Thirty Solomonic suggestions for November

Spell #19: What was N doing at hour X? (Solomonic Astrology 5) - determines what the target was doing at a point in the past, giving a one-sentence answer. (Base 2 - obvious property such as current activity, +1 past, +2 brief answer)

Spell #20: What immediate risks face N? (Solomonic Astrology 10, ritual) - asks if there is any immediate peril facing the target, giving a three-word answer. This only affects mortal peril involving factors that are currently present, and gives a +3 bonus to rolls to avoid this danger. (Base 5, +1 basic answer). This can be cast rapidly for the cost of two pawns of vis when facing a dangerous situation.

Spell #21: Where are the weak spots in this building? (Solomonic Astrology + solomonic alchemy 15). This is researched as an experiment - if it is not a discovery, you have a naranj to determine the weak spots in a building (base 5, sense complex information that would normally require prolonged use of an ability, +2 brief answer). If it is a discovery, the alchemy component allows you to magic up some cement to reinforce the weak spots at the same time. Experimental spells often include information gathering elements, as a strong knowlege of solomonic alchemy makes discovering breakthroughs easier.

OK, so I've not made 30 for the month and it's all been Naranj/spells as I need to re-read the jinn creation rules before I create jinn, and I need a jinn before I create a working sahir. Still, the spellbook has been extended a little and there's a bit more room to create sahirs using these.