2.3 - The First Council Meeting

Cygna purses her lips in irritation at the man's interruption. As the import of what he said sinks in, however, she looks more concerned, and looks quickly at the others.

[color=red]"If we do intend to make the covenant a place where Christian, Muslim, and Jew are all treated alike, it seems to me that the place to start would be with their clergy. Obviously, since Rabbi Abraham is already established here, the residency requirement wouldn't apply to him, but I think we should make it clear that any new priest, regardless of which religion will be held to the same standards. Chief among these should be a 'live and let live' proviso...no poaching. I would like to think that all the clergy would be mature and civil enough to work out any disagreements between themselves, without the Council having to...intervene."

[color=red]"As someone once told me, until the mundanes find out about it, it's not interference," Cygna says with a smile. [color=red]"I believe Fati said that we had been granted the right to defend ourselves and our humiliores by an Almohadi noble some time back. I'm assuming that right hasn't been rescinded."

[color=red]"A listing of the covenant's vis situation would be handy."

Cygna's lips tighten, but she says nothing.

[color=red]"I think it should also include the Christian and the Muslim priest...ensure that everyone's voices are heard."

[color=red]"I would be delighted," she says with a smile as she cracks her knuckles.

From across the council table, and visible only to Cygna, Adorjan (I hope I wasn't wrong with his fount color):

[color=orange]Oh, this is priceless...
Do you really believe you're all gonna live happily ever after? I should have expected that from these fools, they look weak and weaker. But you, my pupil? I thought I taught you better.
All those foolish dreams you're having? They're gonna come crashing down so very soon. Everywhere around you, christians and muslims are slaughtering each other, all in the name of their god, these zealous hypocrites all persuaded to be right and good. And you believe it's gonna be different in here? Already, you're got templars out there, ready to come and kill you all, while your own covenfolk show the signs of division and spite. You should impose your will on them, and stop dreaming.
Have you seen this Hiems reaction? He knows the knights are bad news and that you should kill them on the spot, yet he's such a sissy he doesn't even dare to suggest it. I had hoped you would have the wisdom and strength to strike while it's still time, but I guess I was hoping too much from you. What are you gonna do when they come? Spread your legs for their swords while they butcher women and children here?
You're such a disappointment

(OOC: This inspired me, and I thought it is very well in character for Adorjan. Feel free to correct me if need be)

(EDIT: Corrected the speech color)

"Hmm... only if others agree with the Cijara Council idea, should we ask her to be "our" representative on it?"

"Oh, I don't think he'd betray the Order," Amos denies. "There has been fellowship between him and Magus Martreau for over fifteen years, and they've made several journeys together. I'm pretty sure he's even stayed as custos visitor in other Covenants, though I cannot attest to it. Then again, I wouldn't mind us being able to leash him a bit," he nods vigorously.


That's actually a good idea. As someone caught between two worlds, she is well suited for this task. And I see this as a win-win situation: This spares us the time for magical activities, while, combined with her lab-setting activities, this will give her important tasks that will maybe offset somewhat her loss, by making her as much a magus as it is possible.

A side effect of his lost love, hiems tends to see things from this point of view

Cygna's eyes narrow angrily as she sees Adorjan taunting her from across the table and she grits her teeth. [color=red]"Yes, there is division and spite. We are going to unify our people, one way or the other. I hope you can live with that," she says. Her voice is little more than a throaty growl, but it still carries well. [color=red]"As far as the Templar mission goes – we will deal with them as well, without bringing ruin on our sodales. So I thank you to take your misbegotten advice and go back to Hell where you belong!" By this time, she is almost shaking with rage, and her fists are clenched on the table.

(ooc – I normally have his text as color=orange)

[color=red]"I think the Cijara Council is a smashing idea...as long as it doesn't come across as our trying to distance ourselves from the humiliores. I think if the covenant is as divided as it looks, it might make them feel more a part of the whole if they see us as being somewhat accessible if they need us for whatever. And although I'm still not certain what Claudia's credentials are, since she does seem to have been an apprentice here, and has been here for some time, then it stands to reason that she would be a logical choice to bridge the gap between the humiliores and the magi."

[color=red]"I've known men who had been magi for much longer who had still betrayed the Order," Cygna says quietly, her voice a marked contrast from her outburst of mere moments earlier. [color=red]"If Father Pierre does remain, and I do wholeheartedly agree that the church does need a vicar, then we should make it clear what is and is not acceptable behavior on his part."

o_O Hiems is surprised. To whom is she speaking??? Even with his second sight, he sees nothing

Lady Cygna, are you all right? No one here said anything against this. He fact, it seems we mostly agree...

