1223-1226 In the Living Years

This is all the info I can find so far:

Also, I added Control to the Library list, as well as the Aegis texts mentioned here.

Did some Isen update. Will try to follow up later.
docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... JdFE#gid=0


  • Study "The Call of the Deep" (Aquam Summa)
  • Invents "Fist of the North Star". Creo exposure.
  • Invents Strong Arm of the Frost Giant and Treacherous floor of slippery ice. Creo exposure
  • Invents Shield of the Frost Giant. Exposure in French


  • Princeps Duty: 3XP in Intrigue, 4XP in OoH lore, 3XP in Guile
  • Invents Trap of the Deepest Winter. Exposure in French
  • Invents Piercing Ice Javelin. Exposure in French

This was something cleared with JL a while a go as to getting a language teacher. Stats are made up as there was no BP spent but a scholar recruited from the university. This can be the language teacher that was bought.

Right now I would like to handle Renaud and Jacques but I would not be able to handle concurrent stories for them plus Korvin and Abagail.

Is Pecess the Magical Animal Companion? I thought he was a familiar. I hadn't expected to do much with Jacques, to be honest...

He is his familiar. He started out as a magical animal companion then you required that Jacques have a familiar when he was aged.

i don't recall requiring it, but I probably made a strong suggestion to the effect, I honestly don't recall. My trouble with Jacques is that I never really intended him to be a primary player, a utility player, yes. I hadn't done the work necessary to craft a suitable story that fits into the saga, and it's during this time that I've been activating story flaws. The two notable exceptions to that are Fiona, since I already did hers, and the thread where the Quaesitores visit.
When I look Jacques over, I don't have much to bite on, because I'm not as familiar with the character. I'll see if I can do a princeps story for him and come up with something if you're insistent. The Dance with the Devil thread plays directly to your Pagan story flaw for Korvin. We could postpone it, but the effects will likely be more...severe.
Note, if you don't want stories involving being a pagan, and just want to be a pagan, you need to pick a different story flaw. I don't mind it, but I take the story flaw thing seriously, its your contract with me as a player that these are the kinds of stories that you're interested in.

Not quite sure where I said or implied that I did not want to have a story with Korvin and his Pagan flaw. We can relegate Jacques to a side show as I would rather do Korvin than. Jacques.

That's what she said. badumbish

Umm, you took Pagan as a story flaw. That's where you implied it. :smiley:
Story flaws are to quote the the book:

If you're treating it as an internal thing, it's not much more than a personality flaw, which means Korvin has two major Personality flaws, which isn't allowed, only 1 major and 1 minor. So, tell me what kind of stories you're giving me license to pull you into (pick another flaw or as many as necessary to rebalance the character). What I mean by that, you can keep pagan, and we can call it a minor personality flaw, which means you only have 8 flaws and need two more. You can pick two minor story flaws, I really don't have an objection to that, as it gives me license to pull you in multiple directions.
Make sense?

I am more looking at your reference to postpone the Devil storyline above. I'm unsure where that came from.

Alright, some of this is my fault in misreading... and putting the pieces together in the wrong order.

This statement didn't really answer my question, which was if you could handle more stories... So it sent me off into you didn't want your Pagan story flaw mode... When you didn't answer my question yes or no or I can do Renaud and Korvin I became confused.

So, you're good with the pagan story flaw story, and I misread

as saying, "Not sure where I said or implied that I want to have a story with Korvin and his Pagan flaw" I missed the not in there on a couple of different readings, probably because of the ambiguity of your Jacques/Renaud/Korvin/Abigail statement.

Now that we're on the same page...onward to further debauchery.

Alright. Just to be clear, run the stories that you might find interesting. Korvin is the main character and should always have a story. I would take a story with Renault over one with Jacques so that is the order.

So one story unless you want to push a plot/story for the other two.

I'm just doing the 5 year bump for all characters I'm responsible for. I will still do Claude and (the other grog whose name I am spacing on).

Well, I hope I'm doing stories you find interesting. I just misread the whole Pagan thing and thought you didn't want it until I read it more slowly, so this is entirely my fault. :smiley:

No, no. That's far too cliche. Instead, I now say, "Ha! That reminds me of Prom Night!"

And if someone says "That's what she said" to me, I reply (very seriously), "No, no. Not since the accident."

You have her being taught by Fiona during both those seasons.

True, but Sheelagh can be available without any difficulty, just by swapping Teach Sheelagh Something with Study Tropea those seasons.

In regards to the Language teacher. What Renaud was doing was something that JL and I had talked about several months ago and was delayed because I was fleshing out Renuad. The Illuminator was added because Korvin wanted to copy some books for trading. JL thought we would RP looking for an Illuminator because they are more likely to be part of the church and thus harder to "hire away" than a scholar from the university. As long as the teacher has French, Latin and Greek then it would be fine. I'm not sure if we want to add other languages like Gaelic, Welsh, or Spanish/Arabic but it would not hurt.

i could adjust the points I have in him teaching Korvin, Abagail and Jacques although it will not matter as we need 3 season of Greek in any case. He can teach 3 people now at 15xp so you can look at the Magi planner to see when Jacques and Korvin/ Abagail are getting trained. Sign up for a class :slight_smile:

And most probably a personnality trait, like most pious people have just Pious+x without having True Faith.

Franckly, this is something I hate about this flaw: While the rules and the flaw itself are quite clear about it, I've seen most people do the "I just want a pagan character, so I must take the flaw. Won't come into play anyway. Free major flaw time!". Luckily, it ain't the case here, from both sides of the fence.

Actually, this'll be the first time ever I'll have seen it come truly into play, which makes me quite happy.

Missing something. What I have:

Base 3, +3 Com, +6 teaching = 12
+6 for 1 student = Q 18
+3 for 2 students = Q15
+0 for 3 students = Q12


Also, 3 seasons at 15 XP => 45 XP, which is skill 03, not 4. So that's 4 seasons to get to skill 4. The only way to do it in 3 seasons is to do it one on one, in which case Corvin and Abagail can't study together. I've positionned Isen for this (Su and Au 1225 plus Su 1226, avoiding Jacques). Unless I'm missing something?

That'd put them at Greek 3 (written), to let them study from the book.