Warping to a pattern ideas needed

I have a learned magician whoi is casting something to give the local mundane teachers at Cambridge University "Good Teacher". He doesn;t realy realize that warping exists (he's part of an ancient tradition that has been casting "unnafect by the gift" for a really really long time, and the warping to a pattern for that affect I have decided is to make everyone very trusting and naive.

He has one for "apt student", which I have decided gives low self-esteem (always thinking everyone is your superior) but as the students only stay for 3 years, it has never really appeared.

does anyone have a good idea for a thematically appropriate warping for continually be cast as a good teacher?


  • Compulsion (or Minor Curse): the character just cannot refuse requests for instruction.
  • Social Handicap: the character tends to lecture people on what to do, and incurs a -3 social interaction penalty with anyone who dislikes such an attitude, including superiors, people he's Carousing with, etc.
  • Devoted Parent - see Grogs, p.79, but the character is devoted to his teaching environment (students, class etc.) instead of his child, and incurs a -1 to all rolls when away from it for over a day due to anxiety for what might happen to it.
  • Necessary Magic Aura for Teaching - see Grogs p.82. The character incurs a -3 penalty to his effective Teaching score when it's used outside of a Magic Aura, as the constant use of magic to boost Teaching has created something of a mystical addiction to it.

thank you! I have decided to go with a mix of Compulsion and Necessary Magic aura.

The players think that warping the fellows is fine, and are not going to tell the fellows that they are being warped, as it "would only worry them"


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