thoughts on a "Magic Thing"

I have been trying to wrap my head around the RoP:M rules, and I think I have finally gotten the Magic powers correct. Though I would appreciate people checking my calculations:

Sluag Fecht (Sloff-Feg)

The sentient shaman's cloak was originally made from the skull, horns and hide of a Stag of Virtue by Pictish Necromancer/shamans, perhaps in the late 6th Century AD. They managed to enchant the cloak so that it would aid and protect its bonded wearer in a fashion that resembles some of the Familiar Bond Cords that Merinita introduced to Bonisagus several centuries later. A limitation of the Pictish enchantment required the wearer to bond to the cloak by putting a drop of their blood on the cloak and fixing the Arcane Connection to themselves.

The cloak would eventually pass to a Pictish wizard in the service of Damhain-Allaird, who was slain by one of Pralix's wizards during the war against Damhain-Allaird. The Hedge wizard victor claimed the cloak as spoils of war, and learned how to use its powers. As the Order of Miscellenea, then House ex Miscellanea, began to teach its members' Hermetic Magic, the owner of the cloak began Certamen duels to promote his magnificence, putting the cloak and its secrets up for collateral if he lost the Certamen, which he almost immediately did lose. Very quickly it became a minor, annual tradition to ceremonially Certamen for the cloak. Thus the cloak changed hands every few years, and the number of blood spots that were fixed Arcane connections grew. Other magics and invested effects were occasionally said to be placed in the cloak.

During the Schism War, it was worn into battle by its then current owner, a Diedne Maga named Medb. She was in the process of casting a spell boosted by Vis when she took a mortal wound. She lost control of the magic she was casting and disappeared into Temporary Twilight long enough for the battle to pass. Coming out of Twilight the mortally wounded maga realised that the cloak had become a sentient magic thing, and with her dying breath named it "Sluag Fecht", though because it was her dying breath it was pronounced more like "Sloff-Feg".

Sloff-Feg crawled off to be alone, deeming most people to be unworthy of its stewardship. Of all the dozens of people it has had arcane connections to, less than 2 dozen have left ghosts that Sloff-Feg can summon. Medb's ghost may be its favourite non-Pictish speaking ghost to summon. It has an otherworldly fascination with those who rush forward to transition the demarcation between Life and Death, and has been known to haunt battlefields and watch the (formerly) eager soldiers die from their wounds. Even more so, it has a fascination with newborns, and will use its powers to aid and protect them. Most recently it has accompanied a midwife who has just enough supernatural ability to realise that the cloak intends to help. Though wearing the cloak is giving her a reputation as a pagan witch in the region, and bringing her to the attention of the Magi of a nearby Covenant.

Spring Season
Size -1 (it is only the hide, skull and antlers of a Size +3 animal)
Magic Might 11 (Vim)

Personality Traits:
Ceremonial Shamanic Cloak +3 (essential nature)
Aloof +3
Lonely +2
Otherworldy +2

Virtues and Flaws:
Magic Thing, Arcane Lore, Educated, Magic Sensitivity, Second Sight
Magic Friend, No Sense of Direction, Pride (Minor), Weakness (Newborns and the eager to Die)

Qualities and Inferiorities:
Free Quality: No Fatigue
Minor Quality: Gift of Speech
Minor Quality: Magical Meditation
Minor Quality: Focus Power ("Repel the Spirits of Harm")
Minor Quality: Personal Power ("The Inchworm's progress")
Major Quality: Greater Power ("An Incantation to Summon the Dead")
Major Quality: Ritual Power ("Strengthen the Silver Cord")
Free Inferiority: Temporary Might


"The Inchworm's progress" 0 points, Init = Qik-2, animal, Continuous
R: Per; D: Sun; T: Ind
Sloff-Feg can animate its hide, allowing it to crawl along the ground like an inchworm or caterpillar. It can also manipulate items by nudging or enfolding them.
ReAn 5 (Base 1, +2 Sun, +1 complex contortions, +1 Continuous)
Personal Power (5 levels, -1 Might Cost) 15pts left over -> 3 Mastery pts

"An Incantation to Summon the Dead" 1 points, Init = Qik-4, Mentem
R: Arc; D: Conc; T: Ind
As per the spell in ArM5 p152, though Sloff-Feg will normally only summon the ghost of anyone who has bonded with the cloak previously, so long as they have left a ghost that still resides on the mortal plane, and whose Might does not exceed Sloff-Feg's Might.
ReMe 40 (Base 15, +4 Arcane, +1 Conc)
Greater Power (8 levels, +2 Concentration) 3 Mastery points from "The Inchworm's Progess" to reduce Might Cost by 3.

"Repel the Spirits of Harm" variable Might Cost, Init = (Qik-Might Cost), Vim
R: varies; D: varies; T: varies
Sloff-Feg can spontaneously produce Rego and Perdo Vim spells to ward against or expel any minor airy spirit it can detect (including invisible ones it sees through Second Sight). Used primarily to protect newborns from spirits of sickness or other malicious spirits.
ReVi or PeVi 25: Focus Power

"Strengthen the Silver Cord" 5 points
R: Touch; D: Mom; T: Ind
Sloff-Feg can increase the Bond score of an existing Familiar Silver Cord by 25, making it more effective, but only while Slough-Feg is worn and has a Blood-spot arcane connection.
If the Target does not have an exisiting Familiar Bond, this power simulates a Silver Cord of Bond strength 25 (ie +2) to Slough-Feg. These bonuses also extend to dealing with Ghosts and other Mentem Spirits (eg Presence rolls to intimidate a ghost).
No Hermetic equivalent. Ritual Power.