Titus ex Tytalus or a extreme detailed char creation

Extreme detailed creation of an archmage

In this thread I want to make an NSC for my group with an extreme detailed charakter creation. He will be 142 years old or 120 years out of gauntlet, residing in a generic covenat in the rhine tribunal with an magical aura of 4, some sources of income, a normal amount of vis, a normal strong bib and it is not extremly hidden (like Dankmar) or too open (like Oculus Sepentrionalis) for mundane society.

Please dont spare with critic about the virtues/flaws, the season, the new spells or something else.

Soon I will make the next 20 years for Titus and post sem, but only after reading some feedback. :wink:

Titus or Thomas Müller a the age of 7. Born A.D. 1078
Characteristics: Int:+2, Per: 0, Pre:0, Com:-1, Str:+1, Sta:+2, Dex: +1, Qik: 0
Size: 0
Age: 7
Decreptitude: 0
Warping Score: 0
Confidence Score: 0
Virtues: The Gift, Secondary Insight, Minor Magical Focus (lightning), Affiity with Auram, Special Circumstances (when flying), Book Learner, Study Bonus, Cautious Sorcerer, Student of Magic
Flaws: Chaotic Magic, Driven (major to perfection), Limited Magic Restistance (Vim), Deleterious Circumstances (when standing on ground), Visions, Missing Eye
Personality Traits: Driven to perfection: +5, stubborn: -2, Enthusiastic +2
Reputations: none
Fist: Int: Att: Dfn: Dmg:
Dagger: Int: Att: Dfn: Dmg:
Sword: Int: Att: Dfn: Dmg:
Soak: +2 (Sta)
German: 5
Harz Lore: 1
Athletics: 1
Awareness: 1
Brawl: 2
Folk Ken: 1
Guile: 1
Concentration: 2
Profession: Miller 2
Legerdemain: 1
Survival: 1
Cr: In: Mu: Pe: Re:
An: Aq: Au: Co: He:
Ig: Im: Me: Te: Vi:
Twilight Scars:
Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Spells known:

Years as an apprentice (60 seasons):

  1. season: he is opened
  2. season: he is taught Artes Liberales for reading and writing by the covenants scribe. Study Total Com +3, Teaching Room (like an laboratory bonus) +2, Teaching 6, 3 standart, 6 only student, -3 gift: 17 exp
  3. season: he is taught Latin by the scribe for 17 exp
  4. season: he is taught Latin by the cleric of the covenant for 16 exp
  5. season: he is taught Latin by the scribe for 17 exp
  6. season: he reads a book about auram for 15(22) exp and 1 in creo and 1 in muto
  7. season: he learns magic theory from a book: quality 14+3 book learner: 17 exp
  8. season: He helps his master in the lab: 2 expousure exp, 1 in auram , 1 in magic theory + (for Secondary Insight)
  9. season: His master (Trajan es Tytalus Archmage Windmaster) teaches him auram with Com +1, teaching +3, +9 only student, teaching room for 16 or 24 exp with affinityand 1 in Creo and 1 in Muto
  10. season: he learns magic theory again to bring his master more benefit in the lab: 17 exp
  11. season: the cleric of the covenant teaches him theology: Com +3, Teaching, +5, teaching room: +2only student +9, the Gift -3: 16 exp
  12. season: he helps his master in the lab: 2 exposure points, 1 in vim, 1 in MT
  13. season: again he is taught Auram: 24 exp and 1 in Muto and 1 in Creo
  14. season: again he learns MT (his master realy needs help in the lab, poor titus): 14 exp
  15. season: the covenants turb captain teaches him in a special training single weapons (swords), Com +1, teaching 6 (after 15 years of teaching the turb he is a good theacher), teaching room +2, only student +9, the Gift -3: 16
  16. season: again helping in the lab: 1 (2) in auram and 1 in MT
  17. season: his master teaches him Creo for 16 exp and 1 point in the elements
    18: season: he reads a book about the history of the order for 16+3: 19 exp
  18. season: the covenants elite-ranger takes him out into the woods, trains him survival and hunting: 13exp -3 for the Gift divided between the two abilitys
  19. season: helping in the lab to create a new invisibility spell so he gains 1 in Perdo and 1 in Imaginem
  20. season: his master teaches him rego for 16 exp and 1 in Animal, 1, in Auram, 1 in Vim and 1 in Corpus
  21. season: labwork: 1 exp in Mt 1 in He
  22. season: he is taught Intellego by his master für 16 exp
  23. season: he reads the covenants best book about Rego for 22 exp and 1 in Animal, 1 in Aquam, 1 in Corpus, 1 in Herbam
  24. season: he reads a book about finesse for 15+3 exp
  25. season: labwork 1 in Auram 1 in MT
  26. season: labwork 1 in Creo 1 in MT
  27. season: labwork 1 in Auram 1 in MT
  28. season: labwork 1 in Muto 1 in MT
  29. season: his master teaches him Perdo for 16exp and 1 in the elements
  30. season: his master teaches him Corpus for 16exp and 1 in Rego and 1 in Creo
  31. season: he reads a book about Terram for 15+3 exp and 1 in Creo and 1 in Muto
  32. season: he reads a book about the Intrigues in ancient Rome for 17+3 exp
  33. season: labwork 1 in Muto 1 in MT
  34. season: he reads a book about penetration for 12+3 exp
  35. season: luckily a great philosopher is at the covenant to teach one of the other mages but Trajan pay the philosopher to teach Titus also for Com +4, teaching +8, teaching room +2, good teacher +5, single student +9, the Gift -3 for 25 exp
  36. season: His Master teaches him Muto for 16 and 1 in Animal, Corpus, Mentem, Vim
  37. season: he reads a book about Creo for 14+3 exp and 1 in Auram, Corpus, Mentem, Vim
  38. season: labwork: 1 in Auram 1 in Creo
  39. season: he reads a book about hermetic law for 13+3 exp
  40. season: he finally learns his first spells: Airs Ghostly Form (CrAu5), Chamber of Spring Breezes (CrAu5) and Broom of te Winds (CrAu15) and 1 exp in MT and 1 in Auram
  41. season: his master teaches him Muto for 16 exp and 1 in Auram, Animal, Corpus, Mentem
  42. season: he reads a book about Magical Lore 15+3 exp
  43. season: lab work: 1 in Auram 1 in Vim
  44. season: lab work: 1 in Auram 1 in MT
  45. season: lab work 1 in MT 1 in Vim
  46. season: lab work 2 in Auram
  47. season: his master teaches him Creo, because of Exposure Points Trajans Teaching Skill has increased by one: 17 exp in Creo and 1 in Auram, Vim, Corpus, Imagonem
  48. season: his master teaches him Auram for 17(25)exp and 1 in Creo and Muto
  49. season: the covenants scribe teaches him Profession:Scribe for 18 exp
  50. season: he reads a book about Magic Theory for 13+3 exp
  51. season: his master teaches him in Imagonem for 17 exp and 1 in Creo and Muto
  52. season: his master teaches him in Ignem for 17 exp and 1 in Creo and Muto
  53. season: he learns the spells: Wizards Invisibility (PeIm15), Prying Eyes (InIm5) and Taste of Spices and Herbs (MuIm5) and 2 exp in Imagonem
  54. season: he learns the spells: Hammer of Thor (CrAu30) and Jupiters Resounding Blow (CrAu 10) and 2 in Auram
  55. season: he learns the spell: Incantation of Lighning(CrAu35) (thanks to his Magical Focus)and Airs Chostly Form(CrAu5) and 2 in Auram
  56. season: he learns the spells: Rise of the Feathery Body(ReCo 10), The Unseen Porter(ReTe10) and Demons Eternal Oblibion (PeVi5) and 2 in Rego
  57. season: he learns the spell Own Wings of the Soaring Wind (CrReAu30) and 1 in Auram and 1 in Creo
  58. season: he learns the secrets of parma magica from his master for 16 exp

Gauntlet:After his gloryous gauntlet at the domus magna of house Tytalus his master grants him a special gift: a robe of Spider Silk created by the Spell Cloth of the Spider

Notes: Spells are learned from lab texts multiple Spells are learned to the rules for multiple Labwork, his study bonus virtue does not aply because he didnt had the chance to study freely, I assumed 15 Seasons of teachinig from his master and 15 seasons of labwork for his master, in this time he also travels, but never longer than 4 weeks (so no study penalty)
Final Points gained trough this Creation: Abilitys:461 Arts:371 Spells:165 for a total 1097 of instead of the normal 435 points!!!

