I was wondering when this topic would finally get here. I've been holding off on posting my work for over a year now (mainly because I'm unsure what David Chart's position on this sort of thing would be, and I didn't want to step on toes. But now that those floodgates have been opened...)
I'm alpha storyguide for my troupe, and we started at the very beginning (has it really been two years now) with a wiki. More recently, as things got off the ground (we've just finished our first decade in-game), there's been more out-of-area travel, and I had to start researching trade routes. This lead to a non-trivial period of google mapping.
I originally hoped to just use the web interface, but I've found that the way google maps handles various links on the map, by default, is clunky. (It has a set number it seems to want to display at once, so I can't, for example, have all my tribunals, all the covenants, all the cities, etc, showing at once.) I do still have a fairly up-to-date version of that map online at: maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie ... 73ff59&z=4
When I realized the shortcomings of the default google maps interface, I started working more exclusively in google earth, which can handle a directory structure for organizing and turning on/off specific overlays.
My ultimate goal would be to include county/duchy maps and road maps at different snapshots of history apropos to the AM time frame. That strikes me as above-and-beyond my single-man sticktuitiveness. I contemplated trying to set up some sort of public-access map for the AM community, but since I use this map for my game, I didn't want to open up the possibility of user-added content I didn't want in my game. So, right now, it's still just the work I've put in.
My google earth kmz is available at: http://castleperilous.net/~ndilday/images/AM%20Tribunals.kmz
I tried to include all canon covenants, though, after this many editions, "canon" seems like an argument-worthy concept in itself. I have also tried to start adding towns (mainly in the area of Central Europe pertient to my game, at this stage) and trade routes based on known trade routes between towns (via ciolek.com/OWTRAD/DATA/oddda-europe.html , with a best-guess of actual route path based on currently existing road structure). I'll certainly love to hear any suggestions people have, though I'd prefer suggestions be sourced (with AM canon for Hermetic stuff, and something easily internet-readable for historical stuff).