1271.3e It's all relative (Fabricus)

Babette works quietly and fervently on the written portion of the exam and turns it in with trepidation.

((1d10+1 → [8,1] = (9)

Fabricus reads it and nods that it is acceptable, Babette's shy smile beams on her face. But the smile vanishes after he asks her about the base amount of power that would be required to fill a rain barrel with water.

((1d10-1 → [9,-1] = (8)

After a false start, she quickly and with greater confidence explains what the base power would require and Fabricus nods again.

Finally she takes time to call up her knowledge of the gestures and words and shows them separately so as not to actually cast a spell, but show how she would cast a spell and seems to have decent facility with Creo and Ignem, though no magic is brought up*. Fabricus nods again and gestures for her to take her seat.

*This is actually a freebie now, the demonstration of the words and gestures; showing the theory but not a spell. So everyone, since they had their Arts opened, can demonstrate the hand gestures and simple Latin necessary. That Fabricus doesn't want to actually have them cast a spell is a bit of a quirk with him and his nervousness with uncontrolled magic.

Fabricus seems non-committal overall regarding the results and after all of the vellum sheets are gathered he directs the students back to their desks. "This was perhaps a more difficult test, some may not have been ready. But don't expect an apology. Magic only gets harder and more complex with greater risks and better rewards. It's best for you to be tested often and see where your strengths and weaknesses lie rather than posses some illusion of competency. The master does not do his students any favors by coddling him or showering esteem that was not truly earned." he sits down at his throne again.

"We have covered some of the element of earth, the Form of Terram. Now we shall spend time on its opposite, Auram. Auram is vital, it is our breath, it brings the winds and the rain. In the right quantities it nourishes all life. Too much or too little, or too great of strength and disaster results. It is a dangerous power and mercurial. Controlling it requires steady concentration so as not to lose the substance. Think of an effect using Creo or Rego that can be used to save labor around the Covenant, then share it with the class."

Averell sits in the back of the class, silently sad and irritated with himself for not being able to pass either the written or the oral portion of the examination. He knows that he knows this stuff, but when it comes to taking tests, he just can't seem to put the thoughts in his head into coherent answers. He stews for a few moments, then decides to let it go, realizing that Fabricus was talking to the entire class and not just another single student.

He catches the last part of what Fabricus says, and ponders the question about Auram for several minutes, waiting to see if anybody else has any thoughts. When nobody else offers anything, he slowly raises his hand, then gives his answer when recognized.

"Professor, we could use Creo to create a cushion of air that heavy objects could be lifted with? Or maybe pushed from one location to another with?"

He wasn't sure of his answer, which is why it came out as if he was asking a question. But at least he was putting forth something; he was certain Ambrose would have had an answer, given who his family was.

Margerethe raises her hand. [color=purple]"Master Fabricus, one could use Creo Auram to create rain to water the crops. Or...can't you use Rego Auram if you wanted to keep air faeries out for some reason?"

Fabricus takes out his wand and points it at an extra chair in the room. "Like so?" And with a murmured word it begins to rise into the air, held motionless by magic. "But...this is not using Creo or Rego Auram. The spell you mentioned has an equivalent that is used for true flight, called 'Wings of the Soaring Wind'. The problem is, with the creation of air, you must also control it precisely or the item will fall or fly out of the way. A simple Rego Terram or Herbam or Animal can perform the same effect with more precision and less chance of mishap. This is not to discourage you...your spell would work, there just might be a more efficient way of doing the same thing."

Fabricus nods. "An excellent deduction. Even though rain is water, in the form of actual rainfall it is governed by Auram, which controls weather. And...while this is not a chore, it is valuable; protection from faeries associated with the elements is a good thing."

Averell begins pouring through his textbook, unsure of why his answer wasn't the correct one. He skims and reads quickly, and when he is unable to find the answer, he raises his hand to ask a question.

"Professor, I'm a bit confused. How is it that Aquam is for water, but Auram controls weather? Wouldn't the suggestion to create rainfall as Margarethe mentioned need some form of Aquam with it? And as the question asked specifically about Auram...?"

The look on his face was puzzled, with true curiosity entrenched within it; it was obvious to any who looked upon him that he was truly confused.

Julius puts up his hand and when he is called on

Master Fabricus, Could we make a small dust devils and use them to herd geese and other such animals? Would that be Creo or Rego? Rego to control it but I'm not sure about making it.

"A good question, it is confusing perhaps. But one must remember the nature of the Elementa. The nature of Auram is weather and air, the power of Jove. The nature of Aquam is water and liquid. When water is falling from the sky it is governed by Auram, yet if you were to change the falling rain into another liquid, Aquam would be required. Do you see? It is the nature that is important. Wine too is governed by Aquam, yet it is made from crushed grapes, which would be Herbam, yes? When the grapes become wine its nature is liquid and thus Aquam. Do you see?"

"Yes you could, Rego or Creo could perform either. Creo can create a wind from nothing as well as dust devils. Rego can take existing winds and spin them, and since winds exist virtually everywhere, you could twist them at your whim. Now then...suggesting that you could herd animals with them is feasible, actually getting them to do so..." Fabricus shrugs. "It could work."

Averell ponders on the answer to his question for several moments, his mouth turning into a smile as he finally starts to understand the difference between Auram and Aquam, as well as which one controls what. He nods slightly, then starts to provide another example.

"I think I understand now, Professor. If Auram is used to help control the weather, then to expand on Margarethe's idea about watering crops, you could use Creo Auram to create rain to help douse fires. Or, if you use Rego with that, you could fill buckets and troughs to help water animals, could you not?"