Journeyman Titus ex Tytalus or Thomas Müller at the age of 22. Born A.D. 1078
Characteristics: Int:+2, Per: 0, Pre:0, Com:-1, Str:+1, Sta:+2, Dex: +1, Qik: 0
Size: 0
Age: 22 (0 years after gauntlet)
Decreptitude: 0
Warping Score: 0
Confidence Score: 2 (5)
Virtues: The Gift, Secondary Insight, Minor Magical Focus (lightning), Affiity with Auram, Special Circumstances (when flying), Book Learner, Study Bonus, Cautious Sorcerer, Student of Magic, Self-Confident
Flaws: Chaotic Magic, Driven (major, becoming archmage), Limited Magic Restistance (Vim), Deleterious Circumstances (when standing on ground), Visions, Missing Eye
Personality Traits: Driven to perfection: +5, stubborn: -2, Enthusiastic +2
Reputations: none
Fist: Int:+0 Att:+3 Dfn:+2 Dmg:+1
Dagger: Int:+0 Att:+6 Dfn:+3 Dmg:+4
Sword: Int:+2 Att:+8 Dfn:+4 Dmg:+7
Soak: +2 (Sta) +3 (Silk Clothing) = +5(+Form Bonus)
German: 5
Harz Lore(Lords): 1
Athletics(Flying): 2
Awareness(Air): 1
Brawl(Dagger): 2
Folk Ken(Magi): 1
Guile(Peasants): 1
Concentration(Spells): 2
Profession: Miller 2
Legerdemain(Tricks): 1
Survival(Woods): 1 (5)
Artes Liberales(Ceremonial Casting): 2 (2)
Latein: 4
Magic Theory(Lab Work): 5(0)
Theology(angels): 2 (1)
Single Weapons (swords): 2 (1)
Organisation Lore Order of Hermes(Tytalus): 2 (4)
Hunt(small Animals): 1
Finesse(Flying): 2 (3)
Penetration(Auram): 2
Parma Magica(Corpus): 2
Intrigue(Magi): 2 (5)
Philosophy(Ceremonial Casting): 2 (10)
Hermetic Law(Hedge Wizards): 2(1)
Magical Lore(Elements): 2+2(3)
Profession: Scribe 2(3)
Cr:10(5) In:5(1) Mu:8(5) Pe:5(2) Re: 6 (4)
An:2(1) Aq:2(0) Au:15(9) Co:6(2) He: 1(1)
Ig:5(4) Im:6(0) Me:2(0) Te:6(0) Vi:3(1)
Twilight Scars: none
a Robe of Spider Silk (+3 Soak, dirt goes off)
a Dagger and a sword
Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Spells known:
Airs Ghosty Form (CrAu5)
Chamber of Spring Breezes (CrAu5)
Broom of te Winds (CrAu15)
Wizards Invisibility (PeIm15)
Prying Eyes (InIm5)
Taste of Spices and Herbs (MuIm5)
Hammer of Thor (CrReAu30)
Jupiters Resounding Blow (CrAu 10)
Incantation of Lighning(CrAu35)
Airs Chostly Form(CrAu5)
Rise of the Feathery Body(ReCo 10)
The Unseen Porter(ReTe10)
Demons Eternal Oblibion (PeVi5)
Own Wings of the Soaring Wind (CrReAu30)
New Spells:
Hammer of Thor (CrReAu 30 Touch, Sun, Individual, Base 3 for a small lighning +4 for unnatural, free requisite)
enchants a metal weapon in a way that it is covered by small lightning, at the first hit of the weapon the energy of the weapon is set free, dealing 20 points of damage, after a hopur the energy has restored, additionallythe weapons deals 3 points of damage extra (everytime)
Spiders Clothes (CrAn 60, Ritual, Touch, Mom, Group, Base 5 +5 Size, +1 treatend material, +2 extreme good silk)
Creates an whole bunch of finest spider silk woven to a giant bolt of cloth, this spidersilk is so resstent against cutting or damaging that a shirt adds 1 to your soak, a robe or a set of shirt, throusers and cloak adds +3 to your soak roll, additionally the silk works a bit like the leaves of a lotus flower: dirt and water pearls off. To make clothing of the silk you need tools crafted and entchanted by a Verditius or something simular.
This Ritual was invented by the Bjornair Magus Ursus the White, after making a whole bunch of these robes and selling them for 2 pawns of Vis each at the Grand Trubunal (selling them to over 100 magi) he became on of the richest and best-known wizards.

Affinity always rounds up. All of the seasons that the character recieved 1 exp in auram from exposure he should instead recieve 2.

I would have stuck him in the lab for more than 15 seasons (maybe 20 or 25). Perhaps if the master has no work that needs assistance he could spend a few seasons extracting vis for his master. This is something that varies game to game. In my opinion one of the most compelling reasons to take an apprentice is to allow you to develop those 10th-20th magnetude spells you wanted in two years of labwork each rather than 5 years each. You make your apprentice hit magic theory hard for the fist two or three years and then bask in a big lab bonus for the next 12 or 13.

Other personal taste issues are Hammer of Thor and spider silk. Spider silk seems very 20th century-ish to me and not in paradigm (extrordinary silk works for me, just not spider silk). Hammer of Thor is a little wacky in that it is making a temporary magic item. ls the base level 3 for small lightning from the guidelines? (This is a thread about character creation rather than spell creation so I'll limit myself to saying that it doesn't appeal to me as what a spell does)

Thanks for all of your work, I'm eager to see the next installment. Please keep going, I'd love to see this brought to completion.

if I am honest i have to say i always gave hime 2 exp for his affinity but i forgot to mention it. To the labwork: in my saga the normal magus only uses one of six or seven seasons for labwork that could be assitet by an apprientice. But this may vary from saga to saga.
The thing with the extreme fast latin and magic thery learning is that as a amster (and every player in my saga do this this way) wants an apprientice with a very high Mt score because they want a high bonus. For me this is a rational choice every clear-thinking magus should understand.

A reason this thread is important for me is to compare my sagas powerlevel (the power from PCs, NSCs, the level of books, the combat power of magi ect) with other sagas and the canon.

The spells is another issue: pherhaps the Bjornaer which inventet this spell could change into a spider and learned from this expirience how powerful his silk is. But even if not I think this would result only in another name.
The hammer of Thor is a spell once developed by me for the PCs as a gift from an old Auram archmaga. The base of 3 was used by me because I ruled this should be as hard as a deafening thunder, but you could make a lvl 40 spell with the normal guidelines that deals 25 or 30 damage. And of course it is a magical item, but a chainmail with an formulaic MuTe that makes it undestructible or something is much the same. Remember that the lightning is always around the weapon... so you have to handle it with care or you will get hurt too.

The years after gauntlet:

