1221.2 March of the Primi

(ooc - I knew I was forgetting something.)

"For a couple of months after you bought me, dominae, Magus Apollodorus taught me of the art of Rego. For the next few months, through the winter, I was learning from Otto*, who came with us from Durenmar. He taught me some Latin and the Artes Liberales.

"This year, Maga Fiona taught me Magic Theory. I think we were going to work in the laboratory after Tribunal, but she had to leave, so she had me travel and study with Magus Korvin for the rest of the summer."

During the trip, Ulrich will, for the most part, keep a healthy (i.e. out-of-slap-range) distance from Tria, but he will still kind of ogle her out of the corner of his eye. (he hasn't learned how to be discrete with this kind of thing yet, apparently).

(may I safely assume that Tria is extending her Parma over Ulrich, or would Korvin? Or is he Parma-less?)

  • I figured if we're going to be using Silviatos's abandoned teacher, he might as well have a name.

"I've heard Apollodorus is quite a teacher, you should be well in hand with that Art. It is good that you get to work with Korvin, the Merceres are a valuable part of the Order, and I make an effort to get to know all of them, Gifted or unGifted."

((End of the year crush is slowing me down. Without my books...Could we not just go to the Mercere House? Or do we need the monks to lets us get to the regio?))

Korvin will extend his Param for Ulrich.

When they arrive at the Abby, Korvin asks a Monk for Brother Eligius. He will use his Charm( first impressions) to attempt to overcome the initial bad feeling of the Gift. 1d10+1=6

So after waiting in the courtyard for several hours... :confused:
"I am here to see Évrard De Tours, Brother.

[You don't need books for this, don't worry, and you don't have to worry about speed, everyone appears crunched by the holidays/end of year routines.]

It isn't a long wait, the prior is fetched almost as soon as you ask for him and when he comes before you, you recognize him as Eloi of Jerbiton, but dressed as a monk. He says to the three of you, "Come with me."

Once in his office, he begins, "I know why Tria is here, why are you here?"

((An excellent question :smiley: ))

I wish to talk to Évrard De Tours and other members of my House about business. I hope I will not imposes upon you Eloi . I will stay in the Mercere House and stay out of the way of the other monks.

[Was there too much SG fiat going on here? In any event, I looked back over the Tribunal thread and found where I'd missed your last comment. I'd like to focus on that conversation first. It doesn't actually affect how the characters in this story respond to you, but it will affect how you respond to them, in that you could have some more information. This is one of the pitfalls of this asynchronous technique. Normally, there won't be a tribunal thread, and normally I try and limit the impact on one thread on another.]

"That's a sensible idea. Évrard is concerned about his status to some degree, now that there is a Gifted Mercere nearby. He's never said anything to me directly, of course. I'll guide you to the Regio entrance. "

As you leave, Tria says, "I don't expect to be here when you return. Eloi and I will chat, and then I must be off to Florum, but I should be back at Mons Electi in 10 days."

It occurred to me, after the fact, that I should probably mention that he's also ogling every other woman he sees, too, not just Tria.

Not that that's much better :smiling_imp:

"Do you wish me to come with you, Dominae, or remain with Magus Korvin?"

Good thing this is a monastery, then.

"No, before you join me on my travels you have much to learn. The most important lesson is probably how to control your facial expressions and keep your eyes in your head. You''ll be far too troublesome in a large city."

Ulrich mulls over Tria's advice-slash-rebuke. "I would imagine that masking your feelings is probably important for a Trianoma, isn't it?" he asks. "Or, at least, not letting other people see what you're thinking. Unless you want them to. Or want them to see what you want them to think you're thinking."

He perks up at Tria's comment about him being troublesome in a large city. Large city? I bet there are lots of pretty girls in a city, he thinks. Maybe even dozens! I bet one of them would (fill in the blank)

"Not necessarily. But everything is a political calculation. Is it worth it to show feelings, or not? Can I meet my political objectives if I show how I'm feeling, or even if I show a different feeling?

Ulrich looks at Tria, for once not with lust or desire in his eyes. I wonder what "political objective" you had when you claimed me? he wonders.

"I think I can see where it might be useful to make someone think you're thinking what you're not thinking."

"Yes," she says without any clarification. "See you in 10 days." She leaves without opportunity for any more conversation.

I left it unsaid, so let me say it now. Eloi guides Korvin and Ulrich to the regio where the covenant resides. Once there, he returns to the mundane side. On this side the overwhelming force of the Dominion isn't felt. Before he leaves, Eloi says, "Be sure to steel yourself upon your return, when you come back from the regio, the transition to the Dominion Aura has caused men to confess their sins on the spot."

"But I haven't had a chance to sin yet!" Ulrich mutters, almost under his breath.

"You are no monk Ulrich. I'm sure you would have a lengthily discourse of sins starting when you were four years old up to the present day."

Korvin walks to the Mercere House and asks if Renaud is here. He will spend time talking to the other Redcaps to see how they are doing and let them know where he is at Mons Electi.

Renaud is not there, but you are directed to Hervé.

"Hervé. How are you? I missed you at the Tribunal.

Let me introduce Ulrich. He is an apprentice of a member of my Covenant. He has been fostered on me for this season so he may meet and interact with my Brother Redcaps."

Hervé is in his office, and appear startled at the interruption, as if he was concentrating on something else. "I'm well, Korvin. The Champagne fairs keep us busy." He looks a bit weary, as if he hasn't slept well, or at least enough.

"I'd heard you'd moved to Mons Electi, perhaps sometime soon you can get Apollodorus to open up that midsummer fair to us," he says expectantly.

Add an awareness check to your reply.

Ulrich nods politely. "Hello."

((Korvin just slightly more aware than a bedpost 1d10=2))

I did not know it was closed to you. I'll mention it at our next council meeting. Speaking of fairs, while at the recent Tribunal meeting, I noticed that there were no Redcaps from Cunfin there. They seemed to be all from Dragon's Rest or outside the tribunal.