Hello all
My long running Ars campaign has come to an end with the departure of Ryce Mageslayer to mythic lands (Australia) and i'm deep in the process of writing my new campaign.
My campaign uses the rules set for Ars Magica but i've changed the setting to a more high fantasy one. You can read details on this earlier post.
Much has changed since i wrote that post and the world and background are now heavily fleshed out.
One thing remains that i'm scratching my elegantly coiffed head over. Vis generation.
I've already identified several methods for getting vis into the game. Like Ars vanilla, it manifests in magical auras. In my setting aura are long thin ley lines that "Pool" where the lines cross. Where big ley lines or multiple lines meet, the pool is big and strong, where only two small lines meet, the aura pool is small and weak.
Priestly characters also start with the personal vis source virtue, a reward of power from their devout worship of their deity.
Lastly, and this is the one i'm needing help on, priests can salvage vis from the worship of their flock.
My idea is that a priest prepares an altar consecrating it in a manner similar to opening a talisman. He then leads his followers in worship to his god and the altar collects and focuses that energy and outputs it as vis. This vis won't be anything he can carry around, it'll never leave the altar but the priest will be able to access it to for rituals and enchantment.
What i'm struggling to work out is some kind of mechanic for this. I want the vis to be slow to gather, requiring seasons or even a year of worship before its ready. But how can i tie this into the congregation? Obviously the more people you have praying, the better. Larger grander churches with more, devout worshippers should generate more vis than a pokey backwater church.
I'd also like some kid of mechanism to include professional "chanters" that basically do nothing but pray. This goes to my idea of priestly magic being strongly linked to the "Word" of the deity, which is why all priests in the setting have range limited to voice. These chanters should be trained to sing the praises of the god and add some kind of boost to the vis gathering process, but i'm not sure how i might integrate this. These chanters might even be novitiate priests.
I'd appreciate any ideas anyone has, the last post threw up a lot of great stuff that i've integrated into my setting.