1227 Tribunal Preparations

Viscaria examines her spider-like hands critically. "Ooh, sorry! I forgot about the hands. But seriously, that's what, a 2nd magnitude spell? I can see right through it without even casting a spell. What's the hurry, girl? Worried that it'll get away if you can't slide it straight in? Put on some layers. Make a show of it. Sheesh. It's like having one of those Bjn...Bnj...one of those shapeshifters around."

Her point made, she turns back to the "lacuna" that Tranquillina had discovered earlier.

((Per 0 + Second Sight 2 + die roll 4=6
vs 5+( 2x (This Aura 5 - OtherAura _), so chances are against her seeing it with just her eyes))

She pulls out two more of the stubby silver wands, and begins to gesturing wildly and loudly incanting.

((Piercing the Magic Veil, Base 3 +1 Diam, +2 Smell = InVi 10, rolling up for sense. In 14 + Vi 15 + Sta 0 + Aura 5 + W&G 2 + die 8 = 44/2 = 22...hot DAMN, she rolled-up to Target Vision. Which is not actually that impressive when I do the numbers, but still))

Behind both of them, practically forgotten, is Viscaria's ever-present shadow, Vin Diesel.

((Per 3 + Second Sight 6 + die roll 3 = 12-5 = 7/2 = 3.5 (round up) 4 + ThisAura 5..., so he succeeds unless it's a portal to the Magic Realm or something.))

"Ha!" Viscaria calls out playfully. "Found it first!

Vin Diesel sticks his head out of the regio boundary and simply says, "Nope." before returning inside.

While Viscaria is waving her wands around, Tranquillina walks slowly around her (but out of arm's reach), casting out with her magical senses. [color=magenta]There has to be some sort of Mentem effect going on here, she surmises, [color=magenta]powerful enough to get through Viscaria's Parma....
She is, however, suitably impressed by the discovery of the regio boundary.

Viscaria makes a pouting face at Vin's back. "Can you see it, 'Leena? What is it?"

The dimintutive nickname falls off her tongue easily and without pretense. Easy Folk Ken roll to see that Vee has decided you're a friend.

((And you really do have to tell me what it is. Your bps.))

((Fair enough, and clearly spoken. I do like the idea of you throwing in details and "clues" as we discover it together, though; helps me make it up as we go.))

Cloak clutched closely around her, Tranquillina gives Viscaria a sideways glance and then steps back to the lacuna. She holds her arms straight out at her sides like a cross, then shuffles sideways in the spot where she saw Vin disappear, trying to mimic his motions. She has to start over a few times, but soon she finds herself inching through a cleft between two tall rock walls. Several claustrophobic steps later, she emerges from the fissure to see Vin standing there, rubbing at some nasty abrasions on his skin - he must have barely fit through.

Looking around, Tranquillina immediately sees significant differences. Whereas the plateau "outside" was relatively flat and orderly, almost to the point of appearing manicured, here the terrain consists of scant trails winding between tall fang-like walls and ominous pits. From any given vantage point, one can see at most ten paces in any given direction: objects seem to be blurred and distorted as if seen through a haze of hot smoke, even though the air is uncolored and tastes normal; the sky is a featureless gray canvas consistent with a gloomy day. There is a hint of a breeze, though mostly near the ground. Dirt and, occasionally, small pebbles are disturbed by the low gusts and disappear into the pits, frequently enough that Tranquillina wonders how any such material can remain on the surface.

"I love this regio! Viscaria exults from behind Tranquillina. "It's like the gift that never stops giving. Ooh, what's that over there?"

Viscaria's diameter-duration spell lingers on for a few seconds more, making it easy for her to spot any potential vis sources from afar.

"It's like the deeper down you go, the more vertically stretched it gets. Like taffy. What's the Aura in here anyway?

((V can spont that if you don't want to figure it out. We should probably get SG approval before making this someplace anyone would want to set up a lab in.))

As they wander around, they notice something (else) strange about the regio: the haziness hindering visibility does not depend on the distance from the object to the viewer, but rather seems to be a constant feature of the regio's terrain. Details become harder and harder to see the farther they are from the crevice through which they entered; about 20 or 30 paces out, telling the difference between ground, pit, pillar, and sky is so hard that traveling further would be essentially suicidal.

Tranquillina wrinkles her nose, her eyes not focused on anything. [color=magenta]"There is an aura here, but it's ... weaker than outside," she offers. [color=magenta]"Decent enough, but still noticeably less." ((OOC: 3, and Perdo-aligned)) She wonders for a moment whether she should have dropped a bread crumb or something more substantial at the exit to the regio ([color=magenta]if indeed we can leave that same way, she amends herself), but then realizes that the large man can probably find it again himself.

