The Vis Hunters (Summer 1232)

And maybe you do. :smiley:
Inner Heartbeast is the best guess, a Chimera.

So, how shall you go about getting his attention?

Then he passes that on to Vibria. We may be dealing with a Bjornaer magus of some power. As they advance in their mysteries they can achieve much more powerful Heartbeast forms, some of which are chimerical. Or so I've heard...

Hmmmm...any spell circles apparent near the fence? (Per 2 + Awareness 3 + roll 5 = 10) If not, and if Vibria has no other suggestions, Vocis is going to spont a CrIm spell to make a loud knocking sound at the front door...(Base 1, Sight/Diam/Ind, level 5, no words/gestures)

And since this may come up, are there any windows that are not covered by shutters?

((OOC: [color=red]"No...we are not doing "Magae Gone Wild"!"))

[color=red]"Considering the owlbear that took down that drake is about twice the size of a...'normal' owlbear, I think? It may not be unreasonable to assume that the Bjornaer may have some giant blood in him."

((Was the one pawn of vis in the drake's body already localized in one body part, or would Vocis be able to spont Gather the Essence of the Beast to portable-ify it?))

Vibria will also [strike]case the joint[/strike] give the cottage a good looking-over. (Per 0 + Awareness 3 die roll of 3 = 6, or 7 if there are Things of Value to be spotted.)

She will also spont an Intellego Vim to see if she can smell any active magic; the higher the roll, the higher the Base. R: Per (by comparison with the spells in the core book), D: Momentary, T: Smell +2. Her CT is Sta 2 + In 4 + Vi 3 + Aura 4 (I think?) + die roll of 6) = 19, halved is 9Β½. Which may be good enough for a Base 4 ("Detect magic of third magnitude or higher.").

No discernible circles outside of the yard. You do see a fire pit in the backyard, which is encircled by stones.
The cottage has one window in front and another in back, both are shuttered. One on the side too, curtain drawn.
The size of a Chimera Heartbeast is the size of your normal heartbeast +1, or the size of the second animal. Whichever is greater. So if he started out as an owl and added bear, he would be size +2. Normal. If he started as a bear and added owl, he would be size +3. In addition or instead of that. successive inner heartbeast mysteries allow you to refine the inner form, increasing characteristics and size etcetera.
Vocis sponts a spell that creates a giant hand stretching out from his that knocks on the door (all cosmetic fluff, imagine the old Green Lantern comics). :mrgreen:
No answer. Maybe the maga gone wild routine might work better?
Oh, the vis. It was concentrated in his tongue. Brown Drakes are magically weak but physically powerful. Imagine taking the Inferiority of Reduced Might several times and using it to buy qualities to beef physical stats. Not as powerful as, say, Venkath. But easily the physical superior of Maurice.
Except for that fire breathing and flame immunity bit.
For the InVi spell, with 5th edition sponts you cannot just pull whatever out of the total anymore. You have to predetermine the exact level, and excess goes towards Penetration. I think so anyway. To lazy and sleepy to check, and I have been making wrong calls lately.
But I will roll with it and tell you that you detect a Rego Vim effect along the fence surrounding the yard.

Something easily removable and portable, then. Good. Vibria has a Brown Drake Tongue in her saddlebag, then.

Actually, the example given for spontaneous magic (p. 81-82) does exactly that.

Which is good, because not being able to choose how bright a light or how much Vim to detect would be a major buzzkill.

[color=red]"There's a Rego Vim effect along the fence-line. Probably an Aegis," Vibria says as Vocis goes all Hal Jordan on the door. She nods, impressed. [color=red]"Or not."

Hmm...could be a ward against magical creatures. This magus clearly has issues with drakes. Vocis ponders a bit more, then shakes his head. I could try an elaborate illusion, but I think we're past that point now. Time for brute force. He turns to the grogs. Stand back and cover your ears.

The base auditory Individual for Imaginem is the noise produced by one adult human. I'm going to assume this includes 'screaming at the top of one's lungs'. Boosting that to Group should give me roughly 20 human screams. My intention is to spont a spell at the curtained window creating 20 high-pitched human screams, all at slightly different tones to maximize dissonance. Maybe include a few colicky babies. Vocis certainly knows what those sound like. I'm guessing the details of the sounds will be based on Finesse. The spell is CrIm base 1, +2 Voice, +2 Group, +1 Diam, so level 10.

