1228 Kriegeist ex Tytalus

You come back with a level 45 version of feeding the font of the covenant, also you realize your research has 2 possible directions it can go- a minor breakthrough that will allow a form of spell mastery that allows you to designate multiple targets (one extra per level of mastery) as being unaffected by the warping of the spell the same as if it were designed for them. The second would allow the transference of warping points from one target to another and would be a major breakthrough.

Great, will be aiming at the Major.

You can pursue multiple lines of research, right? For instance, if I have an idea for a project that doesn't fit the above; but does fall under the category of warping, I can research on it without disturbing my progress and it may become relevant later?

Asking because a couple of ideas I've had have more to do with ongoing warping. ie the box above, and research regarding warping of inanimate objects under constant effect; and the experimental LR's to research the same re: people.

Or am I getting too heavily into research during advancement?

It fits the character and reason for pursuing the opportunity. You can pursue other avenues of research, but success is not guaranteed for any.

Kriegeist sees the Titanoi as in decline. He wants them to expand, and get out from under the specter of The Betrayal. He knows that he is a good teacher and debater, and well poised to be a leader in the cult, and he hopes that his successes as a researcher will help to cast the Titanoi in a better light.

To the end of making the Titanoi stronger, he wants to find a Daimon who can be his familiar, but also act as a teacher and patron to other members of the cult. His research will be focused on the early days of Theurgy; trying to find information on anyone who Ascended early on, the first if he can find them; or any Daimons who are known for being teachers and mentors.

roll int+magic lore+Titanoi cult lore

Rolled 18 on discord.

Advancement updated to the point at which I rolled.

From the records you find 3 potential candidates- Praelix, Kalliste, and one of the first early ex miscellanea converts to make the Titanoi into the mystery cult it has become, who went by Jasmyne.

Is that the Pralix?!?!

He will research "Invoke the Pact" spells for all three, once he figures out that they're all daimons, they seem pretty important to have texts for in the cult. He's inclined to ask Jasmyne to be his familiar, so probably research her first.

How do we figure the research out mechanically, since their Might is part of the math for that?

First you will need an arcane connection to work with the daimon, which means learning it's true name... which requires 5xp into the True name. Per Daimon you wish to work with.

He will study some Magic Lore and devote xp to that but needs a bit more study before he'll be able to actually invent an Invoke spell with a decent level to it. Adding another chunk.

Did the above research to find the three candidates take a season?

yes, providing 4 xp in either magic lore or titanoi lore

Ok, I went a little beyond 10 years but advanced to the point where he's got the first Invocation invented. He will cast until it works; how many rolls should I make?

Also, I asked earlier in discord but probably got overlooked; you've mentioned making a rule about minimum botch dice with a high lab safety, are you implementing that? (It was for vis study in this instance).

I'm assuming lab safety doesn't help with casting rituals, though.

Just bear in mind that regardless of whether the storyteller house rules on safety and minimum botch dice, studying from vis is not in principle a laboratory activity as it can be safely performed outside of the lab. Not being a laboratory activity, it shouldn't benefit from safety unless that is house ruled in as well. My understanding was that safety is largely about experimentation.

Lab safety does not reduce botch dice from studying vis.

Considering the lab safety minimum botch dice issue...

lab safety does not help in casting rituals

adjustments done; had an avoided twilight.

How many ritual rolls should I make? or are you reviewing the advancement first?

You will need to cast it 4 times.

casted, no botch; lowest pen value was 55. (rolls on discord)

Used 36 pawns total, annual allotment is 55 so no issue there.

And Jasmyne shows up for a conversation.
You mention trying to save the Titanoi and her immediate response is "again?"
Your arts are a bit low, and it seems she would view herself as the "senior partner" to your team up if you were to take her as a familiar- one you demonstrated being worthy of her presence and blessings.

Kriegeist won't try to take her as familiar until she accepts that he has proven himself her equal.

So I guess will go on without familiar for now. Advancement ok so far otherwise?

aside from going past the size limits I asked you to follow in one chunk, yes.
are you planning to try and call upon anyone else?