Cygna turns and gapes at Hiems. [color=red]"Do you not see him standing right...there?" She turns back to the empty space where she had seen the "shade" of Adorjan Megidézó mere seconds before as she finishes her sentence, and it seems as though the wind had been taken out of her sails. [color=red]"Oh, bother," she says as she slumps in her chair, mortified.

Hiems, o_O

Seen who?
Hiems turns his second sight to the spot designated by cygna, trying very hard to see something, but to no avail (I don't even roll, since it's so useless)
I'm sorry, I don't see anything, despite my second sight. Were we spied upon by some kind of spirit?
Turning to Viscaria
Lady Viscaria, I know you gave faerie eyes, like me. Did you see something that escaped me?

Amos is peering as hard as he can amongst the shadows. He thought the name "Shadow Flambeau" as merely a moniker, but if they're able to spy upon a Council Meeting of one of their opponents (Jaime), especially one where they've spent so much time (Piotyr), then maybe there is more power in the shadows than he originally gave credit for.

[size=85]((OOC: Paranoia paranoia everybody's coming to get me, Just say you never met me, I'm running underground with the moles...:slight_smile: ))[/size]

Viscaria looks up from the Tribunals of Hermes pamphlet that she was reading. "Huh? What?" She slowly moves her gaze across the room, scrutinizing every inch. "I see nothing glamoured here."


Viscaria: Let such details be left to the autocrat, we certainly seem shorthanded as it is. We are aware of the problem, and should be on the lookout for any opportunity to bring suitably marriageable men to their beds, but discreetly, lest we bring a horde of lustful pigs into our fold."


Jaime and Viscaria don’t have any issues with people retaining “1st request rights” to books they leave in library care but maintain ownership of. Unless someone objects, this matter passes without comment.

Jaime: ”Regardless of what Tyrion once had the staff doing, this covenant is in a new spring, and thus we should give them a new set of standing orders. You’ve seen what the library looks like when they’ve had a few seasons doing nothing but maintaining the library. If properly harnessed, they could become another source of income and political favors for us, among The Order and mundanely, as well.”

Viscaria: ”I suggest that....I mean, Will anyone second my proposal that we use them thus: first, to collate a general history of Phoenix Covenant, and then to collate histories regarding each magi who has lived here. This project is of low priority, and should be interrupted by any other project we come up with, but puts them to good use until we have such needs.”


Jaime: “Well, there is still Cersei’s lab, Tyrion’s, and the apprentice lab, most lately used by my departed apprentice, Juris Prudencia.”

Viscaria: “Oh, any papers I find will definitely be forwarded to the library, and you’re all welcome to come into my Sanctum Studio, once I build it.”

Amos, Cygna and Viscaria agree to scout out the labs starting tomorrow.

Unless someone suggests another course, Viscaria’s craftsmen will take up residence in the Regio.

Esteban gets a lab in the Cijara Manor.

OOC: Can someone update the wiki with the mundane council?

“I believe that the Cijara manorhouse already has rooms available for such governance issues. I like the idea of a Language Room, or rooms, though. We could probably find Warders for the task.”

Viscaria: Well, I’d like her to build Vis Extraction and Familiar Binding labs. I also agree with Amos that she should act as liason between the mundane and magical councils. Oh, and we should have her read up on the Code of Hermes...and....well, I suppose I could find endless uses for her, even without using her as a laboratory assistant.


Cygna and Amos will go looking for the refugees, accompanied by the grogs Marie and Gerard, at least.


Cygna will harvest the Mentem Vis in the Vintners.
Hiems will explore the tower ruins for Vim Vis.
Amos will research the vis sources.

Jaime: “It is much like any vis harvesting. Pool the vis in a certain part, and then lop it off. The only real issue is making sure you don’t accidentally kill anyone, or leave gaps in our sentry arrangement.”


Jaime: ”The regio is vast and sprawling, with pocket levels going up and down and shifting flavors quite frequently. There may very well be Faerie levels, though I’ve never fought off an attack from that quarter, nor heard a Vintner suggest such a thing. For all I know, there’s a path leading to Arcadia and the Realms of Magic somewhere out there. The Vintners refer to the creatures wandering around in there as The Impatient, presumably because they climb out of Dominion or Infernal regiones and go looking for a way back to The World. When Cersei realized that the Vintners could attack insubstantial creatures, we planted them at the borders of our little fiefdom. Before then, it was only the Warders fighting off The Impatient, and so anything stronger than a Warder got through.