His brain started spinning now that he began to understand the differences. This was still all new to him - as it was for all the students - but he was doing his best to learn what he could.

"As long as you use Auram to create rain. Do not think that you can make a bucket's worth of water fall from the air without Aquam. But, yes, if you wanted a small instance of rain, you would use Auram. Other ideas?"

Babette's small hand reaches up.

"You could create a wind to blow away the stench coming from the pig pens." she says with a slight giggle. Fabricus's arched eyebrow indicates he does not see the humor and Babette's smile fades.

"Actually Babette, that might work, but all it really does is blow it a different direction for others to enjoy. To truly dispatch the odors you would..." he pauses. "Well...this makes for an interesting question. If that was your chore, taking care of the odor from the pig pens, how might you do it? Any of you? Using any Art, not just Elementa, though of course I would prefer Elementa."

Julius raises his hand and when called upon. The first thought would be a Perdo Animal to destroy the pig shit. But we could so a Rego Terram to move the shit to the fields. He quickly adds. Master Fabricus, sir.

((Posting here because I can't post on the 'It's all relative' page, if it could be merged back onto it later please JL?))

Fabricus purses his lips and raises a finger as he considers the answer. "You will have gotten rid of the source of the stench, but the odor could still linger. A spell that does something to the odor would be preferable, as there are still uses for the manure are there not? But you also included Terram as part of your answer, which is admirable. Remember my students. As magi, we have the ability to do things greater than any man...yet, greater is not always the answer. The simple logic of the farmer might outstrip the most learned of magi in practical wisdom. When faced with a task I often approach it with the idea to do the job that is required and not use excess power nor perform excess feats. The temptation to do more will be there of course. It is certainly impressive to perform vulgar displays of magic, but subtlety and conservation may serve much better and leave fewer unintended consequences. Other answers?"

Averell raises his hand, completely unsure of what he's about to say. His answers so far haven't been met with wild enthusiasm, and he's hoping to strike silver with his next one.

"Professor, couldn't we use Muto Animal to change the manure directly into an odorless fertilizer? You know, change the fact that it smells but not the underlying beneficial property that crops would gain from it being spread out on them?"

((Again, posting here))

Fabricus turns to Averell. "Interesting question. Would not changing the nature of the substance then change what it can do? By changing it so that it made no odor, might it lose its fertile qualities? Muto and even Perdo, can change something dramatically, but doing so while keeping its essential nature is more difficult and more precise, but it can be done. So...you have a theorhetically viable answer...albeit a difficult one."

He stands and paces in front of the class. "Your question begs more questions young Averell, which shows the complexity of the art of magic. But what is being missed is the simple...what is making the odor? Is it the matter? Is it the air around the matter? Or is it a substance eminating from the matter, something that has not been considered? I will give you a hint, changing the manure might, with some complexity, solve the problem. But affecting either the air or perhaps another substance can leave the value of the manure in place and remove the odor, and might be a spell of lower power and complexity."

Margerethe raises her hand. [color=purple]"Master Fabricus, what if Muto and Auram were used to change the stench into something different...say, instead of smelling like Scheiße, it would smell like rose petals?"

The tiny girl raises her hand again. [color=purple]"Master Fabricus, I don't understand Julius's answer," she says with an almost apologetic glance at her fellow student. [color=purple]"Why would there be a Terram requisite to move the Scheiße? Isn't it wholly Animal?"

Fabricus points to his own nose at the question. "Excellent. You have directed your magic at the actual phenomena, the aroma in the air and of course it is then governed by Auram."

"This is different. Yes, it is wholly animal. My interpretation is that he intended to move the earth and bury the manure, and continue to use the earth to move it elsewhere. However, over time, all solid matter becomes governed by Terram. Your flesh, the animals, plants and trees. Dead matter is often in the province of Terram. The time that causes this transferrance of state is difficult to time exactly, it is not immediate though. Such mystery is part of the Art of Magic."

Ambrose mutters to himself loud enough for only those closest to him to hear, "This class is full of Scheiße."
A perception +Awareness roll of 12 means Fabricus is close enough to hear him. A concentration roll of 9+ is required for students to suppress a giggle or other reaction.

1d10+4 → [5,4] = (9)
invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4546372/ (not quite, but he likely heard muttering)

Fabricus looks up and down the rows of the students. "I said you are to speak when spoken to! I am conducting this class, when you are an Archmaster then you can presume to speak over me! Now, be silent until I call upon you! Ambrose, I have yet to hear of any wondrous solutions to these problems. What have you to say?"

Averell almost laughs out loud when Ambrose makes his comment, but then Fabricus scolds the young boy for speaking out of turn AND not giving any answers to the problem at hand. Averell tries really hard not to laugh, but a few squeaks of laughter come out, and the smirk on his face cannot be hidden over Ambrose's faux pas. Although he was not doing well with his studies in the class so far, he was in heaven with Ambrose being called out by a professor.

(OOC: Simple die roll of 5 + Concentration 3 = close, but not good enough. Oh, missed it by THAT much!)

"Well, Professor Fabricus when I cleaned the Scheiße out of the stables, I used a spontaneous Creo Auram spell with a Rego requisite. I created mini dust devils that did the work for me. So, as you can see, I'm well acquainted with this particular area. At greater magnitudes of knowledge of Auram, one can cause lightning to come from one's fingertips with Creo Auram, and with Rego Auram, if one was in a storm, one could direct the lightning with Rego Auram."