I thought perhaps you wanted to get to French 6...
I had hoped the Woman From the Cave thread might drive this home. You don't get to unilaterally decide what Ulrich does. You and Peregrine_Bjornaer need to work out a roadmap for the character and let me know what that is. It's a negotiation. After that is done player to player you can role play out the actions as you'd like, and then Ulrich has to do as he's instructed, within the context of the roadmap you've agreed to. It's a fine distinction, but an important one. I'm not asking that you do the full 11.5 years remaining in his apprenticeship, a year or so at a time is probably sufficient. Peregrine probably has goals for the remaining portion of Ulrich's apprenticeship, and he has some Virtues and Flaws to pick up along the way...
You need to take this to heart, "House Bonisagus sees training apprentices as a solemn duty rather than a selfish benefit." HoH:TL, page 16. I had elsewhere asked you to clarify why you have such a warm relationship with your parens. You need to develop a consistent approach to this character, because I don't see him having a warm relationship with his parens based on the personality markers you've indicated to this point. This is like method acting, consider Methuselah's motivation, because I'm watching everyone for their own internal motivations. And when something doesn't seem to make sense, I comment about and ask for clarification.
I've also added another house rule. regarding learning a language, specifically French in this case.
And no, this isn't a pre-emption it's a trapdoor to keep you from abusing a player and deciding what a character of Peregrine's does without input.
You need to focus less on what I do as a trick or nasty suprise, but consider I have reasons for what I'm doing. Right now, there's a strong character motivation, he's been abandoned by his master and is all alone in the world. If you think a Gently Gifted Jerbiton, originally of Tremere wouldn't be protective of him, you don't really understand what's going on in the saga.