I agree. A Circle duration PeVi is justifiable within the rules as stated but doesn't, and can't, take the place of Parma Magica except in very narrow circumstances.
Protection from Unannounced Visitors (PeVi 30)
Base: 20
R:Touch (+1)
D:Circle (+1)
T:Ind (+0)
The player rolls a stress die (no botch). Any magus is prevented from successfully casting any Corpus spells across the circle whose level is less than sum of 40 and the results of the stress die rolled by the caster of the PeVi spell.
NOTE: A strict interpretation of the guideline can lead one to believe that this is independent of Penetration. A more rationalized version, it would seem, would be a Penetration vs. Penetration resolution of the competing spells. Not sure where I sit on this.
Declining the Enigma's Gift (PeVi 35)
R: Touch (+1)
D: Momentary (+0)
T: Ind (+0)
In case one get's into a WW with a Criamon. Cancels a Vim spell cast at the caster of this spell of at least level 50+stress die (no botch). Master for fast casting and magic resistance and no one except the one or two Criamon Archmagi will push you into Twilight.
The Shieldman's Wall Against Hell's Flames (PeVi 32)
Base: 20
R: Touch (+1)
D: Mom (+0)
T: Ind (+0)
Environmental Trigger (touching magical fire): +3 levels
24 uses per day: +4 levels
A shield used by the magus's grog to protect against magical fire attacks up to level 40 plus stress die roll (no botch) at manufacture. Device is defeated if the fire spell never actually touches the shield.
NOTE: May be a little off, I don't have my book. Also, no penetration in this design. The more rational view would require adding Penetration (and perhaps expiry to make it easier to make). Finally, this doesn't take into account any enchantment bonuses from shape or material because I'm not sure what they are without said book. Some might also argue that the environmental trigger needs to be a linked trigger linked to a Touch-range Intelligo Vim effect to let the shiled discern that it is touching magical fire. YMMV.
Now, if someone wants to make a Hermetic Breakthrough in ReVi and/or PeVi to make a SPELL out of Parma...well, that would be epic, and maybe even a game-breaker.