Thirty for November: Bonisagus Folios.

Day 27

Document Stats Notes
Lab Text InVi 20 Piercing the Faerie Veil: Base used to be level 5
Lab text InVi 20 Piercing the Magical Veil: Base used to be level 5
Lab text MuIg(aq) 35 Flames of Sculpted Ice, side effect the Flames magnify the caster’s sigil greatly
Magic Theory Tractatus Quality 10 Details new form and material Bonuses
Artes Liberales Tractatus Quality 10 On the possibility of a fourth dimension

Basiraa was taken as an apprentice from Sicily and had a minor magical focus in seeing beyond the mundane. She managed to reduce the base to detect regio boundaries from 5 to 3. She has been cruelly forgotten by most hermetic histories.
Her Parens Hilda also contributed to this folio and took most of the credit. She claimed that, after a breakthrough in Artes Liberales that she made through considering regio levels, she postulated the existence of the tesseract.

The new form and material bonuses are
Rod of Ascelepius :Healing Humans +6/Diagnosis +6
Wine :Mentem +4.
Tesseract :Vim +4/affecting Regios +5.


Day Twenty Eight

Document Stats Notes
Lab Text ReVi 25 Maintaining the Demanding Spell:No mentem Req
Lab Text PeMe 25 Blessing of Child-like Bliss: Side effect, for the first hour subject is very happy
Lab Text PeTe 40 Cascade of Rocks: The dust created does not impair vision
Rego Tractatus Quality 9 On the interaction of Different Forms
Mentem Tractatus Quality 8 Thinking about Thinking

The three lab texts here were all included due to beneficial experimentation effects. The most notable was the breakthrough that meant that Maintaining the Demanding Spell no longer required a mentem requisite to create the "Mind" that would hold onto the control of the spell.

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This one was actually created in play in a campaign that I was in. We used the actual MT of the participants which is why it has more levels in than all the others. None of the work of the PC's got included!

Document Stats Notes
Tractatus Magic Theory Q9 A Modest Proposal on the Structure of Laboratory Texts by Rosalind ex Bonisagus.
Lab text PeTe 24 Bronze Hand of Cleanliness by Rosalind ex Bonisagus. Using new format
Lab text InMe 30 Silent Study of the Mortal Mind by Gunter ex Bonisagus.
Lab text CrIg 20 Measured Pilum of Fire by Periculum Minimus ex Bonisagus
Tractatus Magic Lore Q6 Magical Plants and the Cultivation Thereof by Acraephon of Bonisagus
Lab text CrHe(Te,Vi) 55 Creation of the Spun-Glass Rose
Tractatus Magic Theory Q6 Insights from the Familiar, and their Application to the Talisman, by Cornelia of Bonisagus
Tractatus Magic Theory Q6 Stories from the Hearth by Cornelia of Bonisagus

A Modest Proposal on the Structure of Laboratory Texts: Once read, it allows the creation of clearer lab texts which offer a +6 bonus to the lab total of the reader (i.e. it has integrated Apt Lab Student).

Bronze Hand of Cleanliness:PeTe 24. Touch, Sun, Room, 2 uses per day, environmental trigger. Must be enchanted into a bronze glove to work. +3 to lab total due to the clarity of the text.

Silent Study of the Mortal mind: No words or gestures needed.

Measure Pilum of Fire: As normal spell but caster rolls two fewer botch dice (min one)

Magical Plants and the Cultivation thereof: New Guideline of Create magical plant, Base 50, similar to that of creating a magical Animal.

Creation of the Spun-Glass Rose: creates a single rose-bush with glass flowers. It can propagate.

Insights from the Familiar, and their Application to the Talisman. Once learned, personal powers imbued into the talisman don't warp the user (just like powers in the familiar bond).

Stories from the Hearth. A series of insights from the hedge witches of Ireland, this means that the supernatural abilities of apprentices can be preserved if the Intellego Vim lab total equals the target, rather than doubling it.


While I like it, it does include three Hermetic Breakthroughs. Additionally all three have the potential of greatly increasing the power level of Magi. The ability to learn higher level spells/produce more powerful items easier, increased high powered Constent effects on the individual Magus, and far easier access to powerful apprentices will all change the Order.

That Folio would be hotly contested for who gets it next and/or gets a copy of it.