1224 OOC

He'd be able to get it all done at Insula Canaria.

Don't forget to define his Hubris (Tintavius's is Arrogance, I think).

I think I'll go with False Modesty: "No, no this was rushed work. See the detailed engravings on the blade? I could have done much better, I wanted it to have a few more embellishments, but I ran out of time."

So, I guess my question is more for the SG...when exactly is the Tribunal? Can we make it there and back again in time? Qcipher had mentioned three seasons of travel and a season there, but, from the description of the Initiation, it takes virtually no time to perform the rite. And it's certainly not three seasons of travel.

Talia is ambivalent about Tribunal, but me, I want to be involved, as a player. I don't know how the timing of this story works for Talia being at Tribunal...

I figure it would take...

Peregrine says it would take:

So, I'm not clear on this three seasons of travel you've said a couple of times. Further, if you leave end of March, and assuming we get travel there and back to be 3 months, that puts us back at the end of June, which if my calendar is right, is a month before the Tribunal...
So, don't go planning three months of travel and minimal experience... Unless of course you want to do that. :smiley:

Yeah... Talia just threw down on Aodhan. :smiley: Does Aodhan really want to do the Hermetic Shipyard, or does he have other interests?

How could you throw down on Aodhan when he has those sad puppy dog eyes? :frowning:

A Hermetic shipyard could definitely make him famous. It's not his forte, yet, but he could definitely get into it. One of his specialties could be the making of smaller items, decorations maybe, that effect the whole ship.

Talia doesn't care about puppy dog eyes. She is a Tytalus, after all.

Is Aodhan going to try and compete with Talia on this? :laughing:

He was more looking for business than to throwdown. When it looks like he's not needed...he gets sad...

Aodhan is going to be developing a bit of a complex, me thinks. Talia has already grown, and beaten, a Quaesitor at a discussion of law. She is interested in beating others at their own game. Buildin a. Hermetic Shipyard would definitely be a statement. AFAIK, Mnemnos, Favonius are the only canonical covenant that could have done anything like this.
So, while Talia appreciates the offer, she has intentions of doing this herself.
Along the way she hopes to also compete with the other Houses in some manner. She may have won several arguments with Haille, but that wasn't a Guernicus Quaesitor.
She is kind of like Marcus, but I can actually play her. I was looking forward to out-riddling Amul's Criamon at some point.

Ah...trying to out-invent Aodhan eh? Well he's kind of dense, it would likely have to be spelled out before he'd realize it. The idea of a non-Verditius trying to compete with a Verditius likely doesn't even occur to him or Tintavius. From what he just saw he's more like a car salesman that just got shot down.

Well, Talia doesn't have Aodhan in her sights as far as competition is concerned. She just wants to outdo a magus of each House...somehow.

House Bonisagus: research something, or advance knowledge beyond what they do (this one will be very hard).
House Mercere: I got nothing here...Douglas is some part of this nascent scheme.
House Guernicus: Outdo/ a Quaesitor. Haile doesn't count.
House Tremere: I've got nothing for this one...
House Bjornaer: Keep the areas surrounding Loch Ness wild, while also building a Hermetic shipyard... Marry industry, commerce and the wilds.
House Criamon: That was what I was going to cook up with Amul somehow... If he returns, I'll engage.
House Merinitae: This nominally ties into the Bjornaer goal, presuming their are fae in the forest... Is it cheating to get a three-fer here with the establishment of a Hermetic Shipyard while preserving the wildness of the place?
House Verditius: Hermetic Shipyard, but really, it's about enchanting a ship, without any of the Verditius "tricks."
House ex Miscellanea: Man, I got nothing for this House.
House Flambeau: compete and win in some Flambeau tournament, this will be very tough.
House Jerbiton: have her ships be seen as works of art... Hey that gives me an idea...

Become a vampire, but get better?

Also, I've been re-examining my statement about Summer being pretty much wasted if you go to Tribunal. As far as lab work goes, yes, figuring travel time and the length of Tribunal (probably about three weeks total, tops) would make it useless. But you can still study, and do Practice for probably close to full benefit.

I'm gonna say no. Eww, no.
I think I'll go one better. She's already beaten the Tremere. She's a Tytalus.

Okily dokily. Cool. Wonder if Talia will finally get around to studying the MT text. She's tried to study it for 5 seasons now, and has had to change her plans every single time. It's kind of funny and fun to play that something is always getting in her way...

So in other words at a greater expense in vis, much more time spent, and generally lower powered items on average.

Yep, you'll really show up them tricksters from Verdi! :laughing:

The cost and time involved is irrelevant... :smiley:

To which Aodhan would say "Only the dreamer and the fool cannot count the quantity and value of their gold and time."

It's not to say that it can't be done (a non Verditian winning an enchantment contest), but it requires great cleverness, creativity, and power. The tangible qualities of the vis used (or saved) the time spent (or saved) and finally the rarity of the enchantment are the measure on how such things would be judged. At least in my opinion. Verditians are a House of artists and craftsman, as well as prideful people. They value the cost of all things that they work on. Two items virtually the same would likely have their price tag checked to figure out the winner.

And if he was talking to someone who knew a bit about Verditius, he'd likely add "And Verditius is a House full of fools."

The entire is full of fools. Talia may be the biggest of the bunch. But her goals are hers, and she does things not because they are easy, but because they are hard. She isn't interested in winning a contest...she's interested in growing to the point that she could do something one would expect only from a Verditius...

Alright then, Aodhan will no doubt know when that happens.

Random ponder: if Talia's clothes are all Imaginem, how does she earn her beads at Mardi Gras?