Which Magics have an Associated Theory Ability?

The ones I'm aware of are Folk Witches (Folk Witch Magic Theory) and Vitkir (Rune Magic). Slightly surprised that the Sahir don't seem to have one, but oh well.

Are there any others? I don't really own all the books...


The Gruagach (Pictish language), the Amazons (Amazonian Spellcraft), and the Augustan Brotherhood (Virigilian Theory) all have their own variants of Magic Theory.


The five listed are the major ones.

The Trollsynir have Dead Language: Jotun, which functions the same as Pictish does for the Gruagach. Of course game wise they are not much different from the Gruagach.

Learned Magicians use Artes Liberales in their lab total when inventing charms. They can also use Artes Liberales, Medicine, and Philosophiae with the rules in A&A. Not a true Magic Theory, but serving a similar purpose.

Depending on the power level chosen, Mystic Mongols can be based on Folk Witches (with Nightwalker and Goetic Arts). If this is the level used, then much like Folk Witches they would have their own Magic Theory.

I didn't check the Realms of Power books, but there might be one or two in RoP the Divine.


Another variant of Gruagachan, the Slavic Kolduni, have a Koldovali Theory.
And while not outright called as such, the Amazonian Spellcraft is also a (Hedge) Magic Theory.

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At another level there is Faery magic for Merinitas and Chtonnian magic for sorcerers

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