
Does Cufin have a Hermes/Mercere portal to Harco?

Alexei bamfs to Phoenix with an extra AC to Mons Electi.

Azura bamfs to Mons Electi along with Alexei.

Azura collects vis, bamfs them all to Castra Solis, bamfs home to Iberia.


Azura is Mercurian with a major magical focus in travel. She's a hotter, female version of Attravere.

Alexei's spell fails because he doesn't have a token to the Aegis, like Korvin still does.

No, it has a Mercere Portal to Confluensis. insert evil laughter here

And Korvin doesn't have Leap, either?!?

My god. Alexei and Laetitia are the only magi who aren't total scrubs. :stuck_out_tongue:


Every time I here Paul Lynde's voice, I think "rat" for some reason. :slight_smile:

Maybe it's from listening to The Ivy League Hustle too many times (if that's possible), but I keep hearing Mélanie say, "I ran to Harco, bitch!"

I saw it a couple of days ago.

The webfilter at my office is so wonky. I've made 3 or 4 posts today alone (and I'd venture to sya most of my posts are done at work). Yet right now, I can't post in the Pennant thread for some reason, even though I made two posts there already today.

I'll have to post later. Just so I don't mess this up and have to re-write what i say, Alexei is trying to negotiate someone from harco to come back to Mons Electi and cast a Mercer Portal to Castra Solis for us and other Flambeau coming along. Is there anything I should be saying specifically? i know we'll be offering the chess piece combined vis for this.

You would be better off with a hermes portal from ME to Harco and then take the Harco portal to Castra Solis. Why would the Mercere want to put a permanent link from Mons Electi to Castra Solis? THat would lead to too many problems. Who would control the portal? How would the fees be collected for using the portal.

Yeah, there is a Mercere (permanent) portal from Harco to Castra Solis. You'd have to get Castra Solis to give permission, or it would be considered extremely presumptuous for Alexei to undertake this.

You can get a Hermes Portal ritual (2 of them) cast that connects Harco and Mons Electi. This can be done relatively quickly, a Mercere Portal involves constructing a device, for all intents and purposes, beyond the time limits.

Woops, thanks for the clarification, I knew there was a major difference between the two...i thought the Mercer portal was the easier one. Saved Alexei some embarassment later on.

If you want to post to this thread, I can move your posts over to pennant.

((I guess I have to remind you that the chess pieces are 2 stone in weight (your design, statuettes, I guess), to large for you to be able to transport it yourself And none of the vis Mons Electi has has been used to date. I don't have a problem with transporting normal stuff, such as what's on his person but the ReTe vis doesn't lend itself for easy transport due to the shape and size. This won't penalize ME, as the vis could be the payment, and then transported when the rituals are complete.))

"Our standard price for this is 60 pawns of Vis. We can consider discounts for having the correct kind of vis available to power the ritual, and indeed a special kind of vis such as this."

The vis cost of the ritual is 30. The cost for someone to do it is 30. And technically, they are two rituals, one can botch and one can not botch. They are still botching with 15 pawns of vis. There is a total of 24 pawns of ReTe as of summer 1222. 12 more pawns coming in Autumn and winter.

I must admit, I'm somewhat surprised that we don't seem to be using Turbulences yet. not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, though.

The apprentices in play are sufficiently old enough that I'd just rather have them do botches instead of turbulences.If we were under 14, I'd probably think long and hard about it.

Fair enough. Just had a thought: It's a good think Ulrich doesn't have Puissant and/or Affinity With Creo. That, plus losing his virginity plus turbulence equals bad news for somebody. :smiley: