Covenants p90
Casting total: Sta + Te + Fo + Aura + Stress Die
(No mention of AL or philosophiae. This might be because this was written with formulaics in mind, though, but this changes little).
Say, you have Sta 2, Re 5, Vi 5, Aura 3, and roll a 5. Total: 20.
You missed the target (lvl 40) by 20.
"Spell Cast, lose 3 fatigue levels".
If you miss by 21-30, spell cast, take 1 warping point, lose 4 fatigue levels.
YMMV, but I don't like this if aegis can ward without penetration, and wouldn't like to see it in my game.
Of course, I was being short, but you're right. I did almost the same thing, although I went by +3. And I also allowed one to create a spell with additionnal magnitudes in order to make it harder to resist (again at +3)
I liked how, in previous editions, some spells allowed a natural resistance roll.
We have some legacies of that, but, often, when players create spells, they make them "automatic success", which, IMO, is tasteless
Interestingly enough, you have similar resistance rules for the Amazons