
It's been long enough that we should probably define those "undefined" specialists, and I have no problem with putting them into binders and illuminators.

And, since it looks like Fiona might be spending a couple of seasons at Duremnar copying books or spells, she can put some feelers out for anyone willing to trade for what we need.

Renaud is going to try and hire and illuminator (from Paris) in 1222. The same time he is hiring a Greek teacher. JL said we would RP the search for the illuminator so that will be an up coming adventure.

I am working on Renaud's seasons right now.

Updated again. Added the season working with Fiona on Finesse, and corrected the running totals. Added the math for Aging Rolls, as near as I can figure them. Need someone to doublecheck my work though:

  • French Exposure. I think I may be adding it in too often. Can someone look that over please?
  • What are the Living Condition Modifiers for Mons Electi? Add 1/2 Lab's Health Score (round down) to the LC for anyone who spends more than half the year in there -- does that include my shield grog?

Look at her schedule so far and pick out an open area. We will work out some compensation after the Tribunal ( since you will be very busy).
Again, nothing gets put in stone until I hear about the Lab Texts. However, as an initial offering:

1225.2 - I'm learning several variations of Demon's Eternal Oblivion and possibly other might-stripper spells. With her help, I could learn another Lvl 10 might-stripper.

1226 is the year I make all the enchantments that we're not even close to vetting.
Likewise, 1227 is either learning more Finesse OR finishing those enchantments.

Presumably, compensation would be in the form of a magic item to aid in your lab work. How many season's of your apprentice's life would you give for a free Tireless Wooden Servant (as per Cov, 121, only made of wood)? Cost 4p to make, which means most Verditus would charge you 12p.

As I said elsewhere, Fiona and Viscaria are the only ones with the necessary skill. Hrm...maybe we should put some of those unspent specialist points into realizing that our Scribe:6 has a previously-unrecognized talent for teaching?

I'm guessing that Fiona will be teaching her in Summer?

That was what I proposed in the the thread, and you haven't countered with a different time slot yet. It's not set in stone or anything, but I noticed that Fiona was going to learn to ride, and V was going to learn ReTe Craft spells, so it seemed like an easy option to suggest.

Unless you wanted Otto to teach the scribe teaching.


Okay, near as I can tell, the Boons and Hooks for the location do not provide any bonuses, unless possibly Vivid Environment gives one.

From the chart on MRB 170:

+2 Wealthy
+2 (magi) / +1 (others) Typical Summer.

I keep forgetting that Otto can teach teaching to our tutors. Maybe we should all sign up for a class?

Rolled the Aging Rolls.

Vin Diesel has an aging crisis at age 35! Loses a point of QIK and is bedridden for a month! Poor Vin!

Good thing he's got two women to tend to him, isn't it? :smiley:

I will say that teaching is an evil meta skill in Ars. A troupe can go over the top by teaching each other and teaching the teaching skill. While perfectly within the rules it smacks of munchkinisum.

Time can prevent a lot of abuse. PCs teaching themselves to teach isn't the best use of seasonal activities.

Because I bore easily, and because I am both a geek and a nerd, have a chart. I'll go in and add Fiona's stuff after tennis class. It should be set up to where anyone can go in and edit. And, if we want, we can continue to use it in the future, just by adding more rows and/or columns to it. Wasn't sure if you wanted Thera on there, but I'm thinking we will want Sheelagh and Ulrich, when he comes back, on there also.

Seems like anyone literate should go on the chart. Easiest way to make sure we aren't trying to read from the same book.

Only reason Theraphosa doesn't have any reading on her activities list right now is that I'm still waiting to see what's up with the Tribunal book. Should probably have Theraphosa read some of those MT texts, too. Can she even read the Herbalism text, or do you need a virtue for that?

I have downloaded openoffice and am reading the calc part to make a spreadsheet for tracking training resources. No guarantees but it does not look that hard to script. The time would be in entering the data.

Tangent: I note that Viscaria will earn, at current assumptions, about 19XP of Hubris over the next 5 years, bringing her to 25 total, for a Hubris score of 2, very close to 3.

She should probably gain some Hubris for the whole "building a Tribunal city out of raw earth" thing too.

Don't need a virtue for it, it's just a tome on plants, herbs, flowers, etc, and what they do and are purported to do.

When I made Fiona, I was thinking Mythic Herbalism was the same as the 4th ed virtue Herbalism, which is pretty awesome. While Mythic Herbalism is cool in it's own way, it is totally nerfed compared to what I thought it was.

