Julius lets out a muffled but clear snigger.
giggle roll (1d10=5)
Fabricus eyes narrow and a slim grimace of a smile creeps across his face.
"So...you admit it, you did use magic against my wishes when I twice told you not to! Your invitation into this Aegis is revoked Ambrose, its power is now working against your oh so willful efforts. You will report to the stables every night for the next week and perform the work you were supposed to do in the first place, and you'd better not try try any magic or you will truly raise my ire. Class dismissed. Ambrose, you will stay behind and do some work for me before reporting to the stables and keep that mouth of yours shut! There is some cleaning that needs to be done."
"Of course I admit it. We're in school that teaches magic to learn magic. We're not in school to listen to some pompous windbag pumped up on his own self-importance." Ambrose beams with pride. "Oh, you know something of the Elemental Arts, I have no doubt that the school would put an incompetent professor in this first class, but you don't know everything. For example, you should know I can't stay after class, as my next class starts soon. I doubt you have the authority to keep me from another class without consulting with that professor or the headmistress."
((Revoking Ambrose's invitation raises the issue that this may create difficulties for other teachers and they may just end up inviting him into the Aegis again.))
Imric looks shocked for a moment at Ambrose's comment. Then he can't help himself and lets out a short giggle. This was not something that was going to go over well with Master Fabricus.
Concentration Roll = 1d10 + 1 = 1d10+1=2 = 2; failure
I'm assuming this is a simple die roll and not a stress die roll, though maybe that's wrong. If it is, here's his second roll: 1d10=5 = 5x2+1 = 11, in which case he manages to stifle his guffaw.
FWIW, Catrina will be more than happy to find non-magical things for Ambrose to do in the next week, e.g., studying from texts. I imagine there's a lot of that required. So a week without magic, especially this early in an apprenticeship, doesn't seem like too great a hardship. After all, there are whole books that need to be memorized.
((My first response would have been bad))
Fabricus seems mildly shocked at the outburst his hand goes to the wand at his belt but then stops and the shock turns into a smile and from there a laugh. it's a chuckle at first and then turns into loud outbursts of guffaws and he actually holds his belly. He laughs for several seconds before he finally stops and wipes a tear from his eye and regards the boy and still sniggers as he does so.
"Thank you Ambrose, that was funny. Perhaps that is the one accomplishment that you've achieved without invoking your grandmother; you made me laugh. The great and powerful Ambrose, who was scraped off his grandmother whatever-her-name-is's dress like a noisome stain to learn at this school when she was unable to tolerate him, shall now presume to tell me that he can't stay after class? Will your grandmother stop me? Or will the other teachers who you have so endeared yourself to stop me? When you are staying here after class at what point will you realize that you are wrong I wonder?" he chuckles again. "Margarethe? Be a dear and when you go to the next class say that Ambrose will be staying with me for his further education this day, but I will be certain to make sure he does not lose time from his lessons and he apoligizes that this is even necessary. Thank you." Fabricus smiles as he dismisses the class exceept for Ambrose who he stares at...the mirth slowly draining from his face.
Ambrose smirks at the comments about his grandmother, thinking to himself, he can't insult me, so he tries to insult my grandmother, pathetic.
When class is dismissed, Ambrose attempts to walk out. Fabricus can attempt to grapple him or use magic to restrain him.
Fabricus will sigh and pull his wand out and use the unseen porter on the boy's tunic to hold him from leaving. ((It has requisites of Animal and Herbam as well as greater than normal strength I believe If he needs a Finesse roll could you make it for me? He has a Finesse of 3 with a specialty of magic items))
Ambrose attempts to slip out of his tunic as he leaves, but gets hung up and stopped.
Fabricus drags him invisibly back into the room but does not let the magic go. He seems annoyed and bored as he goes and shuts the door and turns back to the spoilt little apprentice and sits in his throne.