1.-4. season: he travels throughout europe, learns new friends and foes, and finally finds a covennat with magi, vis, grogs and books that suits him and his plans
5.+6 season: he set up his lab, 4 exposure exp for MT
7.+8. season: he reads the best Creo Summae of the covenant with a level of 15 and a quality of 18(+3 for book learner)(+2 for study bonus for the plants inside his learning room) and 1 in the 4 element forms
9.+10 season: he learns from a rego Summae with L:12 and Q: 16(+5 because he levitates the greatest part of study) and 1 in all element form
11. season: he learns from an Auram tractaus for 12+5 exp and 1 in Rego and Creo
12. season: he invents (with experimentation) the spell Circling Winds of Protection with a Diameter Duration(CrReAu20) and gains 2 exp in MT: the experimentation resolves in a Major Side Benefit: Arrows and other things thrown or shoot at him will be deflected back at their origin
13. season: as a typical Tytalus he wants to test his power with an enemy found in the lokal griffin: after a long fight Titus escapes with two heavy wounds from which he must recover the entire season
14.+15. season: after the disaster with the griffin he wants to get stronger, so he hires a noble swordmaster-teacher to teach him fighting, Com 2, teaching 8, Good Teacher +5, teachingroom +2 -3 the Gift +9 single student for 24 exp
16. season: instead of trying the griffon another time he read a Parma Magica Tractaus for 11+3 exp
17. season: he wants to invent a new spell to guard him in fights, so he experiments another time to create: Airs Shield (MuAu20, Touch, Diameter, Individual, Base 10) but his experiment goes awful wrong and the shield becomes a strong glowingthing, so that nobody can see from one side to another blinding him in fights, +2 exp in MT
18. season: again he invents the spell, with the bonus for simular spells he doesnt need to experiment, +2 exp in Auram
19. season: after defeating the griffin alone and collecting is vis something (thanks to his chaotic magic) goes awful wrong in the moment he make a spont-spell for gathering his vis, giving him his frist 2 warping points and his first twilight-episode with 6 additional warping points, luckily he understands the twilight and gains a new spell with level 40 (the ReVim40 spell Ward against Magical Beasts) and the Twilight Scar: Heroic Hair after this episodue he gets the covenants Vim book to learn how to cast this new spell: L:11 Q: 15: 15+5exp and 1 in Creo and Rego
20. season: again he reads the Vim book and 1 in Creo and Rego
21. season: one of the other covenants members need help on a difficult task, after the adventure Titus spends the rest of the season to learn from this journey: 6(9) exp in Auram
22. season: he studys the other and very good Auram tractaus of the covenant Q16(24)+5
23. season: frustrated about the lack of Auram tractati he decides to search him a companion which can travel for him in Mythic Europe and find him new, good books, so he travel from city to city to find his new friend Duncan McKay after saving him from some bad werwolfes, he gets 2 exposure exp in Folk Ken
24+25. season: he reads a Summae about Corpus with L:11 Q:14 and 1 to Creo and Muto
26. season: he reads a Summae about Mentem with L: 8 Q: 17 and 1 to Creo and Muto
27. season: he reads a Summae about Herbam with L:11 Q:15 and 1 to Creo and Muto
28. season: he reads a Summae about Aquam with L:9 Q:14 and 1 to Creo and Muto
29. season: he reads a Summae about Animal with L:10 Q:12 and 1 to Creo and Muto
30. season: he invests one season in his lab to improve it for Auram-experimentation, +2 exp in MT
31. season: because he offers his sodales from the covenant a copy of every new spell he developes in the next 20 years they aggree to let him spend some money in the lab for +2 general quality, +2 exp in MT
32. season: he reads a Muto Tractatus for 12+5 exp
33.+34 season: he wants to develop some simular spells to Airs Shield to gain a reputation from this in the Order to become Master so he uses Airs Shield and make Airs Aegis (MuAu35 Sun, Voice, Individual, Size +1 Base 10) +2(3) exp in Auram and 2 exp in Muto
35. season: he is distracted from labwork because Duncan needs help and astistance, with the help from his sodales this story has a happy end (and some vis from slain monsters) and Titus can spend the rest of the season over the experience: 6 exp in Athletics
36. season: He invents a new spell: Calling the Cloud (CrAu10 Individual, Moon, Touch, Base 2) and MT +2exp
38.+39. season: again he invents a new spell: Clouds Castle (MuReAu30, Touch, Moon, Individual, Req +1, Base 5), and MT +2 exp
40. season: he writes lab texts of all new spells, +2 exp in Profession Scribe
41. season: he studys a new auram tractaus for 14(21)+5 exp, and 1 in Muto and Rego, meanwhile the covenants scribe copys his labtexts
42. season: he studys a Rego Summae for 14+5 and 1 in the elemental forms, meanwhile the covenants scribe copys his labtexts
43. season: he studys a Muto Summae for 19+5 exp and 1 in the elemental forms, meanwhile the covenants scribe copys his labtexts
44. season: a redcap starts to bring copys of his new spell to Durenmar and to some important magi of the tribunal, Titus starts to learn from an Parma Magica Summae from the covenant which was a gift from one of his sodales master: L:6 Q: 14+3
45. season: again he studys the Parma Magica Summae
46. season: again the same
47. season: he gets the reputation: Muto Auram Master +2 in the Tribunal, after this he starts to travel around to gather his three tasks: the first one (a Verditius magus)wants an artifact with the Airs Shield, the next(a Merinata maga) wants Titus to walk the Forrest Path of Fearie, the third (a Bjornaer) wants to test him in a special task, he gets 2 exp in Horder of Hermes Lore
48. season: he enchants a lesser device with the Airs Shield spell: a simple amulett of iron in the shape of a shield with an agate in the midlewith 24 uses per day, MT+2exp
49. season: after delivering the amulett to the Verditius he starts his quest in the wide, german forrests, in his first season he gets 5 exp in Forrest Lore (Harz)
50. season: after comunicating with the genius loci he makes his sacrifice: he is noww eak in Divine Auras and grants the Flaw: Susceptibility to Divine Power, his quest is to wait until the Wild Hunt beginns their rage and to defend some normal peoble from their rage, because there are 2 seasons before this wil happens he invents the spells Iron Spear (in Fearies Hearth) (PeVi 5), +2exp in Perdo
51. season: he learns from the covenants best Perdo Summae 21+5 and 1 in the elements
52. season: he trys to fullfill his quest, but he fails and many innocent people are killed and he nearly died from an deep wound, the next two seasons he must recover from them,
53. season: recover from wounds
54. season: he decides to learn something about fearies before he goes against them and so he studys a Summae with L:3 Q: 16+3, after this season he must make his first aging roll without a potion but luckily he did not get any decreptitude
55. season: he studys a Vim Summae with L: 10: Q: 12+5 and 1 in Perdo and Rego
56. season: again he trys his quest and this time he make it a clear victory for him, his fruit from the forrest is his new Fearie Blood of the Shide, +8 adventure exp for fearie lore
57. season: after winning the task from the Bjornaer magus he is now a Master of the Rhine Tribunal, gaining one confidence Score from this, the rest of the season he creates his longevity potion, +2 exp in MT
58. season: no aging, 1 warping point, he studys the parma magica summae for 17 exp
59.+60. season: after using the resources of the covenant he now have to work for it, helping his sodales with several, difficult tasks and so he only gets 4 exposure exp in Parma Magica
61. season: a member of a Mystery Cult conntacts Titus, and he is very interessted in the powers of spirit magic, this season he learns something about this cult from the other mage for a total of +4 teaching, +9 only student, +2 teaching room +0 Comunication
62. season: no aging, 1 warping point, he is advised to search for an great elemental incarnation to learn enough to learn the Virtue of Spell Binding, +2 exp in Magical Lore, so he starts his quest
63+64 season: after many adventures he finnaly finds one of the Seven Winds and learns much from him, +5 exp in magical lore, +5 exp in cult lore, after this he takes the Ordeal of the Blatant Gift, because the pure magical power in his veins increases and grows strongly, fom this point on he always spends some Vis every year for the cult
65. season: he studys an auram tractati for 16+5 exp (meanwhile he studys auram book only in the air with his Clouds Castle Spell) and 1 in Creo and Muto
66. season: no aging, 1 warping point, he decides to learn how to teach other mages because this is something his cult needs (and if he wants to teach an aprientice he wants him to get strong) so he hires one of the best teacher in germany for a great amount of gold to teach him: Com+4 Teaching 12, teaching room +3, Good Teacher +5, single student +9, Blatant Gift after Parma Magica -3 = 28 exp
67. season: again he learns teaching
68. season: he learns from a new Muto Tractati from one legendary writer for 17+5 exp and 1 in Auram, Ignem, Aquam, Corpus
69. season: he learns from a magic theory tractatus for 15+3 exp
70. season: no aging, 1 warping point gained, he learns the spell Calling Airs Spirit from a lab text , his cult gave him (ReAu40 Base 15 Voice, Diameter , Individual) , +2 Re
71. season: he invents the spell Titus little airly Helper( ReAu25, Base 15, Voice, Sun, Individual), the experimentation goes very well and he creates the spell in one season, +2 Re
72. season: Titus decides that the time is good for him to create his Talisman. He chooses a small iron wand, covered with many gemstones and an silver and gold inlay and a pinfeather in a quartz crystall, this season he opens the talisman (the iron wand) with 10 pawns of vis and gain 2 exp in MT
73. season: he enchants his wand with a MuTe spell to make the metals and gemstones undestructible Base 4, Sun, Personal, Individual, +2 Gemstones = 20 level +4 levels for 2 Uses and Environmental Trigger => 24 level, he makes an experimentation to do this in one season and he makes a discovery for 15 exp in MT
74. season: no aging, 1 warping point, he enchants his Talisman with his Airs Shield and 24 uses/day = 25 level, and attunes the wand for +4 destroy things at a distance, +2 exp in MT
75. season: he wants to get a familiar but for this he wants to learn the Mystery Virtue of Spirit Familiar, so he works one season to create a useful artifact that allows someone to fly for an ignemmaster of his cult to get one good cult lore book with quality 14+3 and the help of the ignemmaster, +2 exp in MT
76. season: he reads the cult lore book for 14+3 exp
77. season: he travels with the ignemmaster (who invented a new initiation script for him because normaly ths virtue is learned later in the mystery process) to the Alps and one season he meditates there alone and learns the mystery of Spirit Familiar, at the end of the season the ignemmaster visits him at the montain top and Titus sacrifices 20 pawns of vis because of the initiation script, +2 exp in cult lore
78. season: no aging, 1 warping point gained, he collects vis for the conevant, +2exp in Vim
79. season: he uses this season to train his ability to fly for 6 exp
80. season: again the same

Master Titus ex Tytalus or Thomas Müller at the age of 42. Born A.D. 1078
Characteristics: Int:+2, Per: 0, Pre:+1, Com:-1, Str:+1, Sta:+2, Dex: +1, Qik: 0
Size: 0
Age: 42(36) (20 years after gauntlet)
Decreptitude: 0
Warping Score: 1(8)
Confidence Score: 3 (9)
Virtues: The Gift, Master,Secondary Insight, Minor Magical Focus (lightning), Affiity with Auram, Special Circumstances (when flying), Book Learner, Study Bonus, Cautious Sorcerer, Student of Magic, Self-Confident, Fearie Blood of the Shide, Spell Binding, Spirit Familiar
Flaws: Chaotic Magic, Driven (major, becoming archmage), Limited Magic Restistance (Vim), Deleterious Circumstances (when standing on ground), Visions, Missing Eye, Susceptibility to Divine Power, Blatant Gift
Personality Traits: Becoming Archmage: +5, stubborn: -2, Enthusiastic +2
Reputations: Muto Auram Master +2
Fist: Int:+0 Att:+3 Dfn:+2 Dmg:+1
Dagger: Int:+0 Att:+6 Dfn:+3 Dmg:+4
Sword: Int:+2 Att:+8 Dfn:+4 Dmg:+7
Soak: +2 (Sta) +3 (Silk Clothing) = +8(+Form Bonus)
German: 5
Harz Lore(Lords): 1
Athletics(Flying): 3 (3)
Awareness(Air): 1
Brawl(Dagger): 2
Folk Ken(Magi): 1(2)
Guile(Peasants): 1
Concentration(Spells): 2
Profession: Miller 2
Legerdemain(Tricks): 1
Survival(Woods): 1 (5)
Artes Liberales(Ceremonial Casting): 2 (2)
Latein: 4(Texts) (2)
Magic Theory(Lab Work): 6(14)
Theology(angels): 2 (1)
Single Weapons (swords): 4 (14)
Organisation Lore Order of Hermes(Tytalus): 2 (6)
Hunt(small Animals): 1
Finesse(Flying): 2 (3)
Penetration(Auram): 2
Parma Magica(Corpus): 5(28)
Intrigue(Magi): 2 (5)
Philosophy(Ceremonial Casting): 2 (10)
Hermetic Law(Hedge Wizards): 2(1)
Magical Lore(Elements): 2+2(8)
Profession: Scribe 2(5)
Forrest Lore(Harz): 1
Fearie Lore (Wild Hunt): 2(12)
Lore of the Elemental Spirits (Mystery Cult): 3(9)
Teaching(Magi): 4(8)
Cr:14(8) In:5(0) Mu:14(8) Pe:9(0) Re:13(7)
An:6(0) Aq:7(0) Au:21(10) Co:11(0) He:6(0)
Ig:6(4) Im:6(0) Me:6(3) Te:7(0) Vi:11(4)