“The only other thing that I really know for sure is that those who spend any time in this labyrinth of regiones seem to grow attached to it, quite literally. When you die, your soul will know how to get back here. Whether this knowing works as a compulsion, I cannot tell you -- when the Warders are in the ruined city, they are afraid to speak of it. When they are in Cijara, they simply canNOT speak of it, or so I was told. I never really pressed the issue.”


Amos seems to be in charge of dealing with the Aegis issue.


Cygna successfully memorizes the part of the pamphlet concerning the Iberian Tribunal, as of Spring, 1212. It will take the form of a square table, whose surface is a rough map of the Tribunal, surrounded by four seats. There are many small game pieces on the table, representing the different factions and forces. A small abacus can be used to keep score.

Yes, Jaime explains that Piotyr was a spy for the Romans among the Reconquista, particularly those who later became the Shadow Flambeau. He fears that Piotyr's betrayal was discovered, and that the magus is dead.

Jaime: “Now that we have covered that briefly, who do we want to contact, for what, and by whom?"


Viscaria pouts. “This meeting has lasted long enough already! Hiems seems to have some stake in this. I say we give him the matter to deal with, and move on! Let whoever is in charge of the matter decide for themselves who to discuss regarding this. In fact, I think we should make this the general policy: when a new issue comes up, we act as a council to choose who should handle it, and then let them seek input at some other time.”

It is an Easy (3) Folk Ken roll to see that Jaime does not think much of this plan, but he holds his tongue to see how others react.

And then Jaime blanches. "Has anyone been taking notes?"

Cygna looks around at her new sodales, then runs her hands through her hair, frustration evident on her face. She is plainly conflicted as she thinks about what to do next. It's been almost two years that she's been having to deal with this damned shade, and he has yet to make his presence known to anybody but her. And he has yet to leave a physical trace anywhere, nothing that she could concretely point to and say that he had been there. It had taken too long to admit to even her mistress that she had been visited by him, considering his last words to Cygna before she helped to kill him. Grus, who had several decades more experience than Cygna and was also a Mentem specialist, had probed her apprentice's mind and found that she had in truth seen Adorjan, so Cygna was assured that she was not crazy. But it still bothered Cygna that neither she nor her mater were powerful enough to force Adorjan to appear to anyone but Cygna.

Cygna continues to wrestle with the decision for a long moment before she finally shakes her head. [color=red]"No...we were not spied upon. I do not believe that he cares a whit for any living person but me, anymore." She sighs deeply, then looks around again with a look of determination. [color=red]"But, until things change, this must be my curse to bear."

If only to occupy them, agree. It might also be a valuable source of information. But speaking about the future, it might be good to have them become a center of book copy and traduction. There are great texts that, being written in arabic or greek, are lost to the world at large. If they could translate these, we might derive some income from it.

Since we all seem very mostly on the same page, hiems will agree to most of the proposals.

Oh, I can go.
But I might not be the more suited to deal with these. Or maybe I am, since I know this serpent already. There's one thing we should consider, though: Not only am I a magus, with all of the gift's effects, but my... condition makes me even more otherwordly, and thus less susceptible to be trusted. There's also the fact that, whatever the truth, confessor fidel already thinks of me as some kind of devil
A slight pose, to maintain his composure
All in all, it would probably a lot better if some kind of negociator would come with me. Someone that could speak, and that I would advise. Sending someone with the gift to negociate with templars is a dangerous move. Sending me to negociate with these is suicide.

You worry me, lady cygna. You'll have to talk about this in details, but you seem to wear a heavy burden indeed. I hope that, one our aegis comes up, this spirit will be unable to trouble you, although, if he is able to escape both viscaria and my sight, he must be pretty powerful

Eyes wide, Amos looks up from his fingers where he was counting off a brainstormed list of possible tradable items for the Aegis; glances at Cygna's resigned, forlorn face over her burden; Hiem's concern for Cygna evident on his; and Viscaria's impatient and still damp face from her swim earlier, and turns back to Jamie. "Oh dear..."

Cygna pinches the bridge of her nose. [color=red]"I would also advise that we be careful how we approach this. I can think of at least one person that it would be very ill-advised to let anywhere near this enterprise."


