1222-1227 OOC

I think not allowing it is a reasonable choice. I'll plan accordingly. :slight_smile:
Any words from the SG about #2, Xenophon's cryptic warning?

You pays your money, you takes your chances. The warning was written by Xenophon... :smiley:

Like I said. Try it. i want to see what will happen. :smiling_imp:

I want to see what happens too - just not sure if I want to be what happens! :laughing:
Anyway, can't until Tranquillina learns Ancient Greek, so we'll have to leave this a cliffhanger....

Boy, if that's not a trick question... :laughing:

You shouldn't base that on [strike]anyone[/strike] anything that Talia does... :stuck_out_tongue:

"The portals are for paying customers only." :smiley:

One of the possible Free Virtues for a laboratory is a Servant (Covenants, page 116). What would be required to convert one of the covenfolk - say Loys - into a servant for Tranquillina's lab? Any cost? Any time? Any training?

Cost: 0, save maybe the need to hire a new servant to replace him, but I'd wig it
Time: A season in which he's worth nothing
Training: Sees above. There's a season in which he just listen and observe, and does nothing else. Afterwards, it's all good. IMO.

I found no trace of a flight spell on his sheet, but, judging by your descriptions of him floating, I guess Marcus is using Reco Corpus, I suppose... Base 15, "move quickly in any direction you choose"?
The one I said I considered to be "as fast as the fastest horse", which you deemed too high, ruling instead that it's only 15mph, which you stated to be already pretty fast*?

Because Roberto is not doing a simple jog (12mph at most) but rather a gallop (25 to 30 mph). And anyway, you're stating Marcus can go "as fast as his horse can go", which, if I was unfair, I could consider to be short gallop (55mph), if he was pushing his horse.

In short? I feel... Dismayed. And as though you're doing double standard here. Applying the same rough guideline I use as to Marcus speed, but after coming down on Hiems speed.
Maybe I'm wrong. I hope so. It doesn't look like you. But I felt at the time like Hiems being able to fly, and quickly, was really bothering you, and that you were doing anything you could to shut it down, between the "You need multiple uses to lift up, fly in a straight line and fly down" to the "As fast as the fastest horse is way too fast". I felt really hammered for nothing, and let it pass, but to see this, it brings it all again.

*Compared to, say, the base

I don't have his fully advanced sheet up. That's him in 1222 after spring advancement, and no advancement since. Besides that, I have over 4 years of advancement not done on that. Not only that, I said elsewhere, in The Lost Boys thread quite clearly, that I've changed Marcus. So, in short, there is no double standard.

As fast as the fastest horse is too fast for ReCo effects. You can be sure that I won't be doing it.

Your comment about multiple uses should not have been mentioned, I did retract that, based on my corrected understanding. I find any arguments, whether in real life, or online to be based on statements I have retracted to be incredibly bad form. I think I did say that Heims could fly as fast as Cygna, and it was more important for Heims and Cygna to stay together, and, really, it's moot.

This brings up a question for me that I haven't had to deal directly with yet. How are Confidence Points gained/regenerated in this saga? Presumably it's not just 3 for life.... :wink:

JL is supposed to award them at the end of a thread/story line along with the xp. He may need reminding, though :smiley: (In my saga, I award Confidence Points and Experience Points at the same time...I actually have a formula that I posted somewhere...I need to find it so I can put it in my wiki.)

Two distinct topics.

(1) Tranquillina is thinking about spending a season (in 1228 or 1229 say) with Benner (the linguist), getting some lessons in Teaching itself. It would give 18xp if she's the only student, but still 15xp if there are two students - enough to get her to Teaching 2. Is anyone else interested in tagging along?

(2) How are MuVi spells handled in this saga? Specifically, say Tranquillina wants to use her own MuVi spell on her own CrIg spell (say). Does she cast the two spells in consecutive rounds? and if so, is there a concentration roll required somewhere? If not, must one be fast-cast?

Any cuties there? :smiley:

Fiona may be willing. 15 xp (or even 12 xp) would get her to Teaching 3.

Oooo...sounds like an SCA hafla.

Bring out the drums! :wink:

Confidence awards:
Fiona : 3
Tranquillina: 1
Alexei: 3 (pending the resolution of Whatever happened, 2 are available immediately)
Korvin: 2

Isen and Tranquillina could receive more pending actions in their ongoing stories, but these are present before Tribunal.

Fiona, I know, hasn't taken her Vis allotment since 1221 (although she's about to cash in her back-pay in 1225).

And, looking at the vis inventory page, I see that we haven't noted how much each magus was due but deferred. Has anyone figured that yet?

Everyone deferred their vis until after the Tribunal. Unless there is an emergency, I would hold people to that.

Fiona has to come up with 27 pawns of vis for Alips's Longevity Ritual, the price for his doing the statue of the pegasus for Fiona and Viscaria. Although, as it turns out, he's also helping with tribunal preparations, it seems.

Not sure if that counts as an "emergency" or not, but Fiona would really like to be able to pay Korvin what he's due. Especially since he needs at least 20 of that to do the Ritual in the first place.

The vis is not needed to MAKE a LR. It is needed to cast the LR. What Korvin and Fiona are doing for a season is making the LR ( and making whoopie) I'm not sure your offer was to pay for the vis or just fine someone to do the LR.