2.4 - OOC

Abdul Fati bin Saladin would be great. It would take a lot of the military responsibility off Étienne, and there wouldn't have to be concerns about some order being fouled in the translation. It would give the grogs some measure that someone who knows what they're doing is in charge of them, militarily speaking (he's already switched orders around, twice). Étienne's skills are more along the lines of diplomacy, commerce, and administration. His sword is there, because sometimes negotiations turn aggressive.

Abdul and Brigitte can catch up together, or we can retcon the whole durn thing, AFAIC.

Yeah, I have that. I hate it.

If someone else handles the retcon, I'll play Abdul.

Her Pious major flaw?

Not so much that as a desire to establish "more of us than there are of them." :slight_smile:

Then I wouldn't call it Pious? Or A Flaw?

Piety does not preclude self-preservation. In fact, for Judaism, the two frequently go hand-in-hand by necessity :wink:

MRB, pg 120, "Ward Againsts Beasts of Legend," says it traps. The Rego Mentem ward says expels. Rego Aquam forgets to address it entirely, and all the other spells point at ReAq, for some reason. As far as I've always played it, the answer is that the ring is where the magic is, so things can be trapped inside or out. I'm willing to listen to opposing arguments, if someone really cares.

There are a billion Biltmores when I google. Link me to what you're talking about? Check the photos and compare the number of windows.

Only, your sheet says Re 9, Co 7. Now, I figured out after a bit that your "Re 12" is actually "Re 9 + Puissant Re 3", and your "Co 14" is actually "Co 7 + Focus 7," but as I said, I'm relatively new to the system, so I need you to be patient with me and lay out the math, especially in the early days of interacting with your character. For example, I have no idea why you would want to Boost a teleport spell.

Wait a minute! If the rabbi can't go, how come Azura can?

Because you can boost the target from Personal to Touch. More useful when you consider Mercurian spont is useless.

Once the sun goes down tonight, Azura can catch up to the group in a matter of minutes. Rabbi doesn't have 7LS.

I was thinking that the day of the refugees is a Saturday. I thought the council meeting was Friday evening. How I got to those conclusions, I'm unsure of at this point.
When was the first Council meeting? If we can establish that date, then the merchant arrives thread is established in time, and then we can sort out sabbath days.

A-ha! Now I see. If I was gonna go that route, I would then take Imbued with Spirit of X, only then I would be just another variation on Hiems.....craziness.

As 7 leagues = nearly 40km, damn, yes you can. Which really makes you question the whole definition of territory thing....

You are correct. Check the Game Log.

And now for something completely different....

After scouting the three or so labs we were going to, I'm fairly certain that Cygna's going to formally claim Cersei's old sanctum/laboratory at Friday's council meeting.

Which means, I guess, that I should try to squeeze writing up the lab into my schedule? :slight_smile:

I'm pretty sure it has (without referencing my Covenants yet) Mentem and Herbam specializations, as well as some kind of Astrological affinity? Anything else that it should/must have/not have?

Umm, there are Christians and Muslims...

Lucky you. :stuck_out_tongue:

We'll need stats by the time we need stats for it.

There's no "astrological affinity," but you could model the existence of those astrological items with a Focus/Feature, etc. The potted plants have all withered.

And clearly, the "taking over another magi's lab" rules were written by someone who never play-tested the expanding lab personalization rules.

Unless you actually spend the time and effort to clear out your labs, they will be Infested with grapevine (or some other flaw which represents their presence).

Beyond that, I give you the same sort of free reign that I gave Fixer to draw up his and Viscaria's lab. This is a middle-to-high power game, and you guys only spent an hour or two in there. There could be all kinds of things that you didn't see. (that goes for the other labs, too).

Yeah...but look how much Creo Bleach I'm going to have to spont to get the thing liveable!

Christians are probably fine, but I don't think medieval Muslims would eat food prepared by anyone not trained in halal stuff. (If I understand correctly, halal is more analous to pareve than kashrut, so someone better learned in Islamic practices could correct me.) At the very least he'd need separate kitchens for cooking for Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Once any treif touches your utensils, everything else you touch with it is also treif. Ostensibly Muslims are equally fastidious about haraam.

Could we get some definitions for the terminally non-Judea-Christians here? :slight_smile:

Halal is symbolically analogous to kosher, and has as many myriad nuances to deal with, but the short hand is that the kitchen and butchering work is supervised by a religious figure, who prays while the food is being prepared.

Barring any personal issues that come up between the parties involved, it is possible to make food that is both kosher and halal (there's a store around the corner for me that does just that).

This was something I'd intended to explore with Levi, at a later time.
From what I know, which ain't much, I'll admit. They're very close. During the slaughter of an animal, muslims say Allah as they slaughter the animal in the same method Jewish people do. Of course, there's the differences in alcohol, too. If the kitchen is kept kosher, and the animal is butched in muslim fashion, everyone should be fine.

As to the cooking on sabbath, why do you think I made Ra'am go through the effort of making a hot pot as soon as he arrived?

Sure :slight_smile: Halacha is Judaic law. Kashrut is the body of dietary law. Kosher is food prepared specifically according to kashrut. Pareve is food not expressly prohibited and thus considered okay by default (like, vegetables, for example). Treif is forbidden foods, which includes anything that's ever come in contact with anything forbidden (you use a knife to cut a cheeseburger in half, and any otherwise kosher or parve food you touch with it is also treif).

Whether or not food could be both halal and kosher would depend on whether medieval Muslims recognize that Allah and Elohim are both the same g-d, which I doubt because people STILL have problems with that today :stuck_out_tongue: I could email Niall Christie and ask him, if anyone else is interested in finding out the most educated guess?