Where is Triamore?

So I'm preparing the session for today, and the characters are going to visit the covenant of Triamore, which governs the hamlet of Bois de Haillot. Also, along the Meuse, upriver, is Vezay, in my campaign. All these places are of course fictional, but I really want to find the location on a map. So I tried to make sense of this. Triamore is supposed to be located in the outskirts of the Ardennes Forest, south of Namur and another town I can't find any reference for, Dmant. On the holdings map in the book for Triamore, an arrow points south to Dinant. But When looking up Dinant, and tracing a route from there to Namur, I see that Dinant is north of the Ardennes, not south. Of course, the forest was much larger in 1220s than it is now, but it's only about 30km from Namur to Dinant? That is not right with the Duchy of Brabant map on page 105 of the Triamore book. Also, if I could only find where the river Saupont meets the Meuse, I could find Triamore, but I can't find refrences for this river anywhere (tried Wikipedia and other net resources). So is this river also fictional?
Can anyone help me find the location where Triamore is located in Mythic Europe? These maps don't seem to make sense to me.

First off, ignore the arrow to Dinant, that is contradicted in the larger scale map in the Triamore book. I am assuming that all the villages and even the Saupont river are made up. Saupont is listed in mappoint europe as being a town, but that is way over to the east much nearer luxembourg. Hailot is also a village but only a few km east of Namur.

The place most fitting the covenant in matching the contradictory large scale map ie in relation to Namur and Dinant, with the small scale map showing access to the river while staying in Walloon would be Hermeton-sur-Meuse. Thankfully GOTF does not contradict any of the details in the Triamore book.

With the scale of maps you appear to be using, just look up Namur: there's Triamore, too.
With better maps, where a few miles would make a difference, Triamore would be a few miles south of Namur.

And yes, Dinant is twentysomething kilometers up the Meuse/Maas, south of Namur. And still well within the Duchy of Lower Lorraine.

Kind regards,


So Dinant is actually north of Triamore, not south?


Yes, north and slightly east. I use Triamore as the setting for my game and have a map of Namur County with the 19 manors marked (not to say this is historical mind you) that's a bmp. You're welcome to a copy if that helps. (It's a shame that the Count of Namur in the game is not easily fitted into the historical history of the county, though I am working on it.)

Excellent! Could you send it to me on beneibul@online.no?



Berengar, you appear to be using information that i am missing. You are saying that Triamore is between Namur and Dinant? In what is now the suburbs of Namur? I thought Triamore was meant to be at the border of the county not right next to its seat.

I used the - contradictory - stuff you also read, including the contradicting maps.

p.8: "Bois de Haillot is at the southern edge of Namur, about fourty miles southwest of Liège, ...".
p.12: "One also goes through Namur on the way to Liège (a total distance of perhaps forty-five miles)."
As the bird flies, Namur and Liège are some 35 miles apart. So for travel along a road or the Maas this makes at least 40 miles.
All this together says that Bois de Haillot - and hence Triamore - is some 5 miles south of Namur, and still some 10 miles north of Dinant.
The map on p.85 works well with this.
But the map on p.105 contradicts all of these statements.

Having some experience with ArM5 maps (especially the promotional map of Mythic Europe is quite flawed), I simply disregarded the map on p.105 and stuck with the text.

Kind regards,


Fair enough. Thanks for the excelent reply.

Triamore Covenant?!?

Isn't it called Ianitoris Oporotheca and situated on the manor of Ravenwood on the English/Welsh border? :smiley:

I loved the supplement but also loved Heirs to Merlin (and Medieval British Isles) so I moved it to the barony of Oswestry in Shropshire and fitted it a bit to the local setting.

Out of interest I'd really love that aswell, if possible...!


(I don't seem able to url my email but maybe I can persuade you to find it via my profile.. edited: doesn't seems possible - will simply type it instead: jeppe_nybo@hotmail.com)

On its way.


Seems like waiting for goodies these days is a widespread discipline...

TMRE and Infernal come to me beckons