The Spells Wiki is Moving

Due to an 'upgrade' in software that will prevent annonymous editing, the spells wiki is moving out of PBWiki ( If any of you fine folk are using it, you might want to update your bookmarks. If any of you fine folk care to help with the transition, that will be appreciated. If any of you fine folk want to take this opportunity to get to know or improve the wiki, that will be grand too.

The new venue allows truly annonymous editing [which means that no registration or hussle is needed for editing], and has a cleaner look. I hope you'll find it useful and easy to work with.


Okay. Are you also migrating all of the spells, virtues, etc. that people have uploaded over the years, or will you want us to add them again?

Yair - you might want to update the link in your signature. As of this post, it still points to pbwiki.

I am very sorry to do not fully understand your idioma, but I have not understood which of the two linked sites below represents the new ars magica spells' s vault... OR

If someone send a spell mistaking its construction, could it be corrected from other customers of the site?

The correct, new, address is Spells put into the wiki can be edited by anyone, and mistaken ones are often corrected. I will be migrating all the spells, magical items, and so on; the virtues and flaws are already migrated.

The old PBWiki will soon be discontinued. The first page will include a link to the new site, and the wiki will be blocked to editing.

I noticed that not much has moved yet. Do you want others to do some of the work for you?

That would be nice. I have a rather heavy load at work right now, which was not aided by a whole week serving in reserves duty (just ended it now)...

I'll upload more tomorrow in any case, and hopefully will get everything soon enough, but aid would be appreciated.

Today I have upgraded all old Cr/Te spells in the new spells wiki and I am planning to include all other missing spells as soon as possible. Now I work a few to do this task. Stay tuned!