Twilight Scars: Heroic Hair: his hair is always moved by the wind so that he look like on a heroic picture, giving him a Presence Bonus in some situations
a Robe of Spider Silk (+3 Soak, dirt goes off)
a Dagger and a sword
Longivety Potion +8 (+2 living conditions +1 Fearie Blood = 11 Bonus)
Talisman: an iron wand with several gemstones and silver and gold inlays and a pinfeather in a quartz cristall, opened with 10 vis, enchanted with a MuTe24 for indestructible, Airs Shield with 24 uses/day; attunements: pinfeather: +2 Auram, wand: +4 destroy things at a distance

Lab: +2 Auram +1 Experimantion +2 General Quality
Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Spells known:
Airs Ghosty Form (CrAu5)
Chamber of Spring Breezes (CrAu5)
Broom of te Winds (CrAu15)
Wizards Invisibility (PeIm15)
Prying Eyes (InIm5)
Taste of Spices and Herbs (MuIm5)
Hammer of Thor (CrReAu30)
Jupiters Resounding Blow (CrAu 10)
Incantation of Lighning(CrAu35)
Airs Chostly Form(CrAu5)
Rise of the Feathery Body(ReCo 10)
The Unseen Porter(ReTe10)
Demons Eternal Oblibion (PeVi5)
Own Wings of the Soaring Wind (CrReAu30)
Circling Winds of Protection with a Diameter Duration(CrReAu20)
Airs Shield (MuAu20, Touch, Diameter, Individual, Base 10) flawed
Airs Shield (MuAu20, Touch, Diameter, Individual, Base 10)
Ward Against Magical Beasts (ReVi40)
Airs Aegis (MuAu35 Sun, Voice, Individual, Size +1 Base 10)
Calling the Cloud (CrAu10 Individual, Moon, Touch, Base 2)
Clouds Castle (MuReAu30, Touch, Moon, Individual, Req +1, Base 5)
Iron Spear (in Fearies Hearth) (PeVi 5)
Calling the Spirit of Thunder (ReAu40)
Sparkling Helper(ReAu25)

New Spells:
Hammer of Thor (CrReAu 30 Touch, Sun, Individual, Base 3 for a small lighning +4 for unnatural, free requisite)
enchants a metal weapon in a way that it is covered by small lightning, at the first hit of the weapon the energy of the weapon is set free, dealing 20 points of damage, after a hopur the energy has restored, additionallythe weapons deals 3 points of damage extra (everytime)
Spiders Clothes (CrAn 60, Ritual, Touch, Mom, Group, Base 5 +5 Size, +1 treatend material, +2 extreme good silk)
Creates an whole bunch of finest spider silk woven to a giant bolt of cloth, this spidersilk is so resstent against cutting or damaging that a shirt adds 1 to your soak, a robe or a set of shirt, throusers and cloak adds +3 to your soak roll, additionally the silk works a bit like the leaves of a lotus flower: dirt and water pearls off. To make clothing of the silk you need tools crafted and entchanted by a Verditius or something simular.
This Ritual was invented by the Bjornair Magus Ursus the White, after making a whole bunch of these robes and selling them for 2 pawns of Vis each at the Grand Tribunal (selling them to over 100 magi) he became on of the richest and best-known wizards.
Airs Shield (MuAu20, Touch, Diameter, Individual, Base 10)
This spell changes the air around the caster to a substance that deflects fast objekts like arrows, swords, rocks or something like that, granting the caster a +15 soak against these things. Slow objekts arent hindered.
Airs Aegis (MuAu35 Sun, Voice, Individual, Size +1 Base 10)
This spell changes the air around a point the caster designates to a substance that deflects fast objekts like arrows, swords, rocks or something like that, granting the caster a +15 soak against these things. Slow objekts arent hindered. The shield has the form of an 20 paces high dome with a radius of 20 paces.
Calling the Cloud (CrAu20 Individual, Moon, Touch, Base 2, +2 unnatural)
Creates a normal Cloud at touch range wich stays at least a few minutes at the creation point
Clouds Castle (MuReAu30, Touch, Moon, Individual, Req +1, Base 5)
Changes a normal Cloud to a gelee-like substance wich flyes and that can be reshaped trough normal tools like wood or ice, it can carry nearly 10.000 pounds and can fly at a speed of 5 miles per hour

Nice work. :slight_smile:

Couple of things. One is a rule and the other is an observation.

Latin:4 IIRC you must have a 5 in the language to write a 'book'.


You list a lot of study materials with double digit qualities. From what I've experienced, this would be a bit unusual....

my 2 pawns

While I think his apprenticeship was too favoritable to Titus's study time, it is all forgiven for the Twilight Scar: Heroic Hair.


And while I was suprised by the Quality suggestions in the Covenant's book, they are there in black and white:

Highest Possiable (never before reached): Quality 41-level
Most Prized ('"excellent"): 35-level
Common ("sound"): 31-level to 35-level
Not valued ("vain"): 25-level

Even a common book yeilds a Quality of double digits for a level 20 art.

Hmm for the latin-stuff: do you realy need 5, even for a labtext?
Ok, but even then with his spezialisation "texts" he have the 5 points. :slight_smile:

And for "Heroic Hair": thanks. :smiley:

Edit: argh so many misspellings in the text... -,-

Serf's parma on all points.

I think you have been somewhat generous with Lucius' time, granting him access to prime sources of advancement with relatively few setbacks and costs.

IIRC Covenanats says typical Summae should have a quality of (27-level) to (31-level), tractatus at quality 11. I'm not sure if your study totals reflect that, although they seem to be on the right ballpark.

Anyways. to the actual entries in the Master progression:

7.+8. season: he reads the best Creo Summae of the Covenat with a level of 15 and a quality of 18(+3 for book learner)(+3 for study bonus for the plants inside his learning room) and 1 in the 4 element forms
What "book learner"? Your sheet doesn't list this virtue.
Why study bonus? He has a score of 10 in Creo, gaining a study bonus for such a high score will require a far more exotic locale IMO.
With both bonuses gone, 18 XP is a little much to learn in one season - I'd say 15 XP is more appropriate. 18 XP would be appropriate with a study bonus.

9.+10 season: he learns from a rego Summae with L:12 and Q: 16(+6 because he levitates the greatest part of study) and 1 in all element form
What does levitation has to do with anything? That's not a way to enhance your learning on anything.
Regardless, 16 XP is a reasonable gain in XP due to the Summa's low level.

11. season: he learns from an Auram tractaus for 12+6 exp and 1 in Rego and Creo
6 from Affinity with Auram, I presume? In that case, fine.

12. season: he invents (with experimentation) the spell Circling Winds of Protection with a Diameter Duration(CrReAu20) and gains 2 exp in MT: the experimentation resolves in a Major Side Benefit: Arrows and other things thrown or shoot at him will be deflected back at their origin
Lucky guy.

14.+15. season: after the disaster with the griffin he wants to get stronger, so he hires a noble swordmaster-teacher to teach him fighting, Com 2, teaching 8, Good Teacher +5, teachingroom +2 -3 the Gift +9 single student for 24 exp
Teaching 8?? Teaching room for swordplay? Most sword masters aren't available for hire. I'd put the best one he can obtain for mere cash as being far less skilled - say, Com +2, Teaching 4, (NO Good Teacher!) and won't allow teaching swordsplay in the teaching room (which is configured for teaching of academic and magical stuff, not physical athletic skills). And I'd consider that generous - most sword masters would have Com 0, and few would invest in Teaching.

16. season: instead of trying the griffon another time he read a Parma Magica Tractaus for 11+3 exp
+3 ?

19. season: ... he gets the covenants Vim book to learn how to cast this new spell: L:11 Q: 15: 15+6exp and 1 in Creo and Rego
I'd put the base quality at 16, at this level. Not clear where the +6 is coming from, presumably the book learner (which you don't have) and study bonus (which is actually probably reasonable - perhaps using the griffon's cave?).

20. season: again he reads the Vim book and 1 in Creo and Rego
Not sure what his Vim score will be in by this point - is study bonus still reasonable?

22. season: he studys the other and very good Auram Tractaus of the covenant Q16(24)+6,
Extremely good! Too generous, IMO. Also, again obtaining a +6 benefit for no good reason (especially with Auram, which by now is very high so requires a truly extraordinary locale to gain a study bonus IMO).

24+25. season: he reads a Summae about Corpus with L:11 Q:14 and 1 to Creo and Muto
Slightly low quality for this level, but alright.

[b]26. season: he reads a Summae about Mentem with L: 8 Q: 17 and 1 to Creo and Muto
[b]27. season: he reads a Summae about Herbam with L:11 Q:15 and 1 to Creo and Muto
28. season: he reads a Summae about Aquam with L:9 Q:14 and 1 to Creo and Muto
29. season: he reads a Summae about Animal with L:10 Q:12 and 1 to Creo and Muto

His covenant's library seems stocked with vain summae. I suppose it isn't really unreasonable, although it is strange. Aren't there Arts that are simply not represented in the library, or whose books are of very poor level?

