Just before dawn, there is a deep rumbling in the earth. Myrddin's Well becomes encased in ice, and a horde of small impish creatures surges into the clearing, hissing and snarling.
Everyone has two rounds to get out of the clearing before they're trampled by the stampede.
Cygna will very quickly look around for something up above the ground to get her up away from them. ((Does she know what they are? Int 4 + Infernal Lore 1 = 5 + die roll.))
If she sees something close, she will sing a Spontaneous Personal-range version of Gift of the Frog's Legs; the spell is Level 15 for Touch-range, so dropping it to Personal should make it a Level 10. Her CT is Re 5 + Co 5 + Int 4 = (14 + Aura + die roll) ÷ 2.
If not, she will sing a Spontaneous ReCo to lift her up and able to slowly move around. If I'm reading the spell guidelines right, that should be Base 5 ("Move a target slowly in any direction you please, even if the target is unsupported"), R: Personal, D: Concentration (+1), T: Individual, for a target spell level of 10. Her CT is Re 5 + Co 5 + Int 4 = (14 + Aura + die roll) ÷ 2.
Cygna can choose to disbelieve the horde's existence if you wish. I wouldn't recomment it though
There are a few trees at the edge of the glade with overhanging boughs, but Cygna knows she isn't athletic enough that jump-n-catch would be a bad idea.
She barely misses the mark for Rise of the Feathery Body; a Confidence point would make the difference.
The cottage is cuboid, so the roof is flat. You camped ostensibly out of earshot (considering that you discussed your plans aloud), so let's call it roughly 200 feet.
The well is about 20 feet closer than the cottage.
Consider it spent...after all, she has just now gotten back on the path to redemption, both for herself and hopefully Adorjan (if that's possible), she would hate to think that the Lord would call her to judgement so soon.
Sure. Sophronia will run towards the cottage this round, next round she should be close enough to spontaneously cast, spontaneously, Wizard's Leap to the top of the cottage.
CT of Rego 10+3 +Corpus 5 +Int 2 +Aura + Die roll= 20 +aura +die, and then divide by two. Requisites of Herbam and Animal are 5, no metal or stone on her person. Wizard's Leap is a 15th level spell.
So, Wizard's Leap has a range of 50 paces, or 150 feet, which means you're trying to run 50 feet in one round (6 seconds). That seems pretty fast--
(50/6)*(3600/5280)=5.7mph. That seems pretty fast to me-- especially for someone with 0 Athletics, -3 Str and -2 Qik.
Cannot find any EFs for Athletics checks, so in lieu of any other guidelines I'll use Mark Lawford's.
Sophronia takes off as fast as she can, and moves (18-2)*3 feet before attempting to Leap onto the top of the cottage. She rolls a 5 for a CT of 27, which is barely enough to cast the spell if she spends a Confidence point. Even if she does, however, she cannot quite make it as far as she intends, and finds herself about a pace short of the cottage's roof, where she tumbles to the ground. (She would not know that she's barely out of range until after she casts the spell; I leave it up to you to spend the Confidence and end up on the ground outside the cottage, or keep the Confidence and be 1/4 of the way from your camp and the cottage.)
I'll concede the athletics and quickness, but I'm 265 lbs and can get to 7 or 8 jog mph regularly. My fast walking speed approaches 4.8 mph on my treadmill. Some of that is stride, granted.
If she's running away from the horde, she'd run to a point where she could reasonably estimate that she's close enough, and err on the side of getting closer to the cottage, since that is immediately opposite of the horde.
7.5mph would be an 8 minute mile... I'm guessing you're also considerably taller than Sophronia, and have non-negative Strength and Quickness I'm around Sophronia's age, a couple inches shorter than her, and in much better physical condition than she is-- I could not reliably dash 50' in 6sec. I do have a very short stride (it says a lot that my rowing speed is much faster than my running speed), and I would put myself at a 0 or +1 Qik. (I'd prefer having Athletics EFs for distances, but I didn't want to come up with those on the fly, since it would require a lot of time and number crunching.)
Mark Sophronia down one Confidence point for the Wizard's Leap, and she finds herself in the soft loam outside the cottage.
Wait a minute, you said it was up to me? Now it isn't?
The entire idea behind Confidence points is to enable someone to do something that they are just capable of doing and it advances the story in a meaningful way. Additionally, it is up to the player to decide whether to spend the confidence point after the putative result is known. I am not spending a confidence point. The spell fails and I'm running closer to the cottage.
After a glance to see that his companions are all aware of what is going on, Attravere starts to ask "Can everyone take care of themselves?", but stops somewhere near the start as they've already begun taking action.
He'll trace a ring around himself using his traveling cane (likely 8 to 10-ft diameter) under where Cygna started rising and cast as strong a Ward Against Faeries as he can muster (CT-(26+Aura6+Stress)/2). Then ReCo himself onto the roof of the stone cottage.
I misinterpreted what you were saying. I thought you wanted to get closer to the cottage regardless whether or not she gets on top of it.
The Confidence point DOES allow her to do something she otherwise couldn't-- cast the spell, and thus move yourself 150 paces. It does not compensate for the fact that you can't gauge distances that accurately to tell if the cottage is within 150' (which is super metagamey).
Just to be clear, opting to be 100' away from anyone or anything else, in the path of a stampeding horde of ravening creatures, is a pretty Bad Idea. We are talking about the difference between getting trampled by the entire horde and having no option to Leap away (you have to be able to see where you're going), or being at the base of the cottage and having not only fewer things trampling her (a stampede of cows will run right over a cliff, but they do navigate around smaller obstacles to some extent) but the ability to touch the cottage and possibly make it on top or within, after only one round of sustaining injuries.
Note that casting a spell (even a failed one) precludes running in that second round.
If you still want to keep the Confidence point, yes, it's your perogative, but Sophronia will sustain massive injuries. If it was a grog, it would be fatal.
We'll call it 9' in diameter. Aura is still at 2, and you roll a 6 for a total of 17. Per house rules on wards and penetration, this wards off faeries of Might 9 or less.
Cygna does not start rising until the second round (it takes the entirety of the first round to cast the spell) so she's only about 8' off the ground by the time Attravere is ready to bamf off. You do have the option to reach up and touch her ankle if you want to Company March instead of 7LS (which warps her, but not you).
On her turn, Cygna will look around for a safe place to float to and, if possible, start to drift in that direction.
If there's not anyplace safe, she will pretty much stay where she is, kick herself for donating her Wand of BoAF to the covenant, and pray that it doesn't mean anybody's death.
(edit for crossposting) Does it look like Attravere's Faerie Warding Circle is having any effect on the little buggerers?