Wild Kingdom, Andorra Edition (Summer 1245)

"They eat food. Most food is cooked, I guess. Meat and vegables and stew." Artur shrugs. "Most people don't like their food charcoaled.

"I don't know how to cook. Maria does most of our cooking for us. And humans don't eat vis. Well, unless it's in food, then I guess they might eat it by mistake. Or if they're really magic. But a lot of people like mutton. I know I do."

Mutton, yeah. That's a sheep, right? That works. I gave up eating things that eat meat.
I know there is a wild flock in the next valley. But I am not sure I can get there and back in time.

Simon changes back into his natural form. This house was designed to accomodate Featerbottom in heartbeast form, so the dimensions are right (and the back door is large enough).
I mean, I have to trudge on over there. Why do I even have these wings if I can't fly. Maurice can fly. He keeps telling me I am too fat to learn how to fly. Not fair...

Roger will make his way back to the expedition.

That was easier than expected., he mutters out loud.

Forgetting he is corporeal he walks right into a bramble patch, trips, and falls. After some thrashing and cursing he breaks free, twigs and broken vines still stuck to him.

-Expletive-. There’s always something..., he mumbles as he gets up. For a moment he considers shedding his physical form, then a shiver runs down his spine. The reminder he is in fact dead unnerves him.

He shakes off the thought, takes a deep breath, and shambles back to camp.

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When Roger get’s back to camp he will recount everything that happened to the magi. Minus the briar patch.

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"So, sodales," Marcellus says after Roger relates his encounter, "how do we want to approach this meeting? I do not think every one of us should go. There are just too many in our group." His hand gesture encompass the six fighting men and the four magi.

"I think three or four of us would be a maximum. The others could remain at a distance from the cabin and wait. It seems like more of a 'talk it out' than a 'fight it out' situation, so I suggest our fighting force stay behind."

"The other question is what we a trying to accomplish. Eradicate the owlbears? Relocate them, to make sure they do not endanger the locals? Capture and tame them? Or simply learn more of what Simon intends for them?" He turns to Edith, "You were the one directed to organize the expedition. What were your instruction?"

Edith makes an expression along the lines of "IDKWTF", but quickly regains her focus.
The instructions were to patrol and investigate. Between you and me, I think we are being tested.
Gather intelligence. Find out how many of these creatures are around. Figure out what Simon is doing. And that kid, the six year old. Vibria's son. What the heck is his involvement? Maybe he is behind this mischief? Simon seem doesn't clever enough to be acting on his own.

Roger interjects, If ye ask me, he seems eager to impress. He’s making lunch. He said an hour I think.

OOC: I’m laughing so hard at this situation :rofl:

The Woad thinks we are patroling and investigating now. Marcellus should go meet with Simon, he seems peaceful enough. Let's see what we can find out, also about that boy. And then well take it from there. The Woad will remain outside and keep watch.

Oscar nods in agreement with The Woad.
I'm just a grog. But if you want my advise, I think Woad is right. Simon is quite amicable, and the fact that he is trying to pretend to be human is a good sign. You should send Roger with him, as he has opened the dialogue and carries the authenticity of the covenant in Simon's eyes.
The owlbears are not a threat to anyone. No more so than any of the other beasts that inhabit magical areas. As long as people stay out of their lair. Just as people tend to avoid bear caves and lion hunting grounds.
But my concern, if I may, is Artur. I don't want to get the kid in trouble, but from Roger's report, it sounds like he swiped the Rod of Transportation(TM), and has been using it to sneak around with his uncle Simon. That kid is creepy and unusual. I mean, not really now that I think about it. Unusual, yes. But not creepy. If you consider the fact that his mother is a wizard and one-quarter dragon, and his father is fully half dragon. He's actually a normal little boy. But devious.

"So, Marcellus says, summarizing the suggestions, "approach Simon amicably, ask about the owlbears, express concern about them spreading too far and inquire about the intention of Simon regarding them."

"Then ask Artur how often he visits and if his mother is aware of those visits? Wait, you say he used the Rod of Transportation to get here? I thought we were using it to support our expedition? Is there more than one?"

Edith wags her finger
It figures! I couldn't get the Rod of Transportation (TM). And there ate two of them. Roberto told me to get the newer one, but the quartermaster said it was checked out. There is an older one that is off limits. Masters only. Much more powerful, but it causes Warping because it is so powerful.
Oscar interrupts.
I I have the old one. Priority requisition by authority of the Andorran Guard. It is the ace up my sleeve I mentioned before. It does cause warping, but I figure that is better than being dead. I am saving it in case we need an emergency retreat.

Oscar, just a Grog? The Woad relies on the Grogs now, being new to this place. Many magi treat Grogs witn arrogance. Some regard them as expendable. However some, mostly young magi like the Woad, treats them with the arrogance of assuming they will either do for the magi what them can't or teah them. And older magi often rely on grogs to do everything they won't bother themselves. The Woad has heard of covenants run entirely by the Grogs, leaving the magi to their arcane studies.
Also, shouldn't the mother of that child do something about it, rather than any of us?

Edith nods her head.
I see the problem. The kids mom should handle it, but that means telling her and getting him into trouble. He stole a magic item though. And we know aboutit. Like it or not, we are involved. And I am sure Simon is not to keen on his nephew getting in trouble.
We are going to have to hande it ourselves. Cover it up, but put Artur on watch and let him know we are doing him a favor.

"The dragon probably does not even understand the fact that a boy that young should ask permission from his mother before leaving the castle. Better not to involve Simon directly in this. I may drop a hint that Artur will understand, but not Simon."

"Still, our main reason for being here is the owlbears. Let us keep our discussions with the dragon focused on that."

Rising from the rock he was sitting on, brushing some dirt from his tunic. "Just me and Roger, then? Might as well go. Anything else before we do?"

To Edith: ’E was none happy to see me.

To Marcellus Ye, i could eat a cart. ‘Ope yer daisies are fair, not much of a frog.

Roger will pick up his pack and get ready to leave.

"Good, I am starting to be hungry myself. Lead the way, my friend."

Roger will lead the way back to the cabin making small talk. At one point pausing to stare down a rather nasty bramble patch before going around it.

Careful ‘o’ that

Back at the cabin, Simon and Artur have managed to make a mess of their attempt at making lunch. Simon caught a ram easy enough, bit the head off. But neither of them has any idea on how to cook it proper. Simon usually eats food raw or char roasts it. No in between. Artur gives it a go, as his own fire breath is less potent. That is the theory. The kid doesn't get the point though.

After putting out any fires and with only minutes to spare, Artur thinks quickly. He uses the Rod of Transportation (TM) to zip back to the covenant, grabs a platter of fruit and cheese, and returns in the nick of time.

Coincidentally, Magni had bamfed on over to the kitchen to grab a brew while no one was looking at him. He notices Artur but pays him no mind.

By the time Roger and Marcellus arrive...
Tah dah...

Roger will do introductions and then nibble on some cheese.

Thank you, Simon for the hospitality. It smells like roast goat?

Roger will try to be as polite as possible and not mention the dubious smell of burnt ram.

Marcellus bows slightly to Simon as Roger introduces him. "I am happy to meet you, Simon. As Roger said, I am one of the magi living at Arans Castle. I recently arrived in Andorra and the magi asked me to investigate sightings of owlbears, which gave them some trouble several years ago. Do you know anything about them?"

OOC I bit of non-linear conversation to speed things up.

When it is convenient, he says to Arthur, "How nice of your mother to allow you to visit your uncle like that!"</font"