Sometime in 1225 (after she returns from Durenmar, probably in summer sometime), Fiona will approach Alexei and ask if he would be willing to teach her Ball of Absymal Flame or some such.

Also...Fiona would also like to know if anybody would like to have Sheelagh's assistance in the laboratory while she's out of town (winter of 1224 and spring of 1225).

Actually, now that I think about it, I think it would be better of Fiona did her scribing right away...at least before we lose our Hermes' Portal to Harco (and I'm assuming we can arrange a portal from there to Durenmar). So, Winter of 1222 and Spring of 1223. So, that's when it looks like Sheelagh's available. Either for Lab Use or being taught (quid-pro-quo, maybe?).

Again, I don't need help in the lab with all the tribunal enchanting, but I'll happily take it. Spring 1223, I'm enchanting the rings that'll be used by the 3-man team for quarrying stone and moving it about.

During Winter 1222, Viscaria is reading and Theraphosa is building our sky-bridge, but if nobody else can keep an eye on the child and you don't feel she's ready to be seen in public yet, then Viscaria will happily keep an eye on her and makes sure she does her reading. After all, we seem to have some very impressive figures who question our skills at apprentice-handling.

Yes, I felt the same way, although the author made a nice speech that sold it to me once I had the time to read it... There:

Let tackle this differently, going by your perspective to have a random flaw helping the master, but without the "opening bit".
Rule that there's one (and one only) inherited flaw that, whenever he manifests, counts toward teaching.

The apprentice's gift is weak, he just doesn't do Perdo. It's already there, before the opening, which inflicts no flaw. Yet, when the master tries to teach him his Flawless Magic, he discovers that this is way easier than expected, as the child has a natural gift from it (the ease factor is lessened).

The apprentice's gift is fine, but something goes wrong at the opening. The master later discovers that this shaped the apprentice gift in a way that gives him a natural understanding of Magic.

The apprentice's gift is fine, the opening his fine. Yet, 3 years later, when trying to impart his flawless magic, the master experiments to avoid his Waster of Vis flaw, botches and cripples him, inflicting the Perdo Deficiency.

This accomplishes exactly what you want, but instead of the apprentice having only one possible origin for what may be his hermetic flaw, he now has 3 choices.

Maybe because most masters aren't supposed to transmit a bunch of free virtues, but only 2 or 3, the rest coming from the apprentice's own magic (inherited virtues)?

Also, 21 is to transmit a major virtue without a flaw. It is high especially so that only great teachers will transmit one Free Major Virtue. Without any attached strings. I find it quite reasonnable. Don't you?

So yeah, going by the rules, a Master will only transmit a few virtues, most coming with a flaw. The other virtues and flaws? They are inherited. These high ease factors you're railing against are especially there to keep the apprentices from being their Master's Clone (all their best virtues), with a bunch of added (inherited) virtues.

I also fail to see how you can find fine that a master can transmit his own virtues to his apprentices, but are clearly bothered by his flaws. I mean, it's fine if an apprentice has the same 3 virtues than his master, but not the same 3 flaws?
By the rules, this only concerns a few V/F, it's 2 sides of the same coin. Is it such a great deal if the apprentices has 2 virtues and 2 flaws in common with his master, with 5 that are his own?
It also has its own nice sense of tradition, such as "The Flambeau Lineage of Taake is known for his focus in blood, but aren't very good at Ignem". You're just throwing half of that sentence out.

I understand that, but I like that :wink:
It means that you've gotta make tough choices, instead of just knowing you'll be able to avoid transmitting that hated flaw.
Going by your ruling? Traditions with the most heinous flaws should be almost unknown, since it'll be easier for magi to transmit their Great Secret without their Great Problem. You'll have lineages of magi with Flawless Magic and random flaws, but no lineage of magi with Rigid Magic. IMO, this sucks.

Also, don't forget that masters may have a bunch of flaws to select from. If you really, really, want to avoid that deficiency, give him another flaw, work on your teaching, or... go out! Find another magus to teach him, indebt yourself to him! Go to the magic realm exchange your flaw for another one! Story time! You can already do all that if you really want it. It just shouldn't be easy to give Great Power while Avoiding the mandatory Great Responsability.

[color=blue]"It's not that I don't think she can be seen in public. It's just that, the last time I took an apprentice to a domus magnus for studies, I don't think he got as much benefit from it as he should have. She's still young enough that I doubt I'll have the same problem with her, but I don't know that I will be able to find something to keep her suitably occupied there."