1223.1a The Chronicles of Ridicule

This comes as a shocker to Hiems, and this makes hims reevaluate somnifer entirely.
Ah. ... Of course. ... I shall tell her, then.

I guess you've read Sandman #01?

And Hiems corrects his evaluation of Somnifer. He is unbalanced, after all.
What is the problem with Viscaria? Is she in danger?

The she here, is Wen. I wasn't clear about that. Somnifer is suggesting that Wen can take Heims and Cygna to Viscaria.

"Viscaria is not in any danger. She is quite safe, actually. Although she needs help, and if you want to know more you must go to her."

I need to know whether the party is going to split. Heims and Cygna can go wherever they wish, but will have to pay to go to Harco, and anywhere else.

Cygna is going to go to Viscaria. It was she who, through her familiar, asked her to come to Mons Electi. And Lockhart would never turn his back on a sodalis in need – how could she do any less?

She looks at Hiems. [color=red]"Moja ljubov', I don't know whether Viscaria is in trouble and needs our help, but I don't want to take the chance. Will you come with me, or would you prefer to go on ahead to Phoenix and start working on our being reinstated?" She rests her hand on Hiems's chest, with a pleading look in her eyes.

((Now that Somnifer's awake, does Wen understand what's being said again, or is it still all gobbledgook?))

(I'm fine with Vin walking out of this chapter with Somnifer, and the focus shifting to Cygna and Heims. That's what grogs are for, and it is a nice story element.)

Somnifer smiles, "I thought this might be the case. Wen" he says, and Wen falls asleep crumpling to the ground. Somnifer appears to go rigid and stiff.

Wen is walking on a path and she can hear Somnifer's voice on occasion, "and you turn here, and then you go this way for 5 miles, if you see the standing stone, go to far." A few minutes later, Wen is awake, back in Dragon's Rest and she has the route back to Lapus Crudus firmly etched into her mind.
He says to Heims and Cygna, "You can follow her, but she doesn't speak a common language. You could probably hire a Redcap to help with that."
He waves Mufarjj and Vin over, and guides them to the portal to Harco, pays the toll and the three go through.

((Vin, Mufarjj and Somnifer will continue here.
Wen, Cygna will pick up in Mother's Footsteps. Heims will go with whomever, when The Fixer decides, although he needs vis to pay the tolls for the Mercere Portals.))

And it feels like a wave washing over him. She shouldn't look at him like that, she'll break him! :laughing:

He takes her hand, and kisses it gently.
Had you asked me anything else, I would have been horribly torn between what I want to do and what I feel I must do.
Lucky me, you are who you are, and so the two are one and the same.

Viscaria is my friend, too, and I am concerned for her safety and well-being. I'll gladly join you on this endeavor.

Somnifer pays the toll for he, Mufarjj and Vin to go to Harco, whereupon he locates another portal and pays the toll to go to Barcelona. Once there, he delivers the letter, and inquires about lodging and gets a suite of rooms at the Mercere House in Barcelona. He tells them in a dream, "We will abide here a few days and then make our way to the west. I need to visit Viscaria's pater. Are either of you familiar with him?"

((Amul, you can establish exactly how much Vin or might know about Viscaria and her past, here. I'll work it into the story.))

Vin has no experience with them. He's Viscaria's 3rd shield grog. The first one died in the mountainhome when Viscaria sought her biological dwarf father for more information. The second one, freed from those dwarven prisons, died in Phoenix covenant somewhere along the way. Vin was a refugee who did for Phoenix what Wilhelm's been doing for Mons Electi for a while, and then he accepted the gig as Viscaria's Shield Grog so that he could keep a better eye on Patience. Not that he'll ever admit that to anyone.)

"Her pater is a nasty piece of work. Perhaps it is an occupational hazard of being a magus. Very few of us remain friendly and personable throughout our lives." Clearly Somnifer is exhibiting some cognitive dissonance here, or just flat out lying. It's seems as if he believes what he is saying, and Mufarjj is nodding knowingly with him.
Somnifer looks at the pair in turn, again with that odd mannerism of having his eyes closed the entire time.
"Norbert Gunthar conspired with dwarven man to seduce/kidnap/defile my daughter in an effort to produce a Gifted child whom he could later claim as an apprentice. Viscaria wasn't his first attempt to do this. He sought out several fae blooded magi and tried to ensnare them in his schemes. When Viscaria was born the dwarvish father cast her mother aside within a year and kept the young Viscaria in trust until Norbert could claim his prize. I do not have details of the fae compact my daughter entered into, but I suspect it was a bargain to produce an unGifted child, and when Viscaria's gift manifested within the year, she forfeited her rights to the child under the contract, which is exactly what Norbert wanted. I have no idea whether this is what Viscaria's vulgar father wanted, though. In any event, these events were clearly orchestrated by Norbert Gunter, and I intend to have my revenge. I have declared a state of Wizard's War exists between he and I, and he will receive the letter before the next full moon. At the rise of the second full moon he and I will be at war, and he will understand pain. The war lasts until the third full moon or one of us is dead. His sodales at Laguna may send agents against me, and that is your purpose here with me. In a few days, we will relocate, as the Redcaps will not allow me to remain here while in a state of Wizard's War. I entreat you to find that location for us to reside for the term of the War..." He opens his eyes and the deep blue open eyes belie the fact that he is sleeping, as you can hear him begin to snore.

