So, I've tried to write down a new "template" - an Ex Misc raised-by-wolves child. I'd appreciate any feedback on how to improve it.
Wolf Child (Template): Left to die of exposure, this child was nursed by a she-wolf and raised as one of the pack. In time, he was adopted into House Ex Miscellanea, but still feels more at home in nature. He has a strong affinity to wolves, and a feral spirit that frightens and drives away mundanes.
Feral ExMisc
Characteristics: Int +1, Per 0, Pre 0, Com 2, Str 0, Sta +3, Dex +2, Qik 0
Size: 0
Age: 25 (25), Height: 5'6'', Weight: 150 lbs, Gender: Male
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Confidence: 1 (3)
Virtues and Flaws: The Gift, Animal Ken, Inoffensive to Animals, Hermetic Magus, Study Bonus (Study: +2), Minor Magical Focus (wolves), Ways of the Forest, Skilled Parens, Blatant Gift (Interactions: 6 with normals)*, Feral Upbringing (120/120), Ability Block (Social), Social Handicap (Feral), Animal Companion (wolf pack)
Personality Traits: Feral +3, Protective +3, Ruthless +1
Dodge: Init: +0, Attack , Defense +3, Damage
Fist: Init: +0, Attack +5, Defense +3, Damage +0
Kick: Init: 1, Attack +6, Defense +3, Damage +3
Soak: +3
Fatigue levels: OK, 0, 1, 3, 5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: 1 (15), 3 (610), 5 (1115), Incapacitated (1620)
Abilities: Animal Ken 4 (wolves), Animal Handling 4 (wolves), Brawl 3 (Kick), Survival 3 (forests), Stealth 1 (natural areas), Hunt 2 (tracking), Awareness 1 (predators), Area Lore: Bavarian Forest 2 (wildlife), Athletics 2 (running through forests), Concentration 1 (staying alert), Latin 4 (hermetic usage), Artes Liberales 1 (cermonial magic), Magic Theory 5 (learning spells), Parma Magica 1 (Animal), Ride 2 (wild animals), Magic Lore 1 (creatures)
Arts: Cr 0, In 0, Mu 10, Pe 0, Re 5, An 6, Aq 0, Au 0, Co 6, He 0, Ig 0, Im 2, Me 0, Te 4, Vi 0
Encumbrance: 0 (0)
Spells Known:
The Beast Remade (MuAn(Co) 25) +19
Gift of the Bear's Fortitude (MuCo 25) +19
Endurance of the Berserkers (ReCo 15) +14
The Crystal Dart (Mu(Re)Te 10) +12
Transformation of the Ravenous Beast to the Torpid Toad (MuAn 25) +19
Beast of Outlandish Size (MuAn 15) +19
Image of the Beast (InAn 5) +9
Circle of Beast Warding (ReAn 5) +14
Wizard's Sidestep (ReIm 10) +10
Gift of the Frog's Legs (ReCo 15) +14
Notes: This Wolf Child has a Feral Upbringing until the age of 5, and lived in the forest (acquiring no civilized skills) until the age of 10. From that point he underwent a normal apprenticeship.
Customization Notes: The wolf-child's Animal Companion flaw can be replaced by a Dependant flaw to represent an entire pack. Alternatively, the Hedge Wizard flaw is also highly appropriate, due to the magus' feral nature. His Study Bonus and Minor Magical Focus virtues don't figure into his statistics and can be easily exchanged for others. The Wolf Child also has 4 virtue points, so up to 6 more points can be added by adding more Flaws.
Mechanically, this character is built around the Feral Upbringing virtue. Animal Ken and Inoffensive to Animal were chosen to allow the child to grow up with and speak to the wolves that raised him. An Ability Block with all social skills and a Social Handicap (a feral demeanor) maintain the spirit of the Feral Upbringing in the adult character. The Blatant Gift (granted by his House affiliation) also serves to alienate him from civilized society. Ways of the Forest and a Minor Magical Focusin wolves were chosen to represent his feral upbringing mystically; note that none of his spells necessarily affect wolves, and the bonus should be applied when they do (Beast of Outlandish Size is especially useful for acquiring a mount). Study Bonus is useful to encourage the character to study outdoors, emphasizing his feral nature. Skilled Parens was deemed needed to acquire the desired Abilities (such as some Magic Lore), and to complement his spell selection.
Choosing Shapeshifter (or changing House to Bjornaer and ackquiring a wolf heartbeast) will significantly alter the character, from a human that talks to wolves to a wolf that can take human form. The character's spell selection is meant to serve a human, and will require significant reworking for this new role.