Casting roll: Sta 1 + Cr 10 + Im 20 + roll 0, no botch = 31/2 = 15 + aura/2
Finesse roll: Per 2 + Finesse 6 + spec 1 - Fatigue 1 + roll 2 (grrrr....) = 10

Spont spells are affected by Enduring Magic, so that's actually 2 to 20 minutes of sweet, sweet cacophony. After casting, we'll all move back a bit and see if Vocis succeeds in waking the owlbear. :smiling_imp:

Vibria winces when the cacaphony starts up, which is made worse by her keen sense of hearing. She stands there, one hand on her sword, and tries to block out the noise as best she can.

Check for Fury (1d10=4)
The guy would have been better off just staying shut, but feeling threatened he looses his temper and comes out to yell at you.
He is about 5'7" and 160lbs, apparently 60ish, gray wiry hair, half bald with a bristling beard, large wild eyes, and wearing colored silken robes. He is French, and in Occitan (Languedocian) he starts shouting. You kids get off my lawn!

[color=red]"We're not on your lawn," Vibria shouts back (also in Occitan), [color=red]"we are quite clearly outside your lawn!

"We're looking for someone, we're wondering if he happened to come this way."

Vocis stops the spell as soon as the guy leaves his house. Otherwise he'll just stand back and let Vibria play bad cop. :slight_smile:

He looks at you with squinty eyes. He sees Vibria in her dragon armor, notices the shouting suddenlt stopped when he came oy and Vocis waved his hand, and that there only a half dozen others waaay outside of his yard standing behind you (the grogs). He puts it all together and figures it out.
He responds in Latin. I have not seen anything and I am not interested in any bargains or negotiations! I suggest you leave the perimeter of my property before Big Alice wakes up! She usually comes nosing around about sunset.
Now then. Good day!!! And he will go back in and slam the door (unless prevented, and you can keep shouting at him).

Vocis turns to Vibria and says Big Alice? then turns back when the door slams. Hmph. Anyway, are you familiar with a creature named Big Alice? A relative of Sigmundo, perhaps?

No need to wait!
Big Alice comes crashing through the woods near by and emerges about sixty paces distant. Big Alice is an ogreess, larger than normal and bestial, one eyes with horns, dressed in animal skins, unkempt and unpretty, savage, jagged teeth, big spiked club, bare feet blackened with dirt, etcetera.
She screams and starts banging against an invisible barrier. The fence encircling the yard seems obviously the perimeter of a blanket-ward versus magic might creatures. Either by spell or enchanted device, you cannot tell.
Then Big Alice notices you and starts screaming and waving her club, then marches towards your direction.

And I cannot be bothered to care, because it's time for Wizard's Sidestep and Gift of Bear's Fortitude, in that order. If there's no time for the second spell before she turns on us...

...we'll move right along to Visions of Hell.

Sta 1 + aura 3(?) + Cr 10 + Im 20 + roll 1, 9 + Penetration 2 = 54(!), penetration 29(!)...though I don't like that last number...throw in a confidence point too...penetration 32 :slight_smile:

And Big Alice runs away screaming in terror.

The old man comes back out after that.
I told you to get off my yard you miscreants! Begone before I release the hounds!!

[color=red]"So, you're Big Alice, huh?" Vibria says as she draws her sword. She blows on the blade as she casts Sword of the Avenger*, as a tongue of flame jets from her mouth, hits the steel, forks, and runs up, down, and around the blade until it's entirely in flame.

By "larger than normal," is she still Size +2, or is she Size +3?

  • CT 21 + die roll of 2 = 23 + Aura Modifier, with a Penetration total of 3 + Aura Modifier. Yeah...she needs to work on her Penetration, some, I think.

Big Alice was size +4, and she runs off at the fearsome sight of your sword, horrifyingly augmented in appearance by Vocis' spell.
And seeing a dragon armor lady with a flaming sword just sets the old man off.
Creo-Animal!, and he multicasts a spell that conjures three savage hounds that come charging up to the gate.

Vibria holds her flaming sword at the ready and watches the dogs to see if they come beyond the barrier after her and Vocis.

[color=red]"We didn't come here to start anything," she calls out in Latin to the geezer. She's more than prepared to defend herself, however, and (since the grogs are so far away) she will recall her Parma (basically, canceling the extending the Parma she had done for Alejandro and Vidal, which brings her Parma back up to 2 + specialty: Corpus + form bonuses).

The dogs stop at the fence, but they seem really angry and vicious.
Now get out of here before I make it worse!!!

Vocis tries to shout over the dogs...Sodalis! We did not come here to pick a fight! We only wish to talk!

For what it's worth...Com 1 + Charm 3 + spec 1 + roll 2 = it ain't worth much...