Our group changed Confidence to increase like an Ability, with the only way to get XP in it being you get a point every time the SG would normally give a CP in play. We also adjusted the scale required to increase it to what would be the normal total for that level (so 1 to 2 requires gaining 15 [20 total], 2 to 3 requires gaining 30 [50 total], 3 to 4 requires 50 [100 total], etc) and limited the max based on age the same as starting skills are. Most of our (now fairly old) Magi are 3, with a few actually having a 4.
Combine that with our "Recover CP the same as long term fatigue" and "CP Pool limit equals 1 + [Confidence x2]" (we had to limit it since it recovers far easier, unlimited like RAW would be bad) means the Magi are mostly walking around with a pool of 7 CP and able to spend up to 3 on an action.
The SG normally gives 1 XP per 5 "Safe Years" and 1 XP per "Adventure Years" to NPCs which have Confidence. A year is an "Adventure Years" if they did an adventure, dangerous travel, high risk interaction, etc at least once in it. So NPC Magi who are extremely adventurous hit Confidence 2 as fast as 15 years post gauntlet, Confidence 3 as fast as 45 years post gauntlet, and Confidence 4 as fast as 95 years post gauntlet. The safest playing ones take five times as long and rarely get past 2 since average Magi lifespan in our Saga is in the 150's (100~120 for poor, 140~170 for average, 190~230 for rich).
For anyone wondering about the age ranges, poor Magi are the ones without a lot of Magic resources (limited Vis and books, poor to ok labs, no to minimal assistance) who mostly have to create their own LR with little assistance. Average have decent Magic resources (decent Vis, books, labs, so assistance) with the top of that range able to hire a younger LR specialist. Rich are the ones with tons of Vis who mostly can afford to hire a LR specialist.
The breakdown is roughly 30% poor, 60% average, and 10% rich, though of course this varies massively based on Tribunal. In the Alps most of the Magi tend to be on the higher end of average with a greater percentage being rich.
The difference in resources plays a fairly big part in the politics of our Saga, with the Bonisagus leadership (our Big Bad) carefully working to keep the poor poor as a means to control the Order. Our Covenant has become extremely wealthy and works counter to this through our "Book Trade" by over paying for unique text from poorer Covenants (ie ones they write themselves). We started doing this originally to gain political capital (of course people will support the group nearly giving them access to good books) and discovered the plot due to pressure from our House Leadership (half of us are Bonisagus).