Timothy's Might Spreadsheet Discussion

Hi @Timothy_Ferguson
May I put this up on the Ars Magica page as a free download, please?


Could be better as a PDF. If you want, and @Timothy_Ferguson agrees, I can do it.



If it is turned into a pdf, how do you filter the data? Using the Find function I suppose? I'm fine with it being turned into a pdf, but the way I use it it is helpful to be able to get all the demons together, or all the elementals together.

As a PDF, you can't filter the data, that's true. Up to you if you want me to do it.

I'm fine with it if Michelle would find it useful.

I'll just post the .xls. People can print-to-PDF if they want.


I've reloaded the file with some spelling mistakes fixed. The link's the same.


Rufus, from Thrice-Told Tales is probably the shade of a Redcap... not of a recap. Although I haven't checked the text yet.

If you're interested in having it sort well, why not have different columns for Might / Realm / Form? Bundling any of them together turns the cells into cells of text and reduces sorting possibilities. If you separate each into its own column, then you can sort by each thing separately, which might be handy.


I'll sort that out now.

Fixed in V3

Version 3 is now up with the split between Might and Form fields. Same webpage as before but if you've linked to the filename it has changed version number.

Also, it has one less creature. Garmatian Walking Dead don't have Might, so I've taken them out.


I would just note that the Might scores reported seem to be those actually appearing in the books, i.e. they do not take errata into account. For example, the Oak of Romowe is listed with Might 45/30 as in GotF, whereas the errata reduces that to 35/20.

I actually prefer stuff this way, since it's easy to check the errata, but I thought it would be worth mentioning.

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You're right that its from the books, not the errata. I often forget the errata exist. I feel like I need to draw a line under this, at least for now, at this arbitrary point, because I have other things to attend to so that I'm prepared for the launch. I'll incorporate the errata in some way if I rework it, for example to include works on the web or in third party supplements.

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There are a few minor changes I would make for personal use, such as locking the second row and setting up filtering, which would be useful for everyone. Would recommend making a separate intro tab for the intro/produced by/info.

Overall it is very nice. If you want it tuned up I can knock it out for you (most likely tomorrow).

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Leave it for now Troy. Thanks for the offer, but I'm kind of out of energy on this little project. I'm sure I, or someone else, will revisit it eventually.

It's up on our 5th Ed line page now. Thank you!


I converted this over to an online Google Sheet, here:

Fixed a few errors in the process. The sheet is open to comment access so anyone can report errors, make their own copies, and build their own sorts/filters, etc.