The only further information that Vin might provide, after a night's deliberation on the matter, is that he must be in Iberia somewhere, since this was Viscaria's first trip beyond the Iberian borders. He also suspects that the safest place for Somnifer to engage in his Wizard War would be back in his own covenant, given the restrictions on people entering and exiting....

....but being Vin Diesel, he says none of these things, and merely grunts at an auspicious moment and then raises an eyebrow.

"Very well, Vin. No need to grunt, in the absence of a demural, I'll assume all your responses are in the affirmative. You and Mufarjj will be going out in the morning. You have my word I'll be staying here until I'm ready to go with you to our safe house."

"Wouldn't your own covenant be safest?"

Safehouse? The only places Vin knows of are the covenants of Mons Electi, Phoenix and Spider's Palace. He probably also knows of any regios Viscaria would have visited regularly, like for vis sources. He knows the area around Cijara/Phoenix much better than anywhere in Normandy.

Actually, if distant doesn't matter, and given the capacity of the wizard he's working with, the safest place he can think of around Cijara/Phoenix would be the giant spider infested, abandoned rock quarry where he met Theraphosa.

"Sure, but one does not conduct a war from a prison." Somnifer begins snoring, and soon after, Vin and Mufarjj fall asleep.
"This is the only method I can comfortably communicate with you. You see, dear boy, I want it made plain where I am going to be. I want everyone in Barcelona to know where they can find Somnifer. Of course, Norbert will think this is a trap, but sometimes one must still investigate a trap. The Redcaps here are corrupt and sell their information as a matter of course, to whomever pays them. You might wonder how I know this, as I have been locked away for so long, but as can be plainly seen, when I am in your dreams, I have total control." Vin is immediately surrounded with several nubile women. "Or would you prefer fine food and wine? I can provide that as well." Before Vin a banquet of magnificent food appears before him and the women go about preparing a plate for him. Roasted meats, honeyed fruits, bread fresh and warm from the oven are brought to him. All foods that Vin has found to be his favorites from boyhood through adulthood. And the women are all of his type, but have subtle differences that hinting at the different women he has favored in the past.

"Now you're talking in a language I can understand," replied Vin, one hand holding a haunch of turkey leg, the other grasping a woman's buttocks.

"You need somewhere with limited entrances that you can monitor, large and complex enough that they can't attack us as soon as they enter."

Int 0 or Per 3, depending on whether you're talking about him remembering such a place, versus noticing its utility in the first place. He considers it....

(1) * Die 4 = 8 + AL:Mons Electi 1 (regio) + Int 0/Per 3 = 10/13
(4) + Hunt 5 (people) + Int 0/Per 3 = 10/13
(9) + Second Sight 6 (ghosts) + Int 0/Per 3 = 15/18

(grogs do not get confidence points, else he'd spend one)

"No, not at all. I can effect my magic well enough here on you. I'm not going to give you the full details of my plans, but no. I just need you to visibly find us a spot to be. Mufarjj is going to be more discreet and he will find us the place we will really be staying." He pauses, "You can enjoy the dream as you desire until morning. You will never become drunk, never tire of the women, and never be full."

Based on those rolls, does Vin know of somewhere good for the safehouse?

I'm thinking:

  • A small pocket regio with only one or two entrances
  • A part of the Mons Electi regio that is geographically separate from the inhabited spaces (near the river, perhaps?)*
  • An abandoned Baroque Peasant Hut somewhere in a field, that Viscaria on the way to the 1221 Tribunal for some reason
  • An abandoned shack in the woods
  • A natural cave system or something

Viscaria did make a Baroque Peasant Hut a day or two from Laguna Sententia. ((Does that seem like something Viscaria would do? If not, we can come up with something else.) It's relatively secluded, consisted with Viscaria's desire for personal security. However, Somnifer was insistent upon finding a place in the city and making it a charade...

From Laguna Senentia? Damn straight she would, and would have used her Terram Spirit effective vis to do it. An escape route.

Okay, so it isn't clear to me what you want me to do here. I made some rolls to locate a place fitting with his parameters. When you didn't respond, I made some suggestions for locations. Now you're saying those locations don't fit the original parameters. Are you asking me to make some more rolls? Make different suggestions?

Given Vin's Second Sight score, he'd be aware of pretty much every regio boundary he walks past. Did he ever see one in a city?

Somnifer explains further, "Your ideas of relocating to a safe house you know about is something I had in my mind, but what I need now from you most is to go through Barcelona, you and Mufarjj and make a show of finding us a safe house here in the city. You see, I expect a Master Verditius has enchanted items created to conduct an attack in a dominion aura. He would expect me to be defenseless here, and to a certain extent he would be correct. But he, will find himself attacking, and I won't be there. Further, I have an opportunity to attack him coming and going to Laguna Sententia, if your safe house is still intact. So, I will make use of your safe house, but for now, I need to provide the Redcaps with rumors which can be sold. And then we will slip out of the city quietly and relocate to your suggested safe house. Does that make sense? I had expected to camp outside the city, but your idea has a bit more appeal."