2.1 Gone...(I) Winter of 1215-16

"Indeed but I assumed he could have used leap of homecoming and still be in his lab, that's unlikely but..."


That is very sensible, sodales, and requires little effort, thank you for suggesting it. Scylax will speak to Dimitris to see what the etiquette is, who is allowed into Annastaj's sanctum on a regular basis, and send the least threatening person who is allowed to enter to check. As Annastaj has not evinced any such powers in their travels, Scylax is highly doubtful of this course, but it cannot be discounted.


I believe he advertised his services as a falconer, yes, but he has a way with ravens, as well. It is in his best interest to keep the peace between such, or things are bound to get messy! But I know not how either would fare in this cold. His eyes twinkle with delight at his inside jokes

However, I think it is best we organize, as that is a somewhat improbable series of events...Dimitris, can you speak to us about Master Annastaj's usual route, how long it takes to traverse? Can you describe conditions at the moment (whiteout blizzard, regular snowfall, etc.)? Is the search party available to accompany Council members that may decide to find him the old-fashioned way? demurs while Dimitris speaks.

I will again stress the dangers of the night outside the Aegis, there are no open arms, but more like open maws. Annastaj himself stressed this, the perils of the sudden and willful mists. Perhaps he felt a Master like himself had little cause to fear... he sounds very doubtful

One more thing, please forgive my daring at this point, any unpleasantness. To Pavo, Aristocles, Raven, Should we not induct the newest members, swear their oath to this Covenant? Before we embark on this search that is Meru Mudi business? He sounds apologetic and earnest, but his eyes scan his Covenant mates seriously.

"If you have got any doubts regarding my loyalty, I can ensure you there is no need. Though I can't, of course, speak for anyone else, I am fine with either swearing my oath here and now or before Anastaj when he has been found."

After a brief moment he adds: "I would have some questions though before I formally join Meru Mudi, which might extend this meeting and delay the search."

"The decision isn't mine obviously, and I haven't read your charter yet so I don't know what voting procedure and quorum you require for such decision. I will join when you see fit, but the Hermetic Oath is all I need to assist You, if you so desire of course.

I'm not sure If I'll be of use but I know a spell to locate movements on the earth, It has a one mile radius. If he's walking towards the covenant I might be able to locate him, but I could not tell whether it is a covenfolk, a merchant or Annastaj. I could work with your falconer maybe and give him direction for his birds. One again I'm not trying to impose or imply you could not deal with the situation yourself, I'm merely offering help if desired."

He seems surprised about the questions

[ooc questions in case of any formalities, oaths, etc. being executed, will slightly modify the post]

[tab][/tab] Dimitris answers that he has already looked into the sanctum , Anastaj is not there and his things are undisturbed. He and two servants have permission to enter specific areas (mainly to clean, bring food or other such chores). He asks leave to check again, and in getting it leaves in haste.

[I believe Anastaj gave each a copy of the Charter sometime this week for perusal. The actual thing is yet to be determined except some parts (mainly those the Tribunal dictated, ergo mine). There is a thread somewhere about it, has lots of stuff, feel free to read it]
[Want to adjourn and wait? Want to keep talking?]

"Dimitris! We swore an oath that prohibits us to use magic directly to search Anastaj - or any other sodales for that matter - first and foremost to protect him and them. What do you think? Does Anastaj want that protection at this very moment?"

To the others: "What do you say? It probably doesn't help much, but we could have a look at his surroundings, given he left something with enough relevance in his lab that can be used as arcane connection."

Whatever we can do let's do it quickly. I for one trust Dimitis' judgement that Anastaj is late and may be in trouble. I intend to search for him and render him whatever aid he requires. Who is with me? Aristocles exclaims.

"I am with you, Aristocles, but let us leave this meeting in an orderly way" announces Pavo.

"Those who wish to join the covenant right now, declare it and those present can vote. I believe our charter allows admission with a vote of three-fourths of the active Magi. Even with Anastaj absent, we have enough to carry the vote. However, no shame will come to you if you wish to wait until Anastaj is found - you have heard about our finances, and you may have questions about the covenant only Anastaj can answer. In your place ", gesturing to the new magi, "I may want to take a day before making the final decision. However, I will welcome with open arms any that Anastaj thought worthy to join.