[color=red]"Hmm...basically trade our scribal services...or theirs, actually...to covenants for vis or something else we need, or to 'mortals' for silver or goods?" Cygna nods. [color=red]"That should work. Maybe not so much for covenants, unless they have no-one capable of scribing for some unthinkable reason, but could be a boon mundanely."

Cygna shrugs. [color=red]"Seconded."

Cygna flinches, almost imperceptibly, but says nothing.

[color=red]"I thought the Warders had difficulty staying visible for any length of time on the Right Side of the Covenant."

And Terrence and Molly (Cygna and Amos's shield grogs), presumably.

Cygna listens attentively, with a thoughtful look on her face.

Cygna looks a little uncomfortable at this revelation. [color=red]"Have any of the Requonquista said anything or taken any credit for his capture or his Marching, that you know of? And is this something that you might come up against us at the Tribunal next year?"

[color=red]"I would like to study the situation for a day or two, see who I feel might be likely to trade with the new Phoenix, and get back with...Amos, I think you're the one delegated to the trade missions?"

[color=red]"I think we all have a stake in this, if indeed the Templars have established a base at our doorstep." She looks around, her gaze lingering on Amos (briefly) and Hiems (longer). [color=red]"You already know at least one of these Templars, I take it?" she asks Hiems.

[color=red]"Mental notes, Archmagus. I have studied the Art of Memory, and had intended to review the proceedings at my leisure tonight and into the morrow. If you wish, I can scribe a written summary...perhaps have the library staff make copies for all?" (just for kicks...Int 4 + Art of Memory 1 + die roll of 5 = 10 – should be good enough).

[color=red]"But it seems to me that this would be another use for Claudia. She speaks Latin, she has had some Hermetic training, I believe, so she should be aware of what we're talking about."

Cygna concurs.

[color=red]"We do not, I believe, have any legal claim on Castilblanco, so it would not be a matter of simply walking into the village and evicting them. It does worry me, however, that the same day that my sodalis Hiems arrives here, that the Templars, in the company of a priest with whom he has what appears to be an unpleasant history, is discovered to have set up camp so close. Almost as though they were dogging his steps," she says thoughtfully.

[color=red]"I do not believe it would be in your best interests to deal with them directly, Hiems. I do agree that we should send one of us...whether one of the Council of Magi, or one of the Cijaran Council. If it is one of the magi, it stands to reason that it would be best to dispatch one who is Gently Gifted...which would, apparently, be me." Cygna seems resigned to this decision. Although she is not a negotiator, she does think it would be folly to send someone who practically reeks of magic to the Templars.

[color=red]"Doubtful, Hiems. Riversedge's Aegis was on the order of the sixth or seventh magnitude. Which is one reason why I was hoping that we would be able to effect the eighth magnitude that we have in our library." She sighs forlornly.

[color=red]"But, as I said, in the time since his death, he has shown little interest in anyone else, and even then it was only in regards to how they impacted me. If I feel that it becomes necessary, or if he exhibits any different behavior than he has in the past, I will let you know. But for now, he is my burden. I have killed him once before, and I will likely have to do so again when I am powerful enough."

Jaime: "Oh, yes. The Warders must spend the bulk of their time inside the aura of the regio, or they fade away. I was just thinking about when the soldiers we brought to Las Navas de La Tolosa return."

Jaime: "No, I do not believe his cover has been broken. Aside from those in this room, no one who knew is still alive. It is my belief that he is still with the Shadow Flambeau, wherever they are hiding, and is waiting for an opportune moment to reveal them to me."

Jaime: "Among the mundanes, we do not control anything beyond the walls of Cijara. By Hermetic law, however, we are responsible for a good deal more territory. While I commend your suspicions, it is worth pointing out that the Reconquista magi are natural allies of the Templars.

[color=red]"Mental notes, Archmagus. I have studied the Art of Memory, and had intended to review the proceedings at my leisure tonight and into the morrow. If you wish, I can scribe a written summary...perhaps have the library staff make copies for all?" (just for kicks...Int 4 + Art of Memory 1 + die roll of 5 = 10 – should be good enough).

Viscaria: "The Art of Memory? What is this you speak of? A spell?
OOC: We don't need to actually go through this, unless you want to. But she's curious.

Jaime: "Still, now that we seem to be winding down, I think it might be wise to review who is in charge of what."