32. season: he reads a Muto Tractatus for 12+6 exp
Again with the +6.

41. season: he studys a new auram tractaus for 14(21)+6 exp, and 1 in Muto and Rego, meanwhile the covenants scribe copys his labtexts
Again with the +6.

42. season: he studys a Rego Summae for 14+6 and 1 in the elemental forms, meanwhile the covenants scribe copys his labtexts
The rego summa was L12 Q16 - is this a new, higher-level, summa? I'd suggest it is L14 Q14, that makes sense.
Again with the +6. I'll stop commenting on that.

43. season: he studys a Muto Summae for 19+6 exp and 1 in the elemental forms, meanwhile the covenants scribe copys his labtexts
This presumable with a level 11 or 12 summa.

44. season: a redcap starts to bring copys of his new spell to Durenmar and to some important magi of the tribunal, Titus starts to learn from an Parma Magica Summae from the covenant which was a gift from one of his sodales master: L:6 Q: 14+3
He keeps getting gifts. But a Summa on Parma sounds fine.
Not sure if the quality is fine or not, can't remember the guidelines for summae on abilities.
Again with the +3, of course.

51. season: he learns from the covenants best Perdo Summae 21+6 and 1 in the elements
Presumably level 10 or more. Again, a rather generous library, having just what he wants.

54. season: he decides to learn something about fearies before he goes against them and so he studys a Summae with L:3 Q: 16+3, after this season he must make his first aging roll without a potion but luckily he did not get any decreptitude
I'm not sure of the quality, again, but it seems rather high.

55. season: he studys a Vim Summae with L: 10: Q: 12+6 and 1 in Perdo and Rego
The covenant had a L11 Q15 Vim Summa above, on season 19 (which I recommended by made into Q16).

61. season: a member of a Mystery Cult conntacts Titus, and he is very interessted in the powers of spirit magic, this season he learns something about this cult from the other mage for a total of +4 teaching, +9only student, +2 teaching room
They teach the secrets of their cult in the teaching room?

65. season: he studys an auram tractati for 16+6 exp (meanwhile he studys auram book only in the air with his Clouds Castle Spell) and 1 in Creo and Muto
Too high a quality. Make it 11.

66. season: no aging, 1 warping point, he decides to learn how to teach other mages because this is something his cult needs (and if he wants to teach an aprientice he wants him to get strong) so he hires one of the best teacher in germany for a great amopunt of gold to teach him: Com+4 Teaching 12, teaching room +3, Good Teacher +5, single student +9, Blatant Gift after Parma Magica -3 = 28 exp
That is a great teacher alright. I would put even the greatest teacher's Teach ability at 10 (not 12), but otherwise fine. I would, however, require a story to locating him and convincing the teacher to sdevote his time to teaching this one, rather untrustworthy, student.
Not sure about "Blatant Gift after Parma Magica" either, what do you mean? If you mean you supply the teacher with Parma then he should get no penalty - but a story is DEFINITELY needed to allow you to subject him to such blatant magic.

68. season: he learns from a new Muto Tractati from one legendary writer for 17+6 exp and 1 in Auram, Ignem, Aquam, Corpus
I would require a story to allow him to spend a season to learn from this tractatus, it's the best theoretically possible!

69. season: he learns from a magic theory tractatus for 15+3 exp
Make the quality 11.

[b] 75. season: he wants to get a familiar but for this he wants to learn the Mystery Virtue of Spirit Familiar, so he works one season to create a useful flying artifact for an Ignemmaster of his cult to get one good cult lore book with quality 17+3, +2 exp in MT
I don't generally think cult lore books are very appropriate, but I suppose that depends on the cult. At any rate, the quality seems rather high for an Ability.

I'd suggest spending two or more seasons making the item for Ignemmaster, justifying Ignemmaster's spending two seasons aiding him reach enlightenment (teaching him in one season, initiating him in the next); if inventing the new script requires time, and I think it does, a further service of some service to the cult would be required. Perhaps teaching a neophyte?

79. season: he uses this season to train his ability to fly for 6 exp
Huh? You mean Athletics, right?

Virtues: ... Minor Magical Focus (lightning),
What happened to Clouds?

Hammer of Thor (CrReAu 30 Touch, Sun, Individual, Base 3 for a small lighning +4 for unnatural, free requisite)
enchants a metal weapon in a way that it is covered by small lightning, at the first hit of the weapon the energy of the weapon is set free, dealing 20 points of damage, after a hopur the energy has restored, additionallythe weapons deals 3 points of damage extra (everytime)

An interesting idea to be sure. I'd simply say the spell constantly creates lightning upon the sword (Cr), while controlling it not to get our of the sword or damage the blade (Re) - so anyone hit, or touching the blade, suffers the electricity damage. (The way it is is too mechanistic, the spell should ALWAYS work creating the electricity, not "charge" the blade which is a very modern thought.) Not a free Re requisite, it should cost a magnitude. Not sure about the base level, and the amount of damage.

Spiders Clothes (CrAn 60, Ritual, Touch, Mom, Group, Base 5 +5 Size, +1 treatend material, +2 extreme good silk)
Creates an whole bunch of finest spider silk woven to a giant bolt of cloth, this spidersilk is so resstent against cutting or damaging that a shirt adds 1 to your soak, a robe or a set of shirt, throusers and cloak adds +3 to your soak roll, additionally the silk works a bit like the leaves of a lotus flower: dirt and water pearls off. To make clothing of the silk you need tools crafted and entchanted by a Verditius or something simular.

Well, it should serve as an armor providing +3 to your soak, not add to your soak. I wouldn't add the ability to resist dirt and leaves (spider silk is sticky...), but I would make it very comfortable.
This Ritual was invented by the Bjornair Magus Ursus the White, after making a whole bunch of these robes and selling them for 2 pawns of Vis each at the Grand Tribunal (selling them to over 100 magi) he became on of the richest and best-known wizards.
IMS, no sane magus is going to pay perfectly good raw vis to gain a piece of cloth.

Airs Shield (MuAu20, Touch, Diameter, Individual, Base 10)
This spell changes the air around the caster to a substance that deflects fast objekts like arrows, swords, rocks or something like that, granting the caster a +15 soak against these things. Slow objekts arent hindered.

I don't have the book with me, but +15 soak seems far far too extensive. I'd definitely require a Te requisite for that, at the least. I'd probably not allow it at all, not without some very strange side-effects at least at and with some added magnitudes.

Airs Aegis (MuAu35 Sun, Voice, Individual, Size +1 Base 10)
This spell changes the air around a point the caster designates to a substance that deflects fast objekts like arrows, swords, rocks or something like that, granting the caster a +15 soak against these things. Slow objekts arent hindered. The shield has the form of an 20 paces high dome with a radius of 20 paces.

Same as above. Furthermore, how did you get the size and shape? I seem to recall air as having targets like "an individual cloud" or "a current", not a sphere. If that's the case, add +1 for a non-standard target (sphere instead of Individual).

Calling the Cloud (CrAu20 Individual, Moon, Touch, Base 2, +2 unnatural)
Creates a normal Cloud at touch range wich stays at least a few minutes at the creation point

Why the Moon duration? Shouldn't it be Diameter, for a few minutes?

Clouds Castle (MuReAu30, Touch, Moon, Individual, Req +1, Base 5)
Changes a normal Cloud to a gelee-like substance wich flyes and that can be reshaped trough normal tools like wood or ice, it can carry nearly 10.000 pounds and can fly at a speed of 5 miles per hour

Isn't a Te requisite needed? You are granting the cloud earth-like properties (solidity, and so on). I don't see why a Rego requisite is needed, though - you are changing the cloud's substance, not controlling it.

Some very interesting ideas there. :slight_smile:

I'd suggest making a list of the available books and resources, deciding the "covenant's resources" and spending seasons to improve them when needed.