So, sodales, those who wish to join today should make their declaration, and we shall vote while Aristocles ponders how to track our beloved founder down."

[OOC: I thought the draft charter at the top of page 3 of the charter discussion thread was the one that no-one had objected to, so that is what Pavo thinks the covenant charter says, hence his mention of "emergency meetings" and "admission with a vote of three-fourths of the active Magi". We can discuss things in that thread if there's anything you find too troubling.]

Prometheus takes out a mirror and shows it to Aristocles and Dimitris. "So if we are sure Anastaj will indeed appreciate this effort, we will need two things. First, we need an arcane connection to Anastaj. I am sure Dimitris can find something. Second, we need someone that knows these mountains well enough, knows the routes Anastaj takes and - probably most importantly - has Anastaj's trust. I suppose you" he looks at Dimitris "would be the best candidate we have?"

After a moment, he continues to explain: "You will be able to see Anastaj and a limited area around him. Hopefully we know if he is well and have an idea where to find him."
To Aristocles: "This is a very limited device, it won't work a second time before the day changes. I still think Dimitris is the most likely to gain insight into where Anastaj might be. Do you agree?"

[OOC from my understanding "Summoning the distant image" does not require Penetration, as it targets the surrounding not the person (target room). If I am wrong and Prometheus knows it, he will not have proposed it.]

Sodales Prometheus, that is an excellent idea, as long as we remain within the code, but would this not be scrying? Asks Aristocles.

A wondrous instrument! And it can pierce Annastaj's defenses, even if he has been unable to renew his evening rite?

<OOC Not sure about that, but more importantly, it has a Room target, so unless Annastaj is in a normal-sized Room/similar-sized cavern, this might not work anyway OOC>

Thank you for suggesting this, Pavo sodales! I earnestly support this course of action!

If you will have me, I will accompany you. I know some formulae that may dissuade some of the more aggressive denizens from pestering us. Though I will go look for one of the pelts we brought back from Tribunal to shield my miserable frame from this cold. Don't suppose you can carry a bit of the heat from your hearth with you? Scylax looks expectantly at Aristocles.

[Ok some standard stuff.

Summoning the Distant Image does not clash Parma does not need penetration roll, even if you use an arcane connection. If the 'target' (Room) is not a room (as defined RAW pg 113) the spell fails. Courtyard, cave are fine, mountain, gorge, slope are not (you need boundary for that). If target is a protected area, spell fails or you might need to penetrate, depends on protection. If target is higher level of regio spell fails (though potentially other spells to breach the regio might be used in conjunction).

Note: This is a direct breach of the Code. You will be using magic to find information about another magus business. That will leave you vulnerable in the eyes of the Code (even if you had a valid and noble cause). The problem is compounded by actually informing the other magi in the council. I expect three out of four to swat the suggestion down just on principle. I would suggest disregarding Prometheus suggestion (or even changing the post), its that controversial imho. Any thoughts?]

[summoning the distant image is indeed clearly scrying, I would argue my method is probably also potentially scrying but more borderline. Pierrick isn't very fond of the idea to say the least...]

[Prometheus proposed that in small dose and the only feedback he got was positive. We can change course now of course. I was actually surprised by the missing pushback anyway. I would expect only soft pushback based on the missing reactions... If anyone changed his mind and his character should have a strong opinion against it that would influence relation to "the recless Tytalus that wants to spy on us all" I'd suggest to retrofit the dialog to have early indication of opposition.]

Pavo will stand up, place a peacock feather on the table, and say "Here is my voting sigil, which I clearly place in favour of admitting anyone who Anastaj invited to join our covenant.

I believe I said we should use any measure short of scrying, but perhaps something got lost in translation. If you will excuse me, I must go up to the roof and ask Nicholas about his birds."

