1221: One Thread Fits All

You won't know if it works until they reach it (and you). Cygna does make the MT+Int check as Attravere casts, though, and does recognize it as a Ward vs Fae.

Would she suppress her Parma if Attravere grabs her ankle? (She does know he can cast a group Leap of Homecoming, as that's how he got Cygna, Hiems and Company from iberia.)

Such was his original intent, if the maga didn't have other means of keeping safe. "Rooftop, but warping." Attravere will offer. Allow her a few moments to reply and then transport him/them there, her decision.

Attravere will trust that Sanno is able to take care of himself... but if all is not well there then he'll adjust accordingly.

I forgot Sanno!

The otter shouts an obscenity and turns himself into a huge pelican, then takes off into the sky.

I'm guessing that her Infernal Lore held no clue for her as to what these things are?

Cygna will take a quick look around to be sure that everyone else is safe(ish), then nod. [color=red]"Let's go."

I don't know what you're saying. If Sophronia reasonably knows of a path to safety, she'd take it. I figured, IMO, reasonably the path to safety would be to the top of the cottage. I also believed that she could reasonably estimate the distance. Humans, as a rule are pretty good judges of distance. Volume, not so much. You tell me what she can do. It was my mistake for forgetting the aura wasn't 6, yet. It is reasonable to take some lumps for that. Everything else, is, IMO metagamey on your side.
Someone running for their life, sprinting for their life should be able to get going quite quickly. IF she's safely away, and close to the cottage without risk of being trampled on round 3 by spending the Confidence Point, fine, we'll go that way, and she'll lift herself up much like Cygna did.

Nope, no clue.

Once Attravere and Cygna are atop the roof, Attravere will glance around to make sure Sophronia and Sanno are safe. If he sees Sophronia is having issues he'll fast-cast himself to her say "Parma" and try to cast again to transport them both back onto the roof during the third round... (He can pull this off with FC penalty 53+Die-10(FC Penalty) vs. CT 40 and because there are undoubtedly botch dice and wounds to be involved, he has it at L1 mastery... so, -1 botch die.)

How fast that ends up being is (1+Stress die vs. Ease Factor). He is willing to use confidence if it will make a difference in getting them to safety before (and possibly amidst) the rush of fey on the third round. (From book, Ease Factor is based upon initiative of the other(s) and there is a cumulative -6 penalty per spell beyond the first - Yow).

It's by no means "safety," but a great deal safe-ER than getting caught alone out in the middle of a wide open space by a stampede of rabid creatures.

A physically disabled person (and -3 str and -2 qik certainly constitutes drastically below average physicality) running, from a dead stop, doesn't get all that far.

The horde will be on her before she gets a third action but the number of goblins she stands to get trampled by is lower, and her compatriots will be closely nearby, which may be key.

Attravere grabs Cygna by the ankle and they translocate to the top of the stone cottage, where Cygna is still floating a bit above. Attravere will take a light wound from a jumpy bugger who leaps up top and scratches him, but the beast falls back into the surging horde.

Sophronia's Wizard's Leap takes her to just beside the cottage, where she tumbles in a heap into the loamy earth just outside the door. She sees the ravening horde overtaking her, but she hears a voice yelling, and suddenly she is overwhelmed by the stench of rotting flesh. She finds herself inside the cottage with an old balding man in black robes, watching the horde smack into the preternaturally hard glass windows. "Looks like little Sophia didn't inherit her pater's obsession with Parma Magica," the old man chuckles good naturedly. "That wouldn't have penetrated my apprentice, and he won't have Parma for another four years or so."

After the stampede, the creatures are still filling the glade, milling about. Phessalia strides through the creatures, who part at her passing, to the well.

(Has dawn come?)

Can Attravere see whether the circle he drew before was keeping them from that area at all? (Or is it too far? Per +2)

((Can I expect every NPC to treat her in a condescending manner, because this is exactly what has happened since my starting the saga.))

Cygna settles on the roof and lets her spell end as she glowers at Phessalia. She moves to the edge of the cottage and opens her mouth to yell at the faerie queen, prepared to challenge Certamen for the well, but is overcome by doubt. Hadn't she, mere days ago, taken oaths of poverty and humility? And wouldn't it be hubris of the grandest sort to try to challenge someone vastly more powerful than she, against she has the slimmest of chances of prevailing? And for material goods, which she has sworn to refrain from controlling or benefiting from?

She looks to Attravere. [color=red]"What should we do?"

On the one hand, it's safe to assume most magi would be shocked when 13 Penetration is sufficient to affect a maga of Sophronia's age; on the other hand, she shouldn't commonly find herself in situations where they might find that out.

Desiderius isn't being particularly condescending; Sophronia can tell that he is genuinely astonished that his spont penetrated.

"OW!" Attravere will cry out when he gets stabbed (or whatever verb is appropriate to the manner of wound infliction).

Instead of trying wacky FC hijinks to save a seemingly safe Sophronia, Attravere will look at the sky to see how close to the dawn it is, then spont a diameter duration spell to ignore his fatigue and wounds. (Should succeed on anything but a botch)

"We'll do what we came to do. Get the vis and go home." Attravere smiles wearily, but intending to be reassuringly.

Are the goblins trying to reach them at all?

If not, Attravere will prepare himself to summon a bucket as soon as he feels his parma drop. He intends to fast-cast the Company March spell to get himself and Cygna to just outside his home in the covenant within the same round.

"Desiderius, you have my thanks. it appears I underestimated the distance to the roof. I'm assuming the structure will last for at least a moon, since it was here before sunrise?" Anyway, is there any way we can come to an accomondation?"

"I'm just glad it succeeded." Desiderius nods, and gestures to an ebony wand in his belt. "This structure is Moon in duration, preternaturally strong, and comes complete with sixth magnitude wards against demons and faeries. I sell these for forty pawns of Vim, or only twenty-five pawns for those who pay in Corpus."

A few goblins are hissing and scratching and jumping towards the cottage, but lacking their initial charging speed, won't be able to make it up onto the roof. None of your characters recognizes the little buggers as goblins, but considering Phessalia's comfort around them, it's an easy assumption that they're winter fae of some sort. Attravere's spell succeeds, and he finds himself holding a freezing cold, empty bucket (at which point he realizes, the entire contents of the well must be frozen solid).

"I've been meaning to improve my Parma Magica, but frankly, there's too much to study. And Corpus isn't my strong suit, unlike some. In any event, is there a way we can come to an understanding with regards to the vis?"

Attravere growls slightly in frustration, runs a finger across the moisture on the bottom bucket and will try to ReCo/Aq the blood from the well to the bucket. He shouts and uses exaggerated gestures. (Willing to blow confidence) (CT=18+4+4+4+6+1+1)/2) vs. Tar 25? (I think))

There would be a Terram requisite as well, as it's frozen; also, without the original bucket to pool allteh vis into the first draw, you would need either to transport the entire volume of frozen blood out of the well (easily size +2 for mass), add a magnitude for Part target to transport a chunk of frozen blood (and thus only a fraction of the total yield of vis), or Gather the Essence to concentrate the vis into a smaller amount before transporting it.

There is no residual blood currently in the bucket (that would have required an additional magnitude for Part).

Phessalia is casting Gather the Essence of Vis to pool the magic into a container, and will have the vis in the first round of sunrise, on initiative 5.