I cant answer to each pint directly but i will try: first his focus of clouds was a first idea but it seems that I forgot to change it after the first step, te same for book learner i simply forgot it (dam me). The ting about study bonus is that I didnt wanted to scribe every single stdy bonus on the paper, because when you play such a mage every week you have time to think about cool methods to study, but if you make 80 seasons in a few hours than you lack such ideads, so I suggested it would be easy to gain study bonus when you study something till it reaches 20, because in most cases it is easy to gain such a bonus.
The ting about the storys for gaining a good teacher, a good book or something: dont forget he can use 4 weeks every season to do this without any loss of exp. And dont forget his companion and his grogs and his sodales from the covennat which should help him in exactly these things (at least his companion who work only for the magus and who is aperson with confidence and many virtues and flaws should be able to do very much).
About the teacher and the Blatant Gift and so on: I ever thaought that the parma magica only blocks 3 points of penalty (the points from the original, normal gift) and the next 3 points from a blatant gift arent blocked, but ok this would result in higher totals.
The high levels of teaching in some caes are the result of my point of view: when you are blessed with some combination of virtues (say good teacher and some other ability) and you learn that you can make many, many money because of this, would you not spezialize in these abilitys you have? Pherhaps the sword-teacher is a 70 year old guy whch teaches peple since he got wounded at the age of 25 or something like this. There is always a good explanation for high scores in something.And if there are people with an affinity and a puissant in an ability and pherhaps another Virtue that grabnts them exp it should be easy for someone who is rich (and such teacher SHOULD be rich) to get a 10 or even more till 50 or so. And for getting teaching 12 in the one case: with puissant and a proper spezialisation (on teaching teachng :wink:) this should be easy. And such persons like "the best in a tribunal" sould also have companion-virtues and not grog-virtues.
The levls of the book are widley spred, sometimes they are too poor, sometimes they are too strong, sometimes they are averange, for my case this should be normal for a covenants libary. The change of some bokks from wich he lerans can simply be because some other mage studys them or they have been sold or rent to some other covenant or something like this. In life nothing is ever simple :confused:
Training athletics is traning fly, because i think fly with a spell should be athletics (if you say its finesse, well than he would have read a book about this theme but I think train flying in the clouds is far more cooler.)
The thing about spider silk is that in my saga all PCs stormed the shop of the NSC magus on the rhine tribunal to get these robes. Remembr: you can wear such a robe even in your lab, granting you the soak bonus to survive a bad experimentation or a cruel assasin with his weapon or something. And if your on an adventure and your magi want to shield him without wearing an armor that reduces his casting total such a robe is pretty useful.
For the Airs xy: in one point I agree with you now: i would also make it Target:Part and add one magnitude for this to both spells.
The cloud spells: the moon duration is for sustaining the spell as long as clouds castle lasts[edit: ah I kow what you mean: without an Rego Req such a normal cloud should be flay away very quick: after a few minutes, but it stays long enough to casts spells on it], so and yes I also thought of an teram req, but it is no real solidity, pherhaps if i would add an req I would choose Aquam and not Terram.
The thing with the cult: you are absolutley right when you say Titus have to do things for the cult, but increasing the Intigue skill and beeing a Tytalus should be worth something, and dont bother: in the nex 80 seasons he will be spending many, many seasons teaching new cult members. But i think someone should already know much about something (having some Virtues, having a high score in cult lore and teaching) and then teaching poor new members about it. And dont forget the vis and the artifact for the cult member that are only for him and are NOT part of some script!

But thank you for your insights I will change some in the postet seasons! :slight_smile:

Alrighty. You're welcome. :slight_smile:

The life as a Master

Study Bonus till 20
Creo+Herbam+Animal: a house in the woods with some animals like sheeps and dogs or so on with an garden with many different flowers and different age if he learns something he walks in the wood or stays with the animals on the fields or studys the plants in the garden
Terram+Auram+Aquam+Ignem: a cave an a high montain with some plattforms exposed to the winds and a nearby great waterfall, in some area of the cave there is, later for Auram his Clouds Castle
Vim+Intellego+Muto+Imagonem: his own lab and libary with many books and many paintings and his lycanthrope companion Duncan (for the Muto)
Corpus+Perdo: a graveyard with some fresh corpses
Mentem+Rego: he studies the scholars on a very strict university which learn Common and Cannon Law
Study Bonus for Auram sooner or later he will use his Clouds Castle or his new base in the sky to learn Auram to 30 or 35 with a study bonus

I rolled the warping points for his twilight and a also rolled wich benefit he become... it IS very good for him to get THIS Virtue, but it would have another Hermetic or Supernatural Virtue and something like Flexible Formulaic Magic or Life-Linked Spnt Magic would also be powerful, but for thsi charakter and the source of warping it have to be THIS Virtue.

I diddnt adjust the spells with new magnitudes or guidelines, because I think this isnt the main point in this trad and would confuse me a bit.

