Apologies if this has been previously discussed. I did use the search function.
I'm thinking about running a scenario with some content from Thrice-Told Tales, and I just wanted to hear some people's interpretations of how this Supernatural Ability works.
At its core it seems quite simple. A person has an emotion and the person with this Virtue can steal it and give it to someone else (even themselves, I'm assuming).
What I suppose is tripping me up is how that emotion "translates" when it is transferred.
As an example:
Say a king hates a knight in his court, but the knight can't afford to lose favour with him, the knight (being of faerie descent) decides he wishes to rid the king of this emotion, and possesses this power.
Is the faerie knight compelled to give the emotion to someone else? If he decides not to, does the emotion simply disappear?
And as an extension on this, what actually happens if the knight tries to transfer this hatred to a specific person? Say there is a rival knight for the king's favour, and our faerie-blooded knight would like to see him humbled before the court. Could he transfer the emotion to his rival and redirect the man's hatred towards another target, perhaps the king himself?
Or would the rival's newfound hatred simply remain directed toward the faerie-blooded knight?
And how would people interpret that if the two barely know each other? Say the faerie-blooded knight is asked by his sister to help remove an unwanted suitor and win her intended groom, the king, whom she has never met. Could our knight transfer her unwanted suitor's love for her to the king, causing the king (who has never met his sister), to fall in love with her? Perhaps feeling a yearning that pulls him inevitably towards her?