Which Ars Magica Fifth Edition Books Are Availabile in PDF?

I'm really looking to get a copy of Hedge Magic Revised Edition as a PDF document as its the one book of the line that presents about 300 pages of crunch into 128 printed pages. Having it on my laptop for easy reference, in addition to my hard copy, would make things easier.

I haven't found Hedge Magic Revised Edition in PDF yet, but I did see a list of PDF books over at warehouse 23, some of which I think I'll get to start the e-collection going. But is there a complete correct list of Ars Magica 5th edition books available as PDF? And is Hedge Magic Revised on that list?

This is the list of all Ars Magica stuff on e23, which is, I believe, all the PDFs Atlas sells. It includes all the ArM5 material.

I've decided to go all digital myself, but this does mean waiting a whole lot more till the books come out in PDF.

I was hoping someone was going to jump in with a "don't worry Mark, you've just overlooked the Hedge Magic Revised Edition PDF". I have a feeling I'll be waiting a while for that...

Still, good list though and I'll actually pick up some of those key books (Houses, for instance).



UPDATE: Just downloaded the three House books. Nice, easy process.

Now, if we could just get Hedge Magic up there...

Do the PDF books include the latest errata reported on Atlas Games site?

No. I don't know of any updates, at least.

Current policy is to make the PDF when the book goes out of print the first time, even if we plan to reprint. You'll have to wait a bit longer for HMRE.

Errata available when the book is PDFed/reprinted are included if John remembers...

Do you know if there is any plan to make the 5th edition core rulebook available as a pdf?

That would be useful.

I don't think there's any plan to do so.

Glad to know the timetables of the PDFs :slight_smile: I might be buying a few in brief time.

Pitty about the core book. I would have bought it straight away.


Yeah, me too.

Of course, I can see that having available as a pdf is probably only going to cannibalize the sales of the paper copy. It might not create any new purchasers. So there is obviously a business decision to be made there.