1.+2. season: no aging, 1 warping point gained, Titus learns from a very good Rego summae with quality 15+5exp, and 1 in every element
3. season: he have to teach an new cult member the cult lore, +2 teaching exp
4+5+6+7. season: he start the search for an spirit familiar, the next year he flys after every storm in europe, visits magical auras and regions, talks to powerful spirits of the air and so on, in this year he gains 4 warping points (1 for his longivety poition and 3 for powerful mystical effects) and no aging, after batteling some earth spirits for an friendly storm lord one spell botches extremly bad and he goes into twilight for 11 aditional warping points, but he make it to understand twilight! Because of the high level of warping he gets the Major Virtue Elementarist and the twilightscar: Fresh Air. After recovering from this mess he finaly finds his new friend, the Spirit of Thunder Aross with a MM of 35. He gets 8 exp in this 4 seasons, all into Auram.
8. season: he binds Arros to him, gaining the true friend virtue and the personality tread unrest +4, the binding total is: 68 > 3 points in gold (Hermes), 3 points in bronze (Hekate) and 1 in the silver (Isis) cord, +2 exp in Auram
9. season: he enchants Aross with Mental Communicaton , +2 Mentem exp
10. season: no aging, 1 warping point gained, he enchants himself with Mental Communicaton, +2 Mentem exp. At the end of this season he and Aross travel to a secret meeting of the cult, at this meeting all members a impressed by his new abilitys as an Elementarist and his new, powerful spirit familiar Aross. After a long discussion between some members they aggreed to teach him more secrets of the cult and they already tell Titus what his next Quest will be: to defeat the powerful Dragon Stellatus!
11. season: shocked by his new quest Titus thinks about how he will challenge this mighty dragon of fire, first he decides to learn more about Ignem, so he studys the best Ignem summae of the covenant for 18+5 exp and 1 in Creo and Muto, and 1 in the other elements
12. season: again he have to teach a new member of the cult, +2 exp in Teaching
13. season: one of his sodales needs help so he travels with him to Jerusalem to fight against some diabolist, after the adventure he gains 7 exp in Parma Magica
14. season: no aging, 1 warping point gained, his companion Duncan was able to find a summae about the mastery of his lightning spell, this summae has a quality of 14+3
15. season: he enchants Aross with the ability to take solid form, for this he uses a leb text granted by the cult, +2 exp in Auram
16+17. season: he studys two books from his cult gaining 11+3 and 12+3 exp, meanwhile (and the next seasons) Aross learns Magic Theory from books to help Titus in the lab
18. season: no aging, 1 warping point gained, Tutus creates a longivety ritual for his companion Duncan, +2 MT exp
19. season: Titus learns from an exellent Auram tractatus for 15(23)+6 exp and 1 in the other elements and 1 in Creo and 1 in Muto
20. season: he learns Penetration from a tractatus 13+3
21. season: to gain an arcane connection from stellatus he orders his companion to search his place and finde something, and luckily Duncan finds a single scale droped by Stelltus after a storm, Titus uses the rest of the season to fix this scale to a permanent connection, +2 exp in MT
22. season: no aging, 1 warping point gained he enchants his Talisman with an ReIg ward against the dragons flames Protection from Fire (ReIg 25 Touch, Diameter, Individual) with 6 charges per day. After his experimentation he learns that some strange, mystical power now rest in his Talisman ("Special Story Event") he attunes the +10 against demons to the wand, +2 Ignem
23. season: after long study Titus decides to challenge Stellatus, under the protection of all his spells, with his Talisman, the arcane connection and the birthname of Stellatus and he waits secretly in his hideout near Stellatus cave, the first shot belongs to Tius because of his invisibility so three ligthning bolts with a penetration of 71 hit Stellatus in his chest dealing him three Light Wounds. After this Stellatus beginsn to charge Titus, but he fokuses on the dragon and hit him again with three bolts of pure thunder, dealing him anoter light Wound and two medium Wounds, with these wounds Stellatus attacks Titus and hits him, but he is too weaked to deal any real damage to Titus. After one succesful concentration roll Titus pushes his next three bolts out of his hand dealing two heavy wounds and a medium wound. Howling from pain Stellatus uses his fiery breath and he penetrates Titus resistance and after Titus failure in avoiding the flames he gets 48 dmg, but his shield, his fireward and his soak block of the attack, so that Stellatus is killed by the next three lightning bolts! After his great victory (which grants one confidence score) he lay his hands on the dragons treasure. Inside the dragons lair he finds a tresaure worth more than 10.000 silver pounds in gold, gems, items of war and art and even two magic items: a sword carved with old runes and a chain mail with a dark colour. Soon his victory spreads throughout the order givin hi the reputations Very Good Tytalus +2 (Hause Tytalus), Typical Tytalus (Order of Hermes) +1, Dragonslayer (Order of Hermes) +2 , after this adventure he learns 7 exp for his parma magica
24. season: after his victory he travels to the secret hideout of his cult and is teached the Mystery Virtue: Hermetic Empowernment, there should no need to say, that the leader of the cult are greatly impressed by him, and they give him to understand that he did his job more than 20 years sooner than expected by them, +2 exp in cult lore
25. season: he goes in his lab and thinks about some artifacts for him and his covenant using his two spirit virtues, first he decides to create a powerful healing ring for him but for this he needs a spell that can heal all is wounds in one moment, so he asks his sodales if they woul want a magus in the covenant which could save every one of them from bad injuries: and they agree to buy this spell from another covenant. So first he learns Incantation of the Body made Whole(CrCo40), +2 Co exp
26. season: no aging, 1 warping point gained, he openes a simple gold ring with a rock crystal, an amber and a jasper (semi-precious gem)for enchantment, +2 MT exp
27. season: he enchants a spell simular to the chirugeons eye (InCo 5) in the ring, +2 Co exp
28. season: he enchants the spell Incantation of the Body made Whole(CrCo40) with 3 uses per day and an linked trigger for a level of 46, he experiments and distatsrer strikes and the season is lost, +2 MT exp
29. season: again he experiments and some flaw makes the spell not so efficient: one minor wound remains after one use, +2 MT
30. season: no aging, 1 warping point gained, again he experiments and he gains 3 exp in Corpus from a discovery and finaly his work is done, +2 MT exp
31+32. season:he teaches some cult members and helps other in their dutys, +2 exp in teaching, on one of the dutys he botches a spell in a powerful fearie aura and go into the twilight, he didnt understand it and gains 6 additional warping points (9 at all) and loses 18 exp in Perdo
33+34. season: no aging, 1 warping point gained,he reads two good Magic Theory tractati for 14+3 exp
35+36. season he reads two Muto tractati for 12+5 and 14+5 exp and one in Vim, Auram, Ignem, Mentem
37+38. season: no aging, 1 warping point gained, he reads one good Corpus summae for 16+5 exp and 1 in Rego and Muto
39+40. season: he enchants his ring with Empowering Prision of the Declining Spirit (MuReCoVi50), he experiments and the spell has the side benefit that the trapped spirit is not hostile to the magus, and if used this spell also destroys all dirt in the magus clothes (very strange), happy with this new ring which will resurect him if he gets an incapacitating woud and even washes his clothes he thinks he can do the next step to become an archmage: to get a poor apprientice, +2 MT exp, because the work in the 2. season is quickly done he lerans the Spell Gather the Essence of the Beast(ReVi15) from a lab text
41. season: he travels around the Rhine Tribunal and after some searching he finds a very special young girl named Marie wich seems to be very intelligent and have the Gift, +2 Folk Ken exp
42. season: no aging, 1 warping point gained, he openes the arts of Marie, +2 MT exp
43. season: some trouble with some diabolists that attack the covenant prevents Titus from doing something other than killing nearly 400 diabolists with the help of some quaesitores, after he destroyed a whole town of nearly innocent people the quaesitor Karlotius ex Guernicus begins a charge against him at the next tribunal, some time later he have to pay 15 vis to the tribunal and gains the reputation hot-headed(Quaesitores)+1, for this adventure he gains 7 exp in Parma Magica
44. season: he asks Duncan if he knows someone that can teach im some Intrigue and luckily a good and very criminal man becomes his teacher for: Com +3 Teaching +4, Blatant Gift -6, only student +9 for 10 exp
45. season: he creates a lesser entchantet device for Duncan: a pair of splints with the spell Gift of the Beast Legs(ReCo20, Touch, Mom, Ind, this spellw orks exactly like Gift of the Frog Legs but the +1 magnitude makes every jump completly safe) with unlimited uses for a level of 50 and an effect expiry of 70 years, he experiments and the spell gains the flaw that a strange sound is always (like a "DOING") made when the wearer uses this artifact, +2 MT exp
46. season: no aging, 1 warping point gained, he teaches Marie Auram, +2 Teaching exp
47. season: he teaches some cult members in the cult lore, +2 Teaching exp
48. season: he spends a season to teach a new cult member the Spell Binding Virtue, +2 Teaching exp
49. season: he reads a fantastic Auram tractatus for 16(24)+5 exp and 1 in the elements and 1 in Creo and Muto
50. season: no aging, 1 warping point gained he teaches Marie in Creo, +2 Teaching exp
51. season: he reads a great Imagonem Summae with Lvl 11 Q 21+5 and 1 exp in Creo and Muto
52. season: he reads a Terram Summae with Lvl: 14 Quality 17+5 and in in the elements and 1 in Creo and Perdo
53. season: he reads a Animal Summae with Lvl 12 Qual 15+5 and 1 in Creo and Perdo
54. season: no aging, 1 warping point gained, he teaches Marie in Rego, +2 Teaching exp
55. season: he reads a book about Intellego for 16+5 exp and 1 in the elements
56. season: he reads a Herbam Summae with Lvl 11 Qual 15+5 and 1 in Creo and Perdo
57. season: he reads a Mentem Summae with Lvl 12 Qual 14+5 and 1 in Creo and Perdo
58. season: no aging, 1 warping points gained for the 5. time he teaches Marie, +2 Teaching exp
59.+60 season: he starts to invent a new spell: Fly Above like a God (Titus likes himself very much :wink:)(MuReAuTe45, Base 10, Moon, Sight, Individual, +1 Rego, Terram free thanks to Elementarist) Marie helps him if she wants to or not, +2 Magic Theory exp,
61. season: he travel with some members of the cult to recover an ancient book in some ruins, after defeating powerful guardians he gains 7 exp in Magical Lore after the adventure
62. season: no aging, 1 warping point gained, he teaches Marie, +2 exp in teaching
63. season: he enchants a chainmail to become a lesser enchantet device with a MuTe effect (MuTeBase25; 4 (Change Dirt unnatural), Personal, Sun, Individual, +2 Metal,+1 size) as a constant effect it have 2 uses per day and an environmental trigger for a final level of 29, +2 MT exp, he calls the chainmail "Kel Dar"
64. season: with this chaimail he challenges some magical craturs and collect their vis, then he enchants another chainmail like this for his companion, +2 MT exp
65. season: he makes another chainmail from his labtext and write his labtext down so that everyone can read it, he makes the 3. chainmail a gift to the cult leaders, +2 MT exp
66. season: no aging, 1 warping point gained, he teaches Marie, +2 teaching exp
67. season: he reads a new Auram tractatus for 14(21)+5 exp, 1 in the other elements and 1 in Creo and Muto
68. season: he helps some new cult members to gain the Virtue Spirit Familiar, +2 cult lore exp
69. season: he reads another Auram tractatus for 13(20)+5 exp, 1 in the other elements and 1 in Creo and Muto
70. season: 1 aging point in Com and Pre making Pre to 0, 1 warping point gained, he teaches Marie, +2 teaching exp
71. season: Tutus helps one of his sodales of the covenant with some fearie trouble, afte this he gets 6 exp in Fearie Lore
72. season: Titus learns from a Creo tractati for 14+5 points and 1 in Corpus, Auram, Terram, Ignem,
73. season: Titus makes research to discover the spell Sustain a Spell of Auram and Terram(ReViAuTe45), he experiments but nothing special happens, he cant do it in one season, +2 MT exp
74. season: 1 aging point in Sta gained, 1 warping point gained, he teaches Marie, +2 teaching exp
75. season: he invents a new longivety ritual for him with a bonus of +14, +2 MT exp
76. season: he finally invents his spell Sustain a Spell of Auram and Terram(ReViAuTe45), +2 MT exp, from this time one he starts to build him a flying cloud and a wizards tower high above the clouds with some poor grogs serving him, but soon he realizes that some other spells are needed to sustain a real base that high in the sky
77. season: he travels from one covenant with an Auram archmage to the next to find out something about potential rival, +2 exposure exp for Organisation Lore: Order of Hermes, one time on his travel his Chaotic Magic trys to drive him once again into twilight, but he resists and only gains 2 warping points
78. season: no aging, 1 warping point gained, he teaches Marie, +2 Teaching exp
79. season: he help the cult killing a bunch of hedgemages from the Order of Odin which had their hands on several vissources, he gains 6 exp for parma magica for this adventure
80. season after his help he gains a lab text from the cult that allows him to enchant himself with Incorporeality, +2 exp in Auram

Master Titus ex Tytalus or Thomas Müller at the age of 62. Born A.D. 1078
Characteristics: Int:+2, Per: 0, Pre:+1(1 aging point), Com:-1(1 aging point), Str:+1, Sta:+2(1 aging point), Dex: +1, Qik: 0
Size: 0
Age: 62(39) (40 years after gauntlet)
Decreptitude: 0(3)
Warping Score: 4(5)
Confidence Score: 4 (12)
Virtues: The Gift, Master,Secondary Insight, Minor Magical Focus (lightning), Affiity with Auram, Special Circumstances (when flying), Book Learner, Study Bonus, Cautious Sorcerer, Student of Magic, Self-Confident, Fearie Blood of the Shide, Spell Binding, Spirit Familiar, Hermetic Empowernment, True Friend, Elementarist
Flaws: Chaotic Magic, Driven (major, becoming archmage), Limited Magic Restistance (Vim), Deleterious Circumstances (when standing on ground), Visions, Missing Eye, Susceptibility to Divine Power, Blatant Gift
Personality Traits: Becoming Archmage: +5, stubborn: -2, Enthusiastic +2, unrest +4
Reputations: Muto Auram Master +2, Very Good Tytalus +2 (Hause Tytalus), Typical Tytalus (Order of Hermes) +1, Dragonslayer (Order of Hermes) +2, Hot-Headed (Quaesitores)+1
Twilight Scars:
Heroic Hair: his hair is always moved by the wind so that he look like on a heroic picture, giving him a Presence or Leadership bonus in some situations
Fresh Air: the air around him is alwyas fresh and may help him against toxic gases or fog or something
Fist: Int:+0 Att:+3 Dfn:+2 Dmg:+1
Dagger: Int:+0 Att:+6 Dfn:+3 Dmg:+4
Sword: Int:+2 Att:+8 Dfn:+4 Dmg:+7
Soak: +2 (Sta) +3 (Silk Clothing)+ 9 (Kel Dar) +3 (cord bonus)= +17 (+Form Bonus)

