1228 Schwartz Of Merinita

I believe Schwartz is done. I cleaned up the numbers, finished his seasons, and cleaned up the character sheet so it is easier to follow. (at least for me) Let me know what other changes he may need.

no changes needed

I have been looking at Arcadian Travel. The charm numbers are high and confusing. I want to use it, but I am going to need some help.

It appears very difficult to do this without Puissant (Craft Skill) and the virtue Creative Expression. Charm targets of 18 and up just aren’t doable without some help.

I am probably missing something. What am I missing?

It's usually ability + characteristic. No, it's not easy, but Mythic Herbalism has target numbers of 21+ and at her age and experience, Elia has a chance of succeeding with ability 9.

It's hard to know what you might be missing without knowing what you currently perceive.
As noted a charm is made using an ability+characteristic+die roll, and can also involved sympathetic bonuses common to faerie. Also depending on what you are making for a charm you might be able to utilize workshop bonuses from city and guild. for someone with (for example) a craft skill of 5, a level 2 sympathy with wood and a +3 workshop bonus in woodworking with a Dex of 3 would have a total of 13 before bothering to roll and can design a charm to arcadia 50% of the time. On the other hand having an ability of 3 and dex of 0 can still produce a charm to a mundane place 20% of the time. Workshop bonuses will not apply to activation, but otherwise the difference is that you will use perception instead of dex.

With a singing skill of 4 and 0 communication, with no sympathy bonuses yet, this probably isn’t going to work very well. With puissant singing and creative expression he could maybe make it to a mundane place, most of the time, if he didn’t have to go to Arcadia to get there.

It looks like the rules want much more focus on this skill set for it to work.

The section on charms says that an effective temporary charm can be made with a total of 6. Then in the Arcadian travel section it says that you can travel to a place you have never been, and gives charm totals. So... Does this mean if you are going to a place you have been the charm total needs to be 6, or 12/15/18? It makes a massive difference in usability.

charms are not just used for arcadian travel- there are uses for which a level 6 charm would suffice. To use arcadian travel you need the 12/15/18 scores. And yes, breaking through the walls of reality is more than trivial difficulty.

Schwartz is asking around for a music teacher, and trying to set up correspondence on that subject.

He will also try to set up a correspondence with anyone who knows about area lore of the magic realm.

The third correspondence would be with the adoption agent for magical cats, about magic lore.

The primary interest is in a music teacher. Preferably one who isn’t put off by the gift.

Amongst those at the tribunal you are able to locate a jerbiton with an interest in music who is not, however, a teacher (correspondance is still available), though they may be able to find someone for you to study under...
You are similarly able to find someone with an interest, but not much ability, to correspond regarding area lore:magic realm
Magic lore (cats) is of course, a given.
He can have 2 more topics.

Schwartz is applying his "adventure" xp to Order of Hermes Lore (5xp) and Bargaining (3xp).
Corvis (familiar) gets 5xp Folk Ken, and 3 xp in Order of Hermes Lore.
HIs other correspondence would be Magic Theory.