She steps around a column of rock, coming back into view of Viscaria, and suddenly starts scanning the ground between them back and forth. [color=magenta]"I sensed ... something else here. Viscaria, did you see any motion?" Tranquillina peers suspiciously at a long but narrow crack in the ground between the two maga; it is unclear whether Vin is small enough to make it through to whatever lies beneath.

Viscaria is examining the column of rock critically, apparently trying to decide if it is construction grade material.

"Hrmm? You've found something? Good, because I haven't. This is junk rock. Barely worth the name. Look how to crumbles."

When she sees the crack in the ground, she pulls out another one of her stubby wands (only one wand this time). "I could widen that thing up with a little Perdo Terram, if you think there's something down there. Only, the thing that's down there better not be Terram. Or really nice Terram, if it is."

[color=magenta]"Well ... I really worry about a lot of this tumbling down around us if you take away any of the rock," Tranquillina frowns, kneeling and pointing to a crumbling shelf near the long crack (which Viscaria had noticed long before). [color=magenta]"And you could easily fit down there - I probably could too, myself ... but not knowing what's down there...." Peering into the darkness from up here helps very little.

She nods to herself and stands. [color=magenta]"Let me go down there quickly, to make sure it's safe, and then I'll call you down," she instructs Viscaria. She takes several steps back from the crack and easy snaps a jutting knob off of the unstable floor, telling Vin (in Latin): [color=magenta]"Stay clear of this spot here; I will transport myself here in an emergency."

Tranquillina quickly prepares herself for possible dangers, first (and most obviously, especially to those with Second Sight) by casting Wizard's Sidestep upon herself, as well as an easy Muto Corpus spell (with Animal overtones) that seems to be directed at her face, both of which make Vin feel a little bit nauseated. She then balls her fist and slaps her cloak into her abdomen twice, with no easily discernable effect. Finally, she draws the cloak's hood over her head and all the way down her face, and the action transforms her completely into a brownish-red wolf.

It stands there for a minute, looking around, and Vin feels another pang of nausea. Then the wolf says unexpectedly, [color=magenta]"All right, I'm ready to see what's down there. Any last words?" Its tongue lolls out in a passable imitation of laughter.

((Lacking Perception and Awareness, Vee fails to understand what you've done, and watches sort of blankly.))

The wolf admits a sullen growl and slithers its way down into the crack, disappearing from view.

About a minute later, the wolf's voice calls up from the darkness beneath. [color=magenta]"Well, I don't see anything dangerous down here ... but I feel like there's some sort of creature, hiding from me. Something native to the regio, perhaps.... How do you feel about joining me? Other than my sense of not being alone, there isn't much of note down here."

This particular sub-thread is Just For Fun Only (at this point, for "discovering" a vis source I've allocated BPs for), so if you'd like to tick it off your list and move on to other things, I'll just summarize what happens next! Let me know.

Shortcutting: the grotto below the crack within the pocket regio is home to a magical cave salamander who has the power of invisibility. If physically trapped or held, he will drop his tail and run away; the tail contains a pawn of Perdo vis and takes a few months to grow back. The salamander's dung fertilizes the fungus in the cave, especially in a particular corner, where the fungus too is rendered invisible; it can be harvested for Imaginem vis.

Mechanically, the covenant acquires a vis source: 3 pawns Perdo and 4 pawns Imaginem per year, every winter for simplicity (in 1223 let's say we get 1 pawn Perdo and 2 pawns Imaginem only). The salamander probably has a poisonous bite (not fatal) but is not built for combat, so reasonable precautions should allow the gathering of the vis; Second Sight is also helpful. One wrinkle is that the entrance to the pocket regio is smack dab in the middle of the plateau on which the Tribunal city is being built. Maybe the Administration building can surround it...?

(Jonathan, here's your chance to confirm or question this allocation of Tranquillina's build points (see also this post unrelated to the vis source). Anyone can offer suggestions about tweaking the vis source if they want.)

Build points are fine. Where is the entrance to the upper level of the regio, the description is grotto, so I want to make sure it isn't the same place that Tria comes from, as that spot is entirely underwater.

Here I'll collect all the information about the pocket regio level. "Grotto" might be an unfortunate choice of words due to other things in existence in the saga; I mean only "the basement level of the cave".

location of the entrance to the pocket regio
The pocket regio is accessed from the plateau on which the Tribunal city will be built, close enough to the center that it will be within the city bounds.

accessing this pocket regio
The maga holds her arms straight out at her sides like a cross, then shuffles sideways in a very particular spot. She will find herself inching through a cleft between two tall rock walls (that weren't there before). Several claustrophobic steps later, she will emerge from the fissure. The only place to go from inside the pocket regio is back out to the plateau in the main regio, by inching through the cleft in the other direction. (In particular, the pocket regio does not itself have a second level anywhere.)

