Weird Ex Miscelllanea?

I've been thinking a lot about Ars, lately.

Among my musings, I remember, when HOH:S came out, being disappointed by the rules for creating a Major Virtue.In short, whatever it allowed you to do, Hermetic Magic could do, only better, especially as it made sense the minor hermetic virtue would boost the same area of magic.

But I was limiting myself, thinking only inside the hermetic toolbox. :face_with_peeking_eye:
We now have several supplements of non-hermetic guidelines so, for example, one could build a Major Supernatural virtue around Succurro Fortunam.

Also, why limit oneself to the Magic realm? HoH: S even had example of traditions with infernal (Damhadh-Duidsan , Malocchi) and Divine (kairates) virtues. One could build a "lifestealer" major virtue around Incantation+Consumption, for example.


You don't even need to limit yourself to Supernatural virtues.

Both Giant Blood and Magister in Artibus are fine as the "free" Major virtue for an Ex Misc tradition, for example.