It downloaded OK for me...
On page 1, bottom right how about adding a description of how the character looks, so that the SG can always introduce them properly?
On page 3, where you list the magical arts, how about adding a new column for Vis?
I think the enchanted device section needs to be wider - you need to know quite a bit about the device, Penetration, trigger etc.
On the familiar section you need some type of vertical line seperating the statistics from the Bond powers.
Also a section saying what animal the familiar is.
(Why do you have familiar statistics? Don't they have their own character sheet?)
That's it for the basics. Others are just things that I would need for myself:
Enemies - name, reason and threat level
Books owned/written - Name, subject, level, quality.
Favours owed - Name, reason
ToDo - Story hooks, important appointments/activities etc. it's hard to dig through a pile of notes to find out what your tribunal fine was.
A page of Mundane information:
Mundane name, Profession, Home town, properties owned, income, spouse/dependants, workshop/study, apprentices, Labour points etc.
Actually it would be really nice if there was a character sheet in C&G that covered a place of work in a town...