Year Two incoming!

They're in the first few pages of RoP:M. As long as your total is within -3 to +3 your aura is, let's say, safe. If the total is lower, it may weaken. If the total is higher, it may strengthen. If possibly weakening or strengthening, other risky stuff could happen, too.

Typical lab work and spellcasting produces +1 or +2 typically. I would estimate +1 for us. Each spell cast using at least 3 vis also provides +1. Each distilling provides -1. So with two distillings and normal spellcasting and lab work, we're probably safe around -1. There are a number of other factors, too.


I'm also not sure if any of the high-quality weapons and armor have been successfully sold yet. I haven't accounted for any money there. Otherwise Rhodri should be up to date for the end of year 1.

Iapetus is updated. He's done his travel, his study, and his setting up the lab. He settles into Aislinn's old lab with an ease that's almost embarrassing to those who had trouble with the elementals who inhabit the tower's top floor.

Another task Iapetus would like to perform at some point is getting into a 'fun, cheerful sparring' with Sinmore, with blunted weapons. Since it has been MUCH too long since he's been beaten up by a girl.

One of life's pleasures. Sinmore will be happy to oblige.

Both of you generate 16 rolls (stressed) on invisible castle, and use them to give me (in this order):

  • initiative total
  • 5 attack totals
  • 5 defense totals
  • 5 stamina checks

Since you'll generate all these rolls in one block, generate your re-rolls for 1s and 0s afterwards in a separate block, only one botch die each.

I also need to know what kind of armour you're wearing, your load and encumbrance, and your soak. And whether you're willing to burn Confidence on a friendly sparring match :slight_smile:

Ready go!

Iapetus's numbers: (rolls after math)
Wielding mace and shield, wearing reinforced leather.
Load 8, burden 3, Encumberance 0
Initiative: +3
Attack +8
Defense +9
Damage +11
Soak +11 (+12 vs metal)

(First Rolls: [size=85][/size] )(1 rerolls:[size=85][/size]) (10 reroll: [size=85][/size])
Initiative: 8
Attacks: 16, 20, 15, 14, 16
Defense: 14, 9, 17, 17, 13
Stamina: 10, 12, , 14, 6, 6

Iapetus will not expend his Confidence on a simple sparring match, as doing so will not save any damsels in distress.

Oh, forgot to mention, don't include the bonuses for using Rhodri's weapons, since I assume you're sparring with practice/blunted weapons. (When you hit each other you're dealing fatigue instead of damage.)

I can't make any rolls right now as I'm at work and that sight is blocked. Arya if you want to roll them go right ahead, Sinmore would likely use a big staff as a Great Weapon instead of her sword, also probably wrap it a bit so as to reduce the danger. I don't have my books with me either so I don't know the stats of a staff, but here's the combat scores otherwise:

Soak: 4
Soak in Armour: 9
Armour: Leather Cuirass (Full Leather Scale) Load 5 Prot 5

Great Weapon: 5
Str 4
Sta 4
Dex -1
Speed -1
Size +2
Encumbrance 0

You probably want to use a blunted practice greatsword so you keep your specialization bonus.

Will make rolls shortly. Stay tuned sportsfans!

If that's available then sure. I still don't have the stats though for a great sword, the one on my sheet is from Rhodri.

GreatSword Init +2 Atk +5 Dfn +2 Dmg +9 Load 2.

Should make Sinmore's stats
Load 7, Burden 3, Enc 0
Init +1
Atk +10
Dfn +7
Dmg +13
Soak 9 (botch checks embedded) Stress confirmations

As a note I didn't realize how easy it eould be for y'all to hurt each other. Had planned thus so each set of rolls would represent 5rounds each (hence fatigue checks each time) but that turned out to be unnecessary. Back in 4th ed our knights would bust out tourney swords and could never get enough advantage to overcome each others' Soaks, so the Fatigue checks always determined the outcome. Oh well, I know better for next time!

Sinmore presses the attack first (init11 vs 8).

Sinmore strikes Iapetus and winds him. Iapetus ripostes and winds Sinmore (-1ftg). The effort leaves Sinmore breathless (lost sta check, -1ftg) but Iapetus does not tire. (atk17 vs def14, 3adv + 13dmg = 16dmg - 12 soak =4. Atk 16 vs def13= 3adv + 11dmg = 14dmg - 12soak = 2. Sinmore's fatigue check is 4, Iapetus' check is 10.)

Sinmore hits hard and knocks Iapetus down two more fatigue levels. Iapetus ripostes and knocks Sinmore down two more fatigue levels as well. Sinmore tires again, but Iapetus catches his breath. (atk18-def9=9adv, +13dmg= 22dmg-12soak=10. atk17-10def=7adv, +11=18dmg, -9 soak= 9. Ftg: S=4, I=9.)

Sinmore's attack goes wide (atk7 vs 14def). Iapetus ripostes accurately (atk12-def4=8adv, +11dmg= 19, -9 soak =10.) The blow would knock Sinmore unconscious, but Iapetus pulls the blow at the very last moment and just taps the side of Sinmore's helm to signal the KO strike without actually knocking her out. They stop duelling before they would have to make fatigue checks, thereby avoiding Sinmore knocking herself out.

Sinmore is down 4fatigue and Iapetus is down 3.

Not to whine, but Sinmore is way underwhelming in combat to me. I definitely needed to design her differently.

Did you look at the dice rolls? It was random. You both have high enough damage totals that even a tiny bit of advantage is going to overcome soak. Sinmore beats Iapetus on skill and hits harder, but Iapetus has better soak and is harder to hit, so they were pretty evenly matched. Also, sparring with tourney weapons deals fatigue instead of damage, so Sinmore's size didn't come into play, she tires just as easily as a normal sized person.

That said, Rhodri is a mere Verditius and he never breaks a sweat holding off both Sinmore and Iapetus singlehandedly. I could see that potential embarrassment being good impetus to improve one's skills :slight_smile:

My OOC advice to you both is "get some chainmail, scrubs." :laughing:

I think you have a typo there. It's not spelled "mere," it's spelled "mighty." :wink:

Still, Rhodri is in essence a one-trick pony. He is good with weapons and armor, be that manufacturing or using them. He has a few other lesser things he can do. But he's pretty weak overall.

Nah, couldn't read the rolls, the sight is blocked while I'm at work. And I saw Rhodri's stats for combat, insane. But the sword he made for Sinmore is a huge difference maker, and so is the fatigue vs. wounds issue. Definitely should go with chainmail, I figure it's harder to get her set up with that initially with her size. Plus there's a decent spell she could learn for that (Silvery Scales of the Knight). So far she hasn't won a single fight though, that's more along of what I was whining about. Pay it no mind, but thanks for going through the effort of pointing out the way the fight went.

To be fair, Iapetus was kind of designed to be tough to take down. I even got Tough. And a shield. The reason I didn't start with a chainmail is because the amount of travel Iapetus had, Spain to Britain and all over, he didn't want to carry all that weight for long journey - especially the ocean. As far as the dice, Sinmore had her terrible rolls (not botches, but 0s) at about the same time I had my high rolls, at the beginning of the fights. My late defense and stamina rolls were failure. But there are three of us who like to swing swords around, and we have great excuse to practice against each other... Because the Tytalus wants to keep himself challenged.

Actually what probably won Iapetus the fight is that Sinmore's first two stam checks rolled a 0 and a 3. Had she made those two fatigue checks, Sinmore probably would have won (they're only EF 9), but I'm too lazy to total it all back up to see.