Viscaria: "I have agreed to construct Unity Hall, and organize a school for the children.

Hiems, unflinchingly
Yes. I had the pleasure to have confessor fidel happen upon my life, and that his opinion of me is even more flattering than my own thoughts about this man. His opinions about supernatural powers are also rather entertaining, altough one could describe them as slightly manichean.

By now, hiems presence is felt by those near him like a reverse heater (a cooler?) which, hopefully, goes moslty fine given the climate.

Hum... That would be a nice attention, although, as they say, three is a crowd. I wouldn't dream to think that such a pleasant and learned man would interest such fine people with me, though

Although he jokes with all this, hiems voice is devoid of emotion, making his words all the more strange, as this is all just a facade between him and the world, an armor to protect him. Inside, though, he is shacken by Cygna's conclusions. This seems pretty credible, and doesn't bode well. Hasn't this man ruined his life enough already?

This strikes a chord. Cygna is actually being kind to hiems, and this is difficult to bear, although it touches him.
I... thank you, sodales, but... I don't want to burden you anymore than you are already. I agree with your conclusions, but... I don't want you, or any of my sodales here, to bring the attention of these men to him. At the very least, let me come with you, if only to stay back in case you need my help. I should be able to glamour myself out of sight, which, combined with my ring, should at least allow me follow you through their camp.

This is pretty strange, especially since you are the only one able to see him. Could you be under some kind of curse, or a mentem malediction?
I would like to help you, but I fear that my abilities aren't up to the task, far from it.

Now, this would be interesting.
These criminals did a great deal of harm, and I'd sure like to bring them to hermetic justice.

This is relieving for hiems, strangely. Still...
... Which could be a lot worse. Yet, cygna's remarks are insightful nonetheless. Maybe their agendas crossed? Whatever we do, we need to deal with that situation with care.

Well, I shall search my tower for vis. I'd also like to go check on these templars, either with a mundane negociator, or as a bodyguard to lady cygna

Cygna still looks concerned, but does not follow up on Jaime's information.

Cygna looks thoughtful, but again says nothing.

(ooc – so not good enough to memorize the meeting...but with her int, she should still remember the gist of what was said, even if not every detail, if I understand correctly)

Cygna will briefly explain that it's a mnemonic technique she learned as an apprentice, which (if practiced correctly) enables her to remember things in perfect detail...such as a document, a conversation, or a meeting. [color=red]"I am not yet skilled enough in the technique to reliably memorize anything too complex, but I am practicing." She offers to explain more later, when she and Viscaria are discussing the golems.

[color=red]"I am to harvest the vis from the Vintners, Amos and I are to assess the refugees that have set up camp in our demesnes. Viscaria, Amos and I are to start examining the unclaimed laboratories tomorrow."

As Hiems speaks, Cygna watches him intently, almost certain that the bizarrely handsome magus has secrets in his past that will impact the covenant (and her). She does not believe for an instant that what he seems to be hiding can hold a candle to her dark secrets, but time will tell.

[color=red]"Hiems," Cygna says gently, [color=red]"we are sodales now. Your enemies are my enemies, your friends are my friends, your allies are my allies, your blood is my blood. This is the oath we have all taken, the charter we have all signed, is it not?"

[color=red]"Quite likely. His last words on this Earth would be that I would never be rid of him. I would not be surprised if he had made a pact with his infernal masters to allow him to remain here beyond his time. And my own mater, who also has an affinity for the art of Mentem and decades more experience than I, had not been able to do anything to remedy the situation before I left home. Cygna appears to be growing a little uncomfortable discussing her own problems.

Hiems seems to ponder cygna's words, hiding behind a facade of reflexion the fact that this puts ill-at-ease. Not only is he too acustomed to be a loner, and thus uncomfortable with cygna's kind words, but this clashes with his chevalrous ideas to have someone else protect him, especially a lady.

Point taken. Yet, you'll pardon me if I wish to spare you problems with these. I really appreciate your support and kindness and thank you for these, but, should you be right, I'd hate to have drawn unwanted attention to our covenant. I must say that this is a difficult matter for me to judge. There are too many different factors involved, and I can't seem to determine if my presence there would be a boon or doom. All I know is that I don't like the idea of sending someone else into the Lion's Den, and, should you go, I feel compelled to come with you and share your fate.

Hiems nods.
I understand. I am sure that, in time, we'll be able to get rid of him.
Very conscious of cygna's discomfort, he'll say no more.