Viscaria Verditii

The BPs were from Iosephus description, not mine. I have not tracked where they came from, assuming they were part of the initial covenant build.

It seems like we all settled on the CrTe finesse-free version already learned. JL, did you ever come to a decision about the proposed tweaks to my character history to add more finesse training?

Important point:

This needs to be resolved. I could either take Wielding the Invisible Sling (non-finesse combat spell), or I could take a Rego Craft spell:

The Phantom Mason
Base 2 + 1 affect stone, +1 Touch + 1 Part, +1 flexibility => lvl 10 spell transforms a section of stone into a crafted and formed result, as if a mason has worked to the magus's instructions. Per+Finesse roll substituting for the mason's Craft:Mason roll, +3 modifier. (Based on Phantom Blacksmith)

Zoiks!! I knew I was forgetting something. I've reviewed my Inbox and Outbox, and I can't find the last message in that discussion. Do you happen to have it still?

So there are three options as I see it.

First, Phoenix acquiring a Finesse summa Q15L6. I don't think a 33 build point summa is reasonable, given the other resources that were present at Phoenix. If there was a book in the Phoenix library that you could switch out for such a Finesse summa, what would it be? Keep in mind that Ra'am has probably used some of those books, and if he has, I'll probably nix Viscaria trading them away.

Training or teaching in Finesse also isn't reasonable, as you'd have to come up with some way to repay whomever taught you. I might be willing to pursue the teaching/training route, you'd have to take the Favors Story Flaw, in addition to any existing story Flaws, and then flesh out the trainer, and I extract the pound of flesh at a later point, or several later points to resolve the story flaw.

The alternative is scour the Tribunal/Order for a suitable book in present time, and leave Viscaria as she is. This isn't going to be as hard as you might think, and this is probably the easiest option to handle. Consider that Viscaria may have just finally "got it" how Rego craft magic works, and while her crafting abilities are useful to a Verditius, not every Verditius is a Rego crafter. And now she has finally figured out that it's really Finesse that's the skill to learn and rego is not as important.

If she was to take training in exchange for a Favors flaw, would that be an additional plotline or a new facet to her existing storylines (mother, merinita, pater, imbued with terram)?

What if we were talking about practice exposure during those seasons (1208-1212)?

I'm just gaming out the whole list of options. The third option would be fine.

Good! Because just after I wrote that certain items began coalescing.

Uh-oh. Meaning what?

You'll see!

~headdesk~ Source quality, then?

Oh, and I forgot to add to the list of plots: Spider's Rest/Palace and the mysterious season of enchanting.

Boy, I really don't specialize....

Or Isen could teach her.
And maybe she'll be able to teach him something back.

JL, what you prefer.

That's pretty much between you guys., are we doing any tweaking to her character history, or not?

Let's not. I have something in store.

No one's given any input into this. Given the low Finesse score, I think it makes sense to say her parens taught her fewer finesse-based spells, rather than more. Checking over my notes on Norbert Gunthar, I'm going to give her Crystal Dart (Mu/Re Te 10) rather than Wielding the Invisible Sling, thinking that there is something of a parable in his teaching both those spells to her in the same season -- one she'll probably pass on to her own apprentice someday.

Tangent: Fixer, did you email me a pic of Viscaria? I can't find it in my inbox.

Oh, yes, I did.
I'll send it again. If I forget it, don't hesitate to remind it. I hope you'll like it, cause I love it :smiley:
I did cygna, too :smiley:

I would go with this.

Correct me if I'm wrong: This targets rock (for exemple, a part of a cliff), cuts it to make stone blocks, which it assembles in a given shape?

It would take any part of a quantity of stone and work it in any way a stonemason could do, as with Phantom Blacksmith from Covenants (+1 flexibility = variety of uses).

We agree, then. Thanks! :smiley:

(and can't check the phantom blacksmith, sef's parma and all that)

My reading of this, and if I'm being overly pedantic, feel free to say...

I don't think this is a spell to quarry rock. I think this is a spell to shape a rock into a finished piece suitable for building. If you want to quarry rock, I'm inclined to say it needs to be something like the Bone Carver of Atlas. That will allow someone to quarry the material, for it to be shaped later.

Again, I wouldn't worry about Viscaria's finesse problem too overmuch. I have something in mind for it. Because I had mentioned that earlier, I didn't mention it again. If you want Viscaria's pater to have taught her this spell, I'm fine with that. Sometimes masters do things for reasons their filia can't fathom. Indeed, that's the entire basis for Talia of Tytalus in PB's Canaries are dying saga. He completely deemphasized her natural talents and taught to her weaknesses. Why? Who knows, he's a Tytalus.

Quarry? No. The spell specifies things that a mason could do. Which might mean turning the side of a mountain into a sculpture, or smooth a path made of stone. Possibly, though I'm not entirely willing to concede, it could be used for engraving. But quarrying stone would have a distinct mystical difference to it.

On the other hand, with target Part, it could also work an entire block of stone, or a small part of it if the Finesse roll wasn't high enough -- not sure if we allow "floating target numbers," in this campaign. I was envisioning an example where Viscaria walks up to a large marble block, casts the spell, and then rolls to see how much of the sculpture she completes with that spell.

This basically counts as future spell design -- I've already decided to take the other combat spell, and adjusted sheets to match. Hopefully, this will be one of the spells that we find during the year's worth of bargaining and letter-writing that Viscaria has done to obtain spells for the Tribunal.