Pavo begins to walk out, whispers to Scylax "try not to let the newcomers get us in trouble" and heads off to find Nicholas. Admittedly, Pavo was one of the last to get round to speaking to Nicholas, as he is slightly wary of eagles.

[OOC: I said "short of scrying" but we're a covenant of player characters, so of course people are going to try and see how far they can bend the code. If Pavo isn't in the room, he can't testify against you when you go ahead and attempt "borderline scrying" anyway.]

OOC - my bad, Aristocles is "honest" and would not have been so positive. His knowledge of the code is almost certainly better then myself - lol. I will alter my post if that is acceptable?

[ooc if you change your posts, keep in mind Prometheus has taken 'I intend to search for him and render him whatever aid he requires' as a positive signal to continue. We should probably rewrite from there onwards if we rewrite]

Pierrick seems concerned "As I already told I'm willing to join the covenant, the disappearance of Annastaj doesn't change my opinion. About the methods to find him, I'd better not resort to scrying. I can see the circumstances leading to the proposal but it carries too much risks of being prosecuted for it, should an official investigation occur later and testimony have to be made about our course of actions today"

[Here goes nothing]

[tab][/tab] A few brief decisions later, the Council is adjourned and magi leave the small chamber to whatever task they have taken upon.

[tab][/tab] After a suggestion to initiate the new members, and having quorum, those new arrivals that wanted to take the oath now did, solemnly repeating the words of fealty to the Covenant of Meru Mudi, as written down in the Charter.
[Of the three, please post if you are taking the oath now. Also who is administering the Charter oath to the new comers, please]

[tab][/tab] Prometheus of Tytalus has suggested a controversial (and against the Code) method of finding the missing Anastaj. The decision of the Council was clear.
[This was the bump in the road. After talks and considerations, we are now at the point where Prometheus did suggest a method of scrying. I want every magi present to state (or not) her position and make it clear to me and other players where he/she stands on this. Those that already did, will have to re-post I am afraid. Treat it as a kind of vote and we will resolve this after it. I expect replies from Pavo, Aristocles, Raven, Scylax, Pertheus and Pierrick. There was another suggestion I think, so please re-post that]

[tab][/tab] Pavo goes to find Nicholas and talk about using those birds to scout for Anastaj. He will find him in a small room inside the Rotunda, where he keeps his birds warm and safe (though it does smell quite a bit).
[Darkwing and eldarin can have this conversation, with Nicholas acting as a cameo (he won't be in this adventure that is). Note that the hawks and falcons cannot be used to scout for individuals without magic, they are trained to hunt prey not search rescues. More over, while the weather calmed down quite a bit, its still winter and the birds are reluctant to fly long distances or above a certain altitude. The raven Nicholas has (which is not present) is another matter...]

