Wild Kingdom, Andorra Edition (Summer 1245)

Fair enough. So I’m not getting ahead of anyone.
So, how does the Woad’s next attack fare? Numbers are a few replies back.

OOC: Ikelos is not an attacker but he will try to distract the ogre as much as he can.

Ikelos will spont cast CrIm of a spearman charging out of the woods to one side of the ogre. The goal is to get him to turn to the "threat"

CrIM base 2 eye+2 ( sounds and sight)
CT 23 + _: 1D10 = [3] = 3
= 26

Muere ogro asqueroso!!

This ogre does not speak Spanish, just a simpleton dialect of Andorra Catalan. But he can pick out the word "ogre" (OH-grow verse oh-Gray), and can figure out that insults are being thrown at him.
Joder a tots els vostres madres! Portar! Menja merda i moriu!

We can spend the next week or two rolling this out, but the writing is on the wall. He stood a chance before we found out the spear does a bit more damage than we thought. He can take light wounds all day without blinking, Medium wounds start to build up penalties.

NOTE: He has the Virtue of Enduring Constitution. My ruling on that is that the bonus of reducing penalties by one point applies to each individual injury and not just the sum total. Otherwise it is a worthless Virtue. I think that the rules of core ArM5 RAW were designed with the old ArM4 injury rules in mind. The ArM5 system was tacked on at the last minute.

Anyways, he is injured, outnumbered, fighting an invisible enemy, and beset by wizards on all sides. And three heavy hitters have yet to enter the fray. As I said, we can spend a few weeks rolling out the slaughter, or we can agree that he is beaten into submission and yields.
By which I mean to say that if you just want to murder him I will make you roll it out. If you want to spare his life and interrogate him, then the long and the short of it is then, after some back and forth, you knock him upside his head and he goes down.

Just to say, this guy was just minding his own business, hunting and foraging for food. He found food and is too stupid to wonder why it was just hanging there. He is hungry. He was going to eat a few bites and bring the rest home to the wife and kids. It was an honest mistake, and you guys just gotta cut loose with the spells and stabbings and stuff.

I agree, Enduring Constitution is weak otherwise.

Also, it seems we can kill it, with all the stacked odds.
Let’s move on

Not so fast...
If you want to kill it, I will make you roll it out. Dice are fickle, and so is Fate. If you want to move on, you must be merciful.
(I am trying to throw you a bone here and get a plot moving! Thow me a bone back! :smiley:)

Iker (that's the ogres name, Iker the Ogre), he goes for a desperate lurch to beat back the spirits attacking him. Iker overextends himself, and the Woad brings down a blow to his head. Iker is down on the ground, bleeding and dazed. Iker rolls onto his back, raising his hands in surrender and begging for mercy.
Esperits i dimonis! Tingues pietat! No volia robar una ofrena sagrada. No ho sabia Si us plau! Faré qualsevol cosa que em demanis!
For those characters that speak Catalan, this is what I typed into Googlle Translator that resulted in the words I assigned to Iger the Ogre...
"Spirits and demons! Have mercy! I didn't mean to steal a sacred offering! I didn't know! Please! I will do anything you ask!"

[OOC:Sorry I misunderstood.]

As the ogre begs for mercy, the Woad backs off, finally understanding the creature to se at least semi-intelligent.
He wants to drop his Veil of Invisibility, but the spell is R:Touch not Per, so it's not that easy, and he realizes he should have paid attention when his pater told him about Unravelling spells.

However he should be able to spont a Fatigueing Unravelling the Fabric of Imaginem, with the open parameter "as strong as possible":
Pe (10) + Vi (1) + Stm (5) + Aura? + Voice/Gestures (2) _: 1D10 = [3] = 3 = 21, for a lvl 10 spell, which Unravels lvl (10) + 10 + simple die. Even without the die roll it is enough.

As the Woad becomes visible again, he stands with the butt of his spear on the ground, and with the other hand pointing in the direction away from the camp. He speaks a single word in a calm voice, in Latin, but he hopes the ogre undertands:


OOC: stop doing stuff! Give someone else a chance to exploit the opportunity that the Woad is missing.

And anyway, Iker has no idea what is being said. He hears the Woad muttering in wizard-speak as he manifests before his sight, then the apparition says something else in wizard-speak as the vision (coincidentally) points in the direction of Venkath's Cave. Iker begs for mercy and begs not to be sent to Venkath's Cave.

As the ogre yields and The Woad reappears, Marcellus approaches cautiously. His native language is close enough to Catalan that he understands what the ogre is saying.

"Answer our questions and we will spare your life. Do you live near here? Have you ever seen creatures that are a mix of a bear and an owl? Where and when."

OOC This is probably mixed in with other questions and answers less directly linked to our purposes, like his name and why he took the meat. And cut up in simpler bites if he does not understand. Just trying to keep things flowing because if we go just one question at a time it will take a while in PbP format. Marcellus is basically trying to fimd out if he's seen owlbears, where, how recently, how many, etc. If others don't object, he will even let Iker leave with the bait if we get enough info. And perhaps treat his wounds.

OOC: Love the google translator Catalan. totally out of whack and funny. quissoflauta is one of my new favourite words.

OOC #2: sorry for the delay. Jumping right in.

