1271.3e It's all relative (Fabricus)

1d10+1 → [8,1] = (9) (Not bad)

Fabricus nods at the different comments made and at the mention of not being able to join House Tytalus Fabricus shakes his head. "I would think that would be a challenge to you, you shouldn't let it discourage you. If the Tytalus say one can't do it...a real Tytalus will prove otherwise. First of course you have to graduate here."

Catrina arrives a little late an apologizes for her tardiness. She is wearing stunning blue robes and fresh flowers woven into her hair. She quickly takes her seat and joins in the meal.

[color=blue]"If you think I look lovely in the robes, wait until..." Fiona then remembers that there's a child at the table and doesn't finish the sentence...although she does smile at Clement.

[color=blue]"Interesting. Why would a Tytalan weather-witch want to become a Flambeau? It doesn't seem well-suited to her talents. Why not join ex Miscellanea if she's no longer satisfied with Tytalus?"

Fiona doesn't respond (verbally) to this, but does set her lips in a tight line.

Fiona smiles at Catrina. [color=blue]"Impossible as at seems, sodalis, you look even lovelier than usual this evening."

After some more eating, Clement continues to Ambrose. Your knowledge of the Order would be a great benefit to your fellow students. Rather than give them snide remarks you could lead them and aid in their studies. I'm sure many would be grateful for someone of their own age would explain things.

As a point of order, his remarks in other classes aren't snide. He is a know-it-all, and you can be one without being snide. He's never once mocked any other student for their lack of knowledge, that's a really important point for me to make. And, he's never been so disruptive in anyone else's class, just Fabricus's class.
"I do share, but I don't presume to be the expert, and I will only share if someone comes to me and asks me questions. Would you have me ram my knowledge down their throats?"

Clement can only go on what Fabricus has told him.

Of course not, but you could offer it to them outside of class. They do not know anything about the Order. Your insights would prove valuable to them. Clement pauses for a drink. And it does not hurt to build a group of et collegae that you can call on later if you need help.

...And how Ambrose has behaved in Clement's classes, which hasn't been nearly as bad as what Fabricus has reported. And all of the other teacher should not this, that while Ambrose is a know-it-all, he isn't in any other teacher's face.

"I will follow my own course, if others choose to come with me, then that is my choice. I don't push people away, but I don't follow the crowd. Professors, if I may be excused, I'm finding the discussion banal and tedious. Professors Fabricus has made himself very clear, one hopes that he realizes I won't attempt to become a Verditius, as he is."

((And dinner blows up in 3...2...1...))

"You most certainly are not excused disciplus!" Fabricus retorts, his face reddening as the tone that brought on this dinner comes to the surface. "Bad enough you undermine me in my classroom, now you do it in front of my peers! In my own studio! Who are you?! Who! You are a student! I, we, are all masters! And you will show me my respect that is due, pup! And if I've made myself clear, why were you mucking out stables yet again, this time for a week?! For someone who claims to be so smart, who acts as if he's actually earned something other than being the grandchild of someone who has earned something, you certainly don't seem to learn some things well at all! This dinner is for your benefit, for your future you ungrateful brat! Because the course your on does not have a bright future, I can tell you that much." Fabricus looks down to see that he's clutching a knife in his left hand with white knuckle intensity and finally takes a breath and puts it down.

Ambrose face twitches in a smile as Fabricus blows up at him.
"Very well. I shall follow your decree, Professor Fabricus. Speak only when spoken to, and do only as told."

Clement is a bit shocked at Fabricus' outburst as he looks from Favricus to Ambrose. He quickly covers up the shock with a drink. He then puts his hands in his lap and looks at Fabricus and waits.

Fabrica's eyes narrow. "Oh...you think you are clever." he practically hisses. "You pick and choose when to follow instructions. Just as you pick and choose who you'll behave for! When I say you shall not use magic to clean the stables you do so! Then when I tell you that you'll arrive late for a class you choose to twist my intent and miss all classes to make me look bad! If your statement will have any meaning you will bend that deviousness to actually doing what is said and not twisting my intent! When faced with a choice and one way will upset me and one will not, you will pick the option that will not upset me! It is called logic! And proper behavior! I do not wish to spend my free time coming up with punishments for a willful Disciplus!" Fabricus stops and looks about him at the surprised expressions on the other teachers' faces and scowls before taking a deep breath and closing his eyes and counting in his head for a few seconds.

Once he opens his eyes he speaks more calmly. "And...I wish to say that my goal, is to make you into a successful magus Ambrose, that I want you to graduate. It will make me proud if you accomplish this and I am partly responsible for it. It is not my wish to continue to have these conflicts. If you take my instruction seriously you can, you will, go far. That starts with acknowledging the roles we all play. I was not a humble student and my pater had great difficulties in controlling me as well. It wasn't until I met an Arch Magus of House Tytalus that I became focused and attentive. Maybe I shall tell you of that some day. In the meanwhile, please attend us at this dinner until we excuse you."

Ambrose spends the rest of the mail pushing food around on his plate, unless the magi and magae present have anything else to ask of him.

Clement will make polite, non-informative chit-chat for the remainder of the dinner until Ambrose is excused.

Catrina helps maintain the polite conversation throughout the meal. She makes efforts to draw Fabricus and Ambrose into the conversation, but doesn't press the issue if they make it clear that they don't wish to participate.

((You can ask specific questions, I was just setting the tone for the remainder of the meal.))

((Oh, I didn't have anything specific in mind. Just trying to keep it from being a somber meal. Besides, I don't want to say anything and risk having it called banal. :wink: ))

((He doesn't have etiquette, and I botched the roll for how to get his point across...))

Fabricus stayed quiet for most of the rest of the dinner, only making comments here and there, often steering attention to some of the items in the studio. When it appeared to be winding down he poured himself another goblet of wine. "You are excused Ambrose. Believe us when we say we have care for your progress as well as your conduct. You no longer need to muck the stables out and I formally invite you back into the aegis, but do not misuse your magic. That goes for all of the apprentices." He stood and gestured to the door.

Fiona watches the exchanges between Fabricus and Ambrose with interest and growing concern. The student is precocious, yes, and perhaps a little spoiled by his grandmother, but not really antagonistic.

She knows there must be more than what she's seeing, but no good explanation readily comes to her.

After Ambrose is dismissed, she watches him leave to see how he he seems to have handled his treatment. ((Per 0 + Folk Ken 3 + die roll of 7 = 10.))

She then turns to Fabricus with a raised brow and a hint of a smile. [color=blue]"What was that all about?"

Fabricus seemed to be a bit reflective of the whole dinner and almost missed the question. "Eh? Oh. Pardon Sodales, I beg pardon from all of you and am glad you could make it." he sighs. "Like most in my House we are a prideful lot and reaching a level of status as I have...I am not accustomed to anyone, let alone someone so young, to be so rude and impertinent. And I see what he's doing. I'll tell him one thing and then when it suits him he'll use what I said to inconvenience or embarrass me. 'Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom' both my father and Pater would say. Often before they punished me. I understood that of course, but have only truly come to realize its importance. Either that boy is recklessly brazen or he has a plan for some reason."