[tab][/tab] Dimitris takes the lead and leaves for Anastaj's laboratory. He paces himself but it is clear by the speed he climbs down the main stairs to the basement that this issue is getting to him. The magi that follow him have resolved to stay outside the sanctum and peek-in, ready to do more if necessary (though that too would be a violation of the Code).
[tab][/tab] The basement of the Rotunda is poorly illuminated by some sputtering torches. The smell of burned pine sap battles with moldy stink of old potatoes and the humidity of the nearby (and frequently used) washing troughs. There are two servants closest to the stairs who give a respectful nod to the magi and quickly make themselves scarce. Dimitris ignores them and purposefully goes down the long corridor to the other side and Anastaj's laboratory. The ceiling is quite low (tall people will need to mind their heads) but the structure looks brand new and well cared, the same cherry-red tiles evident on the inside walls. On the north side of the western part is a large door, probably made out of heavy oak and iron bound, with only an stout iron handle and a curious sigil on it, face-height. It is made out of scorched, simple lines a crude cup, from where an equilateral triangle rises. Two thirds up the triangle, a curious twisting loop bisects it (a Möbius strip, not to be confused with the eternity symbol of the Criamon). While the magi pause, Dimitris turns the handle and pushes the door with both hands. There is no squeaking sound or such, but the door does look heavy (magi having contact with Anastaj might remember standing just outside this door, with the elder just peeking in from a small opening. It appears it was the weight of the door that had the magus open it just a little). You are immediately assaulted by two smells: Aniseed and goat cheese. The room beyond has light streaming from outside, yet still leaves lots of places in the shadows, as the wooden blinders had been thrown semi-closed by the storm. Snow has piled up on one of the easternmost windows too. Still it is enough to make details and take on the sight of the laboratory. Dimitris boldly enters, pauses to look around, then veers right towards the old man's personal chamber, a small cell that holds his modest belongings, out of sight of the door.
[tab][/tab] What immediately grabs your attention is the empty(?) space in the middle, around which everything is arranged. The ceiling is low and unadorned, the red-tiles bare and un-washed. The floor though has a large magic circle engraved in it, a double circle with a band of symbols and letters in between made out of silver, gold and some semi-precious stones. There are Greek letters (or numerals) and planetary symbols in clear, geometrical cuts on the floor. But there are also flowing script sigils painted in blue sepia in between them, with some yellow, child-like pictures of some kind of animals and open palms spread around. Most dis concerning is the rock floating in the center of the circle, a large wedge plinth roughly the shape of a harp, depicting the bust of a woman. Suspended in mid air, this heavily pitted block of bluish granite could had been part of a larger statue at some point, but now is just the face, bust, flowing hair and wings of some kind of female. Larger than a human head, she has sensual lips, slightly parted, and closed eyes. Though above average in appearance, the style is not ancient greek. Her hair flow backwards, making the triangle of the wedge and merging with some type of large wings (clearly broken off at the back). It is unclear if those are feathers, skin or scale wings. The bosom is ample, yet pitted and part of it broken off. It would appear that this statue was violently broken off, with several cracks evident. While it stays in air, fluctuating little in height and roughly at the center of the room, tiny lightning bolts originating from the script between the circles periodically arc towards the rock.
[tab][/tab] The rest of the low ceiling laboratory is less impressive. Three large, arced tables are set against the walls, full of usual paraphernalia magi laboratories have. Everything is quite tidy, from the largest alembic to the smallest pipette. Four stools and an armchair lie scattered around. Low shelves hold opaque jars, tubes and reagents. Two small bookshelves, no more than three selves and a storage cabinet bellow them, stand on opposite sides. The right one holds various curios, from interesting skulls of animals to strange wooden branches and luck luster stones. Its cabinet is glass covered front, with myriad of small sealed, colored tubes fixed on cork, in order. The left side bookshelf, slightly larger, contains a small number of books, but is mostly the resting place of scrolls, large rolls of parchment and huge tubes of leather supported with wooden rods. A larger than usual lectern stands nearby, with what seems to be a map drawn on cowhide open on it, depicting some kind of drawing but weirdly a vista from above. The laboratory seems orderly but used, with little evidence of dust anywhere. Still there are no experiments evident and no signs of recent work....

[tab][/tab] Outside, ser Giorgos is taking the reports of the last group of scouts that went out in the snow covered mountain to look for Anastaj. Things look bleak, with no-one reporting finding any trace of the old man. However they did find plenty of other tracks. To the west and the more 'civilized' part of Tymfi, wolf and bear tracks show that the predators are hungry and forced to move to the lower altitudes and closer to the few mountain settlements. To the east the snow is pristine and untouched (though that might be because of the recent snow fall). The southern bank is empty and devoid of life, though two scouts reported seeing strange glimmerings in a shadow place and new green shoots (they did not investigate further). The north bank is a jumble of rocks and snow covering dirty ice. There have been two avalanches recently, snow piling on the Astraka plateau falling over or moving the glaciers down towards the gorge. No sign of Telonia but there was a huge foot print of a giant or ogre...

[I decided to steam-roll ahead a bit and do some stuff needed. I would rather gloss over the Code violation thing, but lets see how this goes. I expect people to post what they are doing, whether following Dimitris and examining the lab, or doing something else entirely. I will have to interject and post specifically for each probably, so do not be alarmed. It will be possible to split into two or three groups, or just stay in one large pack in this adventure. Try not to get anyone killed :smiley: ]