansion of our tribunal?"

Archimedes nods. "That is correct. The accords do not define Malta as part of Africa. It is likely we will build at least one African chapterhouse, but of course we would stay within the bounds of the Code and the compact in doing so."

Another mage asks "Just one? So you don't have plans to bring multiple chapter houses on board for the vis income?"

Archimedes shakes his head. "At least one, more are likely. The actual number will depend on what we find during exploration, and on the population of the covenant when we do such exploration. We intend to be on the vanguard of the tribunal's expansion into Africa, if we are recognized. I'm sure the results of the exploration will be fruitful, but I can't predict how many chapterhouses we will want to build."

"How many more people are you planning to have as full members at your covenant, and how many guests do you expect to be hosting?"