Mateu has held back and has been observing what the magi do to better understand their capabilities. But after more than 1 year stranded in a damned parish church of his Order where NOTHING relevant EVER happens (and certainly no battles) he is itching for a fight against a worthy opponent. And a freaking ogre certainly fits the bill! His fast defeat both impresses and frustrates him.

He still considers the magi somewhat linked to Satan, and Edith's words have not reduced his fears. It was like a Saracen talking about the virtues of his infernal religion and telling him to join in in his point of view: just not happening. The cousins are sorcerers at best, witches at medium (witches fly, everybody knows that) and plain infernalists at worst. being told not to worry is something that just raised his alert status.

He has accepted the spell to reinforce his armor (he can understand that and it utility) and nothing more. After looking at the battle between the invisible magus and the ogre and tells to himself not fair, but then fairness is not how wars are won, so he appreciates what the magi are doing here.

He approaches the brute when he yields and he addresses him in Catalan while trying to look unfazed and impressive in front of a 9 foot tall creature. This is not for you. You can leave. Thinking more about it he talks again to the creature. But you can keep it if you tell us about the owlbears that hunt this area. Do you know where we can find them? Mateu looks non threatening, but he is armed, has the hand in the pommel of his sheathed sword and a shield. And a sorcerer-spirit with a bloody lance that speaks weird by his side.

Rolled at home in case it is necessary. presence (1) + charm/leadership (2). roll 7 for a total of 10.
Not the most impressive roll ever, but she he is defeated it might be enough if the difficulty is 9 and not 12-15.

Ikelos will appear and offer to remove the invisibility for anyone that needs it.

OOC: Let me know if anyone takes me up on this so I can roll dice.

He does not speak Basque (yet!). That is what Google Translate was using for the ogre. I should have used Catlin for Ikelos as that is his native.

OOC A bit frustrating that your character is basically repeating what Marcellus just said, adding confusion for the ogre. I consider this bad roleplaying etiquette in a PbP.

With Marcellus less at ease with social situation, he is a bit frustrated at the mundane warrior for taking over the interrogation without being asked.

However, the man is more fluent in the local dialect, so the young magus just steps back. He moves off not too far, but away from the ogre and Matheu. Anyone who pays attention will see the frustration on his face.

He sits down on a rock to calm himself and rest, but keeps an eye out, in case any owlbear decides to take advantage of the situation to attack the group. But after a minute, he just cannot stand still and pace around the clearing.

if you check the posting time frames you will notice that your message was not there when I typed. Sorry if that annoyed you

OOCAnnoyed is too strong a word. In any case, water under the bridge and I had my character's actions reflect the situation. No blood, no grudge. :slight_smile: Back to the action!

(translated from the Ogre dialect of Andorra Catalan)
I..I, I live in the caves over there, with my clan. (points towards the Caverns of Entropy, which are nearby) The owlbears, it is forbidden to hunt them. They are under protection.

Now concerning Mateu, I love the baance you are striking. I also like how his imagination is putting words into Eidith's mouth and twisting what she said. This is the effects of the Gift for certain! For example, Edith pours her heart out in apology, and Mateu hears "chill bro, it's all good, no need to be concerned".

OOC: And as for Google translate, I am aware that it is attempting literal word translation. For example, the taunting figure of speech "Bring it!" translates to Porta ho!", and I am not sure it carries the same meaning or connotation. " Then the word "quissoflauta", I had wikipediaed "Catalan insults" and picked that off the page because it looked cool :smiley:. The Spanish equivalent is perroflauta, which I understand to mean "dog-flute", and I know that "flauta", beside flute, is used to mean either a) food rolled in a flour tortilla and deep fried, or b) one of many many euphamisms for the male member.

Now that is an important key question. That is why it is okay to overlap, especially in PbP. Filibuster and talk over each other. Please do! I will sort it out and reinterpret if needed. It lets the story flow faster.
Iker points in the direction of Featherbottom Rock, NW of your current position. The drakes declared the groves and streams around Featherbottom Rock to be their sanctuary. Only reckless fools dare tread the dens of the old bears. They have grown to be giants! I could fight a young one. If I had my club. muttermutter Even the young ones have grown stronger. And there are different types now.

(OOC: The reason I am using big letters is because he is an ogre. He is really big, and his speaking voice has great timbre)

The Woad keeps his position backed away from the orgre. Satisfied with the security of that situation, he is more concerned with whether the noise brings other parties to the fight. He doesn't understand what is being said, so he instead keeps scaning the surroundings.
All the while he is thinking how wrong he was about the ogres. He doesn't know what he expected, perhaps just humanoid animals. But since they show human-like emotions and his sodales are able to communicate with him, he'll classify them as 'big people, simple, but still people'. He is consolidating the lessons he has learned of the locale.

Mateu is satisfied. He is acting all bossy among the sorcerers. Religion prevails and leads, as it should be.

For what the ogre said, it seems that the owlbears are more dangerous than anticipated. Nice. A challenge. Seems there are interesting things to battle in the Pyrenees after all.

Who says that the Owlbears are not to be hunted? it is just that their nests are in the drake sanctuary or it is something else?

Ikelos leans close to Marcellus and speaks in a low voice.

Seems like we will visit the drakes after all. It will be exciting. I have always wanted to see one.

Marcellus nods, his interest returning. Also in a low voice, he tells Ikelos, "Perhaps they will even take a bite at this Matheu fellow. Would serve him right."