Tomas ex Bonisagus

Joel -

A while back we discussed trading vis so Tartessos could cast Midas touch. As far back in history as you are comfortable with would be great - Tartessos likes his luxuries... He can trade Muto vis in pretty much any quantity you need, but needs 4 for this ritual. Thanks!

Unless I have missed something, I can and am happy to trade 4 Creo for 4 Muto vis in 1212.
I missed where you discussed with Arthur the limits on magical money generation.

I didn't specifically address it with Silveroak, but in the original Player's Wanted thread I mentioned he would be keeping a low profile by sticking to the two mythic pounds per year ruling, despite not being in that tribunal.

At two pounds per year a single casting should last him for the rest of his extremely unnatural life. Even subtracting some quantity to make casting tools from, he should still have the majority hidden in a false bottom of a chest labelled "beware of leopards".

Okay. I just wanted to double-check. When I total Tomas up I will include the 4 pawns trade.

Awesome, thanks!

I'm going to go with binding total - sorry I got a bit distracted by the new job...

Understood about the job. Not a problem.

I am thinking about investing some variant of "Wizard's Leap" in the talisman as both useful and a way to open the movement bonus. Would this get a similar spell bonus from my knowing "Leap of HomeComing" or "Seven League Stride"? At surface reading neither is close enough, but I noticed that the RAW says that similar effects may also give this bonus.

I would consider either of those as similar spells.

For the first of the two spells in the talisman, I think that Wizard's Leap is the right move. If I give it Fast Trigger and unlimited uses, that brings it to level 3, needing 3 pawns of rego vis, which I have. My lab total appears to be 74 (14 Re, 25 Co, 4 bonus from Talisman, 7 bonus from similar spell, 3 Int, 3 Inventive Genius, 10 MT, 5 from it being my talisman, and 3 Aura.)

I presume that my familiar does not have any inate bonus that would affect this? Eventually he will learn MT? (I realized that for the CrCo invested healing spell, I will end up with a lab total of 79.)

Yes, he will learn MT, either as you teach him or 2xp per season he assists you in the lab (you can still add int)

So how are we going to work out Cheech's stats? I presume he has -3 int? Does that mean I have to spend several seasons teaching him before I can have him assist me without him hurting my lab total? (I may be able to accept a -3 penalty for some seasons, but this is an aspect of assisting for exposure I had never run into)
If I wanted to develop a ritual to improve his int, would that be CreoCorpus (that being his binding basis) or CreoAnimal, or?

For these purposes, is he considered to have the vocal apparatus to speak Romany or Latin? I know that modern knowledge shows that he would not.

Instead you could empower the bond with either speech (MuAn20) on Mental Communication (CrMe15), and then add either shapechanging (MuAn(Co)25) or something less ambitious, such as changing paws to have an opposable thumb and digits more flexible. The second one is important because if your familiar can turn the pages on a book (and has the temperment for it) he can read books and study Magic Theory from the library. I know those totals are a bit difficult for you to reach, but if you can manage it, you'll see a cool payoff a coupla years later. That was where I was going with Tartessos/Vulpus, but I'm reworking that idea, so feel free to use it!

On a similar note, we can cancel the Mu vis for Cr vis trade.

I doubt he has the patience for reading much yet, but I expect he will get there. Which means I have time for some of those very useful ideas. Thanks.
And okay, I won't worry about the vis trade.

Something else to consider for the longer term - using CrMe to improve Cheech's Int. I think the ritual to get to a zero attribute is L35.

I think I had a brain fade - he has opposable thumbs already, doesn't he?

Yes, he is a Monkey, so he has opposable thumbs. But I can think of other uses for those suggestions.
Yes, it will eventually be interesting persuading people that my monkey is allowed to read some of our books.
I am not even sure I believe that it is safe to do that right now (he is still a magic monkey at heart).

A magic animal is capable of having a positive int, especially a magical monkey (I would argue that int is in fact a magical quality for a monkey and you would be able to spend magical virtues on raising it, if you create him as a magical character)

Sounds like I need to get RoP:M. And that you want me to design the Magical monkey. Okay. I was trying to decide which book to buy this month anyway.

I wasn't sure if we were doing the monkey as an animal companion played by someone else, if you want to make it or have me make it- my last post was a quick answer after work last night...

No problem. I did not think I should design or run him. Thank you for undertaking the design, and many thanks for posting the thread so that we get to see the process.