"What am I to do with you Ambrose? What shall I do? I think you potentially can be a promising magus, as can all here. But truly, the only thing you have impressed any of us here is your temerity, not your magic. It is slightly developed yet too focused already. You obviously have heard all sorts of tales of the Order and the power of your lineage and think that makes you special that you deserve special treatment." He pauses and thinks. "The special treatment that others have used perhaps. My parens had me hold hot coals. He had his own hands broken under a wheel by his master when he was willful. Even Hephaestus himself was hurled from Olympos by his father Jove for the sin of being crooked and ugly, and that when he was just a babe. Would such correction benefit you?" he pauses long while observing his wand, his talisman. "I can kill with this and my other inventions. Have killed, and not just men. They didn't insult me half as much as you tried to. We magi can be a vengeful even petty lot, you should be careful with your words. Your words can be powerfully insulting...mine can be deadly. Keep that in mind, not just as an apprentice, but should you graduate, as a full fledged magus." He sighs again. "What to do, what to do. Well, obviously you'll clean up here, after that go to the next class and then report to the stable. Maybe I shall peruse the library here. This is a Tremere Covenant afterall. Perhaps they have the collected wisdom of the Tytali and how they handle their apprentices." he looks at the fuming boy and makes another gesture with the wand, letting him go. "Get to cleaning, no talking."
((Hephaestus == Greek. Jove == Roman It would be Vulcan and Jove/Jupiter I think))
Ambrose does as he's told.
He reports to his next class.
And after that, he reports to the stables, missing the last two classes of the day, History and Artes (Techniques) as he was specifically instructed. ((I'll leave it to PB/Fiona and jebrick/Clement as to how they'll handle this, we'll play it out here.))
The schedule is listed here and has been for quite some time.
((I figure it's a bit of paradigm to mix metaphors a little between them. Hephaestion though is sacred to the Verditians so he would not say Vulcan. Plus he used Jove earlier in a reference to Auram. And they're all faeries anyway ))
The boy doesn't know how to follow directions. But looking back I did say that he was to go to stables today after cleaning the classroom. I said he'd report there after class the rest of the week, so after the first day, Fabricus will make sure it is understood that the remainder of the week he will finish his classes and then got the stables. I'll address that in the teacher's lounge.
He followed the direction explicitly and smiled the whole time.
Yep...I know. Hasty words and all.
Fabricus meets with the teachers during supper. "My apologies sodales. I kept Ambrose after my class for discipline and it appears he used the words and not my intent and so did not go to your classes this day. He was supposed to be late and make up for his lateness as appropriate. He is determined to raise my ire, so I must be careful. And I must admit he doesn't know how dangerous of a game he is playing. I revoked the aegis from him this day, if you restored it that is fine, it was done so he could not use his magic during his chores. I will need that item I suggested, and soon. My suggestion is to stay unified and support our decisions unilaterally. If I have caused an issue in your classes, please, accept my apologies and if you require compensation I will give it. But he is going to try and manipulate us, I can tell."
Fabricus pauses as something occurs to him, he'll have to investigate something.
Concentration roll: Int(?) -1 + Concentration 0 + die roll of 6 = 5.
Margerethe turns to stare at Ambrose with a gasp of shock.
[color=blue]"Margerethe did say that you were keeping him after class and that he would be late.[strike]..I just assumed that he decided that if he was going to be late, he saw no reason to grace my class with his presence at all.[/strike] I have no qualms about revoking his Aegis privilege, although I would be surprised if he were to learn anything from it."
She harumphs. [color=blue]"Sure as I'm sat here, that boy's going to wind up in so many Wizard's Wars by the time he's through. In fact, I'd be willing to place a wager that he's in his first Wizard's War within five years of his gauntlet."
She takes a sip of her milk. [color=blue]"If he's going to act the ass," she mutters, [color=blue]"maybe he should have the ass's ears. Wouldn't be any trouble at all."
(edited to reflect JL's comments below.)
Two things. He did go to Fiona's class, but late.
My error is that Clement has the last two classes, so this is primarily between Clement and Fabricus.
((And I asked that we put this in Fabricus's story, where I'm moving it.))