German: 5
Harz Lore(Lords): 1
Athletics(Flying): 3 (3)
Awareness(Air): 1
Brawl(Dagger): 2
Folk Ken(Magi): 1(4)
Guile(Peasants): 1
Concentration(Spells): 2
Profession: Miller 2
Legerdemain(Tricks): 1
Survival(Woods): 1(5)
Artes Liberales(Ceremonial Casting): 2 2)
Latein: 4(Texts) (2)
Magic Theory(Lab Work): 8(30)
Theology(angels): 2 (1)
Single Weapons (swords): 4 (14)
Organisation Lore Order of Hermes(Tytalus): 2(8)
Hunt(small Animals): 1
Finesse(Flying): 2 (3)
Penetration(Auram): 3 (1)
Parma Magica(Corpus): 6(28)
Intrigue(Magi): 3 (0)
Philosophy(Ceremonial Casting): 2(10)
Hermetic Law(Hedge Wizards): 2(1)
Magical Lore(Elements): 3+2(0)
Profession: Scribe 2(5)
Forrest Lore(Harz): 1
Fearie Lore (Wild Hunt): 3(3)
Lore of the Elemental Spirits (Mystery Cult): 4(22)
Teaching(Magi): 5(15)
Enigmatic Wisdom(Spirits): 0+2

Cr:16(7) In:8(0) Mu:17(2) Pe:7(3) Re:16(11)
An:8(5) Aq:8(0) Au:27(5) Co:13(1) He:8(5)
Ig:10(2) Im:9(2) Me:9(0) Te:10(1) Vi:10(0)

a Robe of Spider Silk (+3 Soak, dirt goes off)
a Dagger and a sword
a strage chainmail and a strange sword form Stellatus treasure
Longivety Potion +14 (+2 living conditions +1 Fearie Blood +3 cord bonus = 20 Bonus)
Talisman: an iron wand with several gemstones and silver and gold inlays and a pinfeather in a quartz cristall, opened with 10 vis, enchanted with a MuTe24 for indestructible, Airs Shield with 24, uses/day, Protection from Fire (ReIg 25 Touch, Diameter, Individual) with 6 charges per day; attunements: pinfeather: +2 Auram, wand: +4 destroy things at a distance, red coral: 10 against demons
Ring of Ressurection: a small gold ring with an amber, a rock cristal and a jasper, a Incantation of the Body made Whole(CrCo40) is triggered by a Chirugeons Eye (InCo5) and drains his Vis from a trapped spirit which can hold on for 3 Uses, the spirit have a might of 25
Kel Dar: a chainmail out of very tiny and thin sheet metal with some butterflies around the neck, it is enchantet in a way that makes it absolute indestructible and so light that its weight is not a tenth pound it has a protection of 9 (*1,5 the normal) and a load of 0
Lab: +2 Auram +1 Experimentation +2 General Quality, +1 to spirit lab totals
Encumbrance: 0 (0)

Familiar: Aross the Spirit of Thunder (MM25), enchantet with mental communication and corporeality, Int+2, Magic Theory (Lab Work) 6, the bound to him is also enchantet with incorporeality and mental communication for Titus, 68 > 3 points in gold (Hermes), 3 points in bronze (Hekate) and 1 in the silver (Isis) cord

Spells known:
Airs Ghosty Form (CrAu5)
Chamber of Spring Breezes (CrAu5)
Broom of te Winds (CrAu15)
Wizards Invisibility (PeIm15)
Prying Eyes (InIm5)
Taste of Spices and Herbs (MuIm5)
Hammer of Thor (CrReAu30)
Jupiters Resounding Blow (CrAu 10)
Incantation of Lighning(CrAu35)(Mastery 2; Penetration, Multicasting)
Airs Chostly Form(CrAu5)
Rise of the Feathery Body(ReCo 10)
The Unseen Porter(ReTe10)
Demons Eternal Oblibion (PeVi5)
Own Wings of the Soaring Wind (CrReAu30)
Circling Winds of Protection with a Diameter Duration(CrReAu20)
Airs Shield (MuAu20, Touch, Diameter, Individual, Base 10) flawed
Airs Shield (MuAu20, Touch, Diameter, Individual, Base 10)
Ward Against Magical Beasts (ReVi40)
Airs Aegis (MuAu35 Sun, Voice, Individual, Size +1 Base 10)
Calling the Cloud (CrAu10 Individual, Moon, Touch, Base 2)
Clouds Castle (MuReAu30, Touch, Moon, Individual, Req +1, Base 5)
Iron Spear (in Fearies Hearth) (PeVi 5)
Calling the Spirit of Thunder (ReAu40)
Sparkling Helper(ReAu25)
Incantation of the Body made Whole(CrCo40)
Fly Above like a God (MuReAuTe45)
Gather the Essence of the Beast (ReVi15)
Sustain a Spell of Auram and Terram(ReViAuTe45)

New Spells:
Hammer of Thor (CrReAu 30 Touch, Sun, Individual, Base 3 for a small lighning +4 for unnatural, free requisite)
enchants a metal weapon in a way that it is covered by small lightning, at the first hit of the weapon the energy of the weapon is set free, dealing 20 points of damage, after a hopur the energy has restored, additionallythe weapons deals 3 points of damage extra (everytime)
Spiders Clothes (CrAn 60, Ritual, Touch, Mom, Group, Base 5 +5 Size, +1 treatend material, +2 extreme good silk)
Creates an whole bunch of finest spider silk woven to a giant bolt of cloth, this spidersilk is so resstent against cutting or damaging that a shirt adds 1 to your soak, a robe or a set of shirt, throusers and cloak adds +3 to your soak roll, additionally the silk works a bit like the leaves of a lotus flower: dirt and water pearls off. To make clothing of the silk you need tools crafted and entchanted by a Verditius or something simular.
This Ritual was invented by the Bjornair Magus Ursus the White, after making a whole bunch of these robes and selling them for 2 pawns of Vis each at the Grand Trubunal (selling them to over 100 magi) he became on of the richest and best-known wizards.
Airs Shield (MuAu20, Touch, Diameter, Individual, Base 10)
This spell changes the air around the caster to a substance that deflects fast objekts like arrows, swords, rocks or something like that, granting the caster a +15 soak against these things. Slow objekts arent hindered.
Airs Aegis (MuAu35 Sun, Voice, Individual, Size +1 Base 10)
This spell changes the air around a point the acster designates to a substance that deflects fast objekts like arrows, swords, rocks or something like that, granting the caster a +15 soak against these things. Slow objekts arent hindered. The shield has the form of an 20 paces high dome with a radius of 20 paces.
Calling the Cloud (CrAu20 Individual, Moon, Touch, Base 2, +2 unnatural)
Creates a normal Cloud at touch range wich stays at least a few minutes at the creation point
Clouds Castle (MuReAu30, Touch, Moon, Individual, Req +1, Base 5)
Changes a normal Cloud to a gelee-like substance wich flyes and that can be reshaped trough normal tools like wood or ice, it can carry nearly 10.000 pounds and can fly at a speed of 5 miles per hour
Fly Above like a God (Titus likes himself)(MuReAuTe45, Base 10, Moon, Touch, Individual, +1 Rego, Terram free thanks to Elementarist, +2 reshaping) this spell turns a normal cloud (something with an radius of 50 paces) into a cloud that is as light as a normal cloud but is as hard as stone, also it reshapes one part of the clound to a wizard tower with walls of "cloudstone", buildings for grogs and animals and so on, this cloud can be directed by the caster and can move at a speed of 10 miles/hour

Hmm hmm hmm

Titus is now 98 years old, is an archmage, the leader of the cult, is far more powerful than NSCs like Philipus Niger or someone in his age, has the power of becoming a living lightning instilled in his own spirit (his talisman) so he can get nearly invincible if he wants and mves at the speed of light, has a Incantation of Lightning with a 102 penetration instilled in his spirit with unlimited uses per day, he has a MM of 80 (after making the Becoming ritual, the last Mystery of his elemental cult to tarnsform him into an magical beeing, strongly alligned with a specific element), for this he had to cast many CrVi spells for a high warping score and many, many PeMe spells to decrease his abilitys and arts to a point at which he can transform himself. All the many exp he gained trough study bonus, secondary insight and boo learner were wasted in this procedere. Without pushing these and taken other virtues or using his time to proceed faster in the cult this woud be possble at an age of 70 or so. If i would use his SIX seasons per year (thanks to the transformation of mind) to push his arts again and then instill a new magic might he would have scores of 40-25 in all arts and a magic might of over 100 at the age of 150.

I will post the seasons that happened a I know many will say I was too generous and he have some extremmly good combinations of exp gaining virtues, but even without them the result would differ very small because before the last step of becomming he deleted over 1000 exp from his mind...

If Titus wasnt in a cult and only had say the book learner virtue (which is so powerful that a thinkng about a Major virtue for this!) and an affinity in one art or something like this, his scores would not be very lower that the one of the posted Titus, because if he would have used the 40 seasons (in which he worked for the cult, learned virtues or using his new virtues) to study arts even with only 13 exp per season...

My conclusion of this is that the NSCs puplished in the books (the magi as well as the monsters) are far too weak in nearly every power. But I plan to do this again, this time with someone with only an affinity and no other exp gaining virtues in a tribunal where the books arent as god and available as in the Rhine Tribunal (because of this i ruled the averange book should be a bit better than in the other tribunals).

Some words to some things: in my saga the magi find their familiar and their aprientice in adventure without loosing any season, my magi use their labs rarely, instead they push their arts very high and every one of them has a focus and one affinity, one char even has a major focus(in necromancy) and three affinitys which gave him higher scores than this of Titus and for him lab totals of 100 in his focus at the age of 40 arent something rarely.