appearance inside the pocket regio
Whereas the plateau "outside" was relatively flat and orderly, almost to the point of appearing manicured, here the terrain consists of scant trails winding between tall fang-like walls and ominous pits. ("It's like the deeper down you go, the more vertically stretched it gets. Like taffy.") From any given vantage point, one can see at most ten paces in any given direction: objects seem to be blurred and distorted as if seen through a haze of hot smoke, even though the air is uncolored and tastes normal; the sky is a featureless gray canvas consistent with a gloomy day. The haziness hindering visibility does not depend on the distance from the object to the viewer, but rather seems to be a constant feature of the regio's terrain. Details become harder and harder to see the farther they are from the crevice through which they entered; about 20 or 30 paces out, telling the difference between ground, pit, pillar, and sky is so hard that traveling further would be essentially suicidal.

The columns, walls, and even the ground are made of "junk rock", extremely crumbly and barely worth calling rock. There is a hint of a breeze, though mostly near the ground. Dirt and, occasionally, small pebbles are disturbed by the low gusts and disappear into the pits. There is a long but narrow crack in the ground somewhere in the regio, which a large person would have trouble fitting through. It leads to a lower cave, equally convoluted with stalagmites and unsure footing, with a thin coating of dim gray fungus on most surfaces.

magical contents of the pocket regio
The magical aura in the regio is weaker than the main regio: it has a score of 3, and is Perdo-aligned rather than Rego-aligned. This lowermost cave, below the narrow crack, is home to a magical cave salamander who has the power of invisibility. If physically trapped or held, he will drop his tail and run away; the tail contains a pawn of Perdo vis and takes a few months to grow back. The salamander's dung fertilizes the fungus in the cave, especially in a particular corner, where the fungus too is rendered invisible; this invisible fungus can be harvested for Imaginem vis.

I've never had a regio go down. Typically as they go lower, they dump out into the real world. The manor side of Mons Electi is a 3, also Rego aligned, while the castle side is a 5 and Rego aligned. So it's problematic.

First problem is that it goes down a level, which to me, makes me think it's connected to the mundane world somehow, somewhere. And that's fine. I think I had established that there is a regio entrance just outside the south gate of Mons Electi, it's behind a guard house and it does lead to the Tribunal field. Perhaps, if you go through the regio entrance in that particular pose you endup somplace else. Let's give it an aura strength of 4 so as to not violate the rules about moving up/down a regio.

I'm not wild about a Perdo aligned regio existing within, and at a lower level of a Rego aligned regio, it kind of violates my sensibilities a bit. That being said, I don't have a problem with a Perdo vis source being present.

Ok, aura 4 instead of 3, and still Rego-aligned instead of Perdo (although the blurry descriptions, which I like, make a little less sense in a Rego-aligned aura. But there's no really good reason for it to be Perdo-aligned, unless the salamander itself is causing it).

So there's an entrance between mundaneland and this salamander pocket regio that hasn't been discovered yet (at least as of 1223.4). I think there should be some of the same fungus behind the guard house in the particular spot where access to Salamandrio can be gained. Maybe a slightly different pose? such as, stooping tremendously low to the ground, to duck under a low ceiling?

It could be unaligned, as if that pocket were skipped over...

The regio entrance behind the guard house is there to get to the Tribunal field, for all of the mundane travelers to get to the Tribunal without traipsing through the manor house and covenant. It's a boon, benefit to the covenant. I thought I'd detailed the entrance before, but I can't find it. You can have the mushrooms grow wherever, either side or both sides. It's a pocket, between 3 and 5 auras, it's like a bit of space folded in on itself, even more tightly than regios normally are. That protected this area from developing a Rego alignment....
The entrance is going through either direction as described. If you go through normally, you end up either at the Tribunal field or at the mundane side, next to the south gate guard house. Make sense?

Yep, I think so. Same physical location, but two different metaphorical buttons on the elevator.
And unaligned sounds good to me, with your explanation.
When I get the time I'll put it all on the wiki and add the vis to the inventory spreadsheet.

Tranquillina - Certamen
Alexei - Joust
Roberto - Dimicatio
Korvin - Certamen or Dimicatio
Marcus?? - Dimicatio
Fiona -
Jacques -
Isen -
Hastiludium ?? -

Novus Main put a good Melee team together :slight_smile:

Probably as good a place or time as any to formalize Marcus's informal membership to Mons Electi. I think he's partaking of Protected Guest status. That being said, I think someone will object to his being a member of the Mons Electi team, and he either doesn't compete (in which case I can run the Dimicatio) or he competes as a cenobite as he has previously.

Teams are supposed to be limited to 5 magi, but I'm thinking that it is reasonable that there would be two alternates possible. And mundanes never count, such as for events of a grog being the rider in the Hastiludium